Better Ender Dragon icon

Better Ender Dragon -----

Makes The Ender Dragon a harder boss!

Multiple End Worlds, Resetting Dragons, Dragon Names, and more!
A new version of Ender Dragon Reimagined is out with bug fixes, the ability to have multiple compatible End Dimensions, and more!

Multiple End Worlds
In previous versions, the custom Dragon fight was locked to "world_the_end", causing errors for those with differently named worlds. Now, you can add your world to the list of End Worlds!
- Do /listendworlds to see all the worlds current set to this plugin! ("world_the_end" is enabled by default)
- Do /addendworld <world_name> to add a world to the list!
- Do /removeendworld <world_name> to remove a world from the list!
This list saves on server close or when the server saves naturally.

Resetting and Removing Dragons
You can now reset the Dragon fight or remove the Dragon entirely!
- Do /resetdragon <world_name> to kill the Dragon and respawn a new one!
- Do /removedragon <world_name> to kill the Dragon.

Renaming The Dragon
You can now set the Dragon's name to whatever you want! Simply go into the config and find "dragonName", then change the name! This supports colors, bold, underline, etc with the ยง symbol!

Dragon Loot Changes
You can now change the armor type of the Dragon Slayer Armor! Go into the config and find "dragonSlayerArmorType" and change the material after it!

By default, the Dragon respawning will now also destroy previous loot chests. However, this can be changed by going into config and finding "dragonRespawnDestroysLoot" then changing the value after it to false.

Slight optimizations, various bug fixes, and Dragon attacks are no longer locked to "world_the_end".

If any bugs appear please notify me!
----------, Jul 19, 2023
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,947
First Release: Jul 8, 2023
Last Update: Nov 27, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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