Sooo, this one took a while. I Kinda lost interest in plugins for a while, And this update was so huge I never really finished it, Well it is finished now and too big for me to completely test by myself. That's why
This version is marked as a beta release, As I can't guarantee everything will work perfectly and on any of the supported versions.
So, What's new? - Potion effects You can now keep/delete potion effects when players die You can even reduce their duration, or lower their level.
- Ignored Materials you can now ignore specific items. Like Elytras, Fishing rods & other neat stuff
- Split up inventory into 3 categories You can now set up BetterKeepInventory for 3 seperate areas of a players inventory: Hotbar, Inventory & Armor
- Economy Support You can now make players lose money when they die.
So, What's changed? The config has been completely redone, Your current one SHOULD be able to migrate and set all the new settings properly.
If this does not happen, Your old config will be saved as config.old.yml so you can fix any issues (And ofcourse, report that it went wrong)
Hopefully it all goes painless though.
Permission Changes: Permission nodes for .break and .damage have been removed, please use the generic node: betterkeepinventory.bypass.<type> instead.
Admin permissions have also changed, You now have three permissions to deal with: - View current config, usefull if you want players to be able to view it. - betterkeepinventory.reload Reload the config file, Should not be given to players - View the command listand plugin version number