Better Ender Dragon icon

Better Ender Dragon -----

Makes The Ender Dragon a harder boss!

Loot Editor, New Attacks, Bug Fixes, and much more
A new version of Ender Dragon Reimagined is out with new attacks, the ability to edit the Ender Dragon Loot, bug fixes and optimizations, and much more!

Loot Editor
You can now edit the loot given by The Dragon when defeated! This is compatible with custom items from other plugins!
Detailed explanation in docs
- /editloot to open a GUI with The Dragon's current loottable that can have items added or removed.
- /generatelootconcept to generate a sample loottable with your current settings.

Improved & New Attacks
The Dragon has become stronger and smarter since V.0.51!
- Fire Breath has been updated to be more precise, deal balanced damage, and be a threat to players on towers.
- Fireballs have had their flurry size increased on average and better targeting.
- Enderman Mind Control has been reworked to be more effective and cause more Endermen to attack.
- Grab has been updated to have a slightly larger range to pick players up from.
- Respawning Crystals has been reworked so that there's no longer a Crystal at the center where The Dragon can block it with its hitbox, instead The Dragon will spawn one Crystal that begins respawning others.
- Shulker Bullets is a new attack that spawns Shulker Bullets that constantly target players. Be careful or you might get stuck floating!
- The Dragon's AI has been slightly improved so that it's more aggressive in the second phase and spends less time flying around the towers.

Ender Crystal Improvements
Ender Crystals have been made much more difficult to defeat to add a challenge to the battle. They now have 3 hearts displayed above them, and each time they're damaged they lose a heart, temporarily turning red and becoming invincible. After all 3 hearts are gone, you can hit them one more time to explode them like normal. Be careful while attacking the Crystals, as The Dragon will notice and begin shooting fireballs at the tower to knock you down. (Note. these changes only apply to Crystals spawned by The Dragon, Crystals spawned by Players, Commands, or other forms will not be affected and will act as they do in vanilla.)

Enraged Challenge Mode
If The Dragon Battle is still too easy for you, the Enraged Challenge Mode is the most difficult The Dragon can get. The Dragon spawns in with all of its attacks unlocked and at full power, with little to no cooldown between attacks, allowing it to chain deadly attacks together quickly. In addition, The Dragon can now respawn up to 4 Crystals instead of the 2 that it normally does, making chipping down its health much more difficult. To enable Enraged Mode, wear a Dragon Head while The Dragon is respawning. You’ll know if it worked if The Dragon respawns with the prefix “Enraged” before its name. If you have dragonAttacksAnnounced enabled, it'll display a message in chat saying that The Dragon is enraged.

When defeated, The Dragon can now display a leaderboard in chat showcasing the players who participated in the battle. The players are sorted by most to least damage, with EXP being distributed down accordingly. To participate in the battle, you must deal at least 1 damage to The Dragon. This setting is disabled by default, however you can enable it in the config under shouldDisplayLeaderboard. (Note. even with the leaderboard disabled, EXP is still distributed in this way. This EXP doesn't replace the default EXP dropped by The Dragon, it's just an additional reward.)

Dragon Announcing Attacks
There's a new setting in the config that allows The Dragon to announce its attacks in chat, for example saying “Ender Dragon has launched fireballs!” This setting is disabled by default, however you can enable it in the config under dragonAttacksAnnounced.

Misc Updates & Changes
- Updated the stats of the Dragon Slayer Armor and added a trim
- Tweaked loottable distribution slightly
- Removed End Meteors
- Removed Dragons Elixir
- Removed endermite attack
- Endermen and Endermites now have dragon immunity ticks when spawned (more in depth info in docs)
- /listendworlds, /addendworlds, and /removeendworlds have been combined into one command: /endworlds.
- /dragonplugininfo will display all necessary plugin and command info.
- New console startup message (if you see the message in console, the plugin has started up properly and shouldn't have any errors)
- Config has been heavily updated as the attack system has been reworked internally, with the most major change being that the majority of the attack frequency fields have been removed. These fields may return in the future as I continue to improve upon the system.
- Dragon's fire breath sound effects have been noted to be too loud by many people, so you'll be glad to hear that the field dragonCanFireBreathSounds has been added to toggle them on and off.
- Added the Iris of The End...

Bug Fixes
- Endermites disappearing bug
- Endermen disappearing bug
- Endworlds disappearing bug
- Endworlds not overwriting on save
- Endworlds not detecting worlds properly
- Console being spammed with errors when Endworlds is empty
- Major Internal Rewrite and optimizations (more to come in V.1.0)

Plugin Documentation
The Plugin now has a doc with all important info on it! There's an in-depth guide on how to use the Loot Editor and edit The Dragon as a whole. This will continue to be updated as I update the plugin!

The Future & Other News

I'm aware of the large gap between the last update and this one, however, I wasn't working on plugins for half of that time. A small portion of time was spent on working on the latest Sculk Invasion update, and the rest has been spent working on a much larger plugin that ties into this one, with my hope originally being to release them simultaneously. However, I'm waiting until 1.21 fully releases to release that plugin and I didn't want to keep you all waiting much longer.
V.1.0 will come alongside the new plugin, Better Endgame, a plugin aiming to add more content post-Dragon in the form of an increased difficulty, new bosses, items, and more, all in a vanilla-friendly fashion. I won't say much now, but the newly added Iris of The End will play a big part in the progression...
Other plugins I have slated for release are, in no particular order:
- Elder Guardian Reimagined
- Wither Reimagined
- Raids Reimagined
These will likely come after Better Endgame, so keep an eye out for that!

Thank you for your patience, more news soon!
----------, Mar 16, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,947
First Release: Jul 8, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Version -----
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