You can now create a specific message for permission requirement
SkillAPI class requirement
New command : /quests setstage <player> <quest> [newstage]
New configuration options : itemNameColor and itemAmountColor, to configure colors for message in Items and Mobs stage types.
System of vanilla translations (1.13 and higher) : copy a Minecraft JSON language file (who can be found in the assets folder of your .minecraft) into the BeautyQuests plugin folder, then put his name in "minecraftTranslationsFile" config option. All blocks, items and mobs names will be translated through this file !
Changes :
Timer message now shows minuts left ("You must wait x minuts before starting this quest again")
Timer can now be configured for each quest
Hologram text is now configurable per quest
Description messages in Quests menu are now splitted for stages Mobs, Mine and Items
Launch item hologram showed only once per NPC
Talk item hologram is now disabled if ProtocolLib isn't installed
Fixes :
Supports the new dev bulds of WorldGuard for 1.13
Chat stage type was not saved properly in config
Fixes in dialog editor
Fixes with quests editing when cancelled
Fix when more than 9 stages on one quest
Fix with start dialog if more than 1 quest on one NPC
Fix when removing a quest on a NPC with other quests