Firstly, I do recommend everybody to regenerate their language files and correct the lang name in config: en has been changed to en_US, fr to fr_FR and cn to zh_CN. Additions :
New translation system:
All files are now stored in a separated file: plugins/BeautyQuests/locales
en_US, fr_FR, zh_CN and de_DE (new!) are copied by default
You can help us translate BeautyQuests in other languages with our Crowdin project
New inventories closure system:
A "yes/no" GUI is now showed when you try to close the inventories, to avoid losing your work
The command /quests inventory has been created in case of a problem, it will reopen the latest inventory you opened
Dialog and permissions editor now have a better help
The permission beautyquests.start has been created: enabled by default, it allows player to start quests
Informations messages on /quests setStage ...
Changes :
allowPlayerCancelQuest option now enabled by default
questItem option is moved to language file
Missing dependencies messages are no longer displayed