Hello there there is now option how to open shop from you main shop
or if u want to open shop 2 form shop one.
Here you can see example:
Code (Text):
## Configuration for BeastTokens by KikiCro26
## Configuration of /token shop
## '1': - Slot number/space in /token shop. DO NOT have same number twice!
## Item: DIAMOND_SWORD - Item that is shown in the inventory slot, you can use number for item name.
## Data: 0 - Used for colored wool/glass/god apples (ex: 322:1). Normal items should have Data = 0.
## Amount: 1 - Amount of item that is shown in /token shop (ex: a stack of diamonds = 64).
## DisplayName: '&b&lSuper Sword' - Name for item shown. Use ' ' to have it be the normal in-game name (ex: Diamond Sword)
## Price: 100 - Number of tokens needed to buy the item
## Encahnts: - Display encahnts in shop. Can be multiple lines/commands, just follow format.
## - 'give {player} 276 1 name:&b&lSuper_Sword'
# For the enchantment ids visit http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-discussion/creative-mode/365638-enchantment-id-list
# Enchantment Format: [Enchantment ID];[Enchantment Level]
## Lore: '&cBest sword ever!' - Lore of the item shown. Use ' ' to have nothing.
## Commands: - Commands sent upon buying of an item. Can be multiple lines/commands, just follow format.
## - 'give {player} 276 1 name:&b&lSuper_Sword'
## rCommands: - Random Commands sent upon buying of an item. Can be multiple lines/commands, just follow format.
## - 'give {player} 276 1 name:&b&lSuper_Sword'
## - 'give {player} 300 1'
## This above example and the command sent were created with the use of the plugin Essentials in mind.
## You can use any type of commands from any plugins, you just have to adjust the config accordingly and follow
## the proper format!
## Number of slots in /token shop
## HUGE NOTE: Number of slots must be a multiple of 9 (9/18/27/36/45/54)
## Additionally, YOU MUST have an item defined in "Shop" for each slot number in "NumberOfSlots".
## Otherwise, you will receive an error upon using /token shop <ShopName>!
NumberofSlots: 9
## This Title will display name of Inventory
Title: '&4&lExample &b&lShop'
## This item will replace all empty Slots.
## If u don t want item put Item: Air
Data: 14
DisplayName: '&7&l[&4&lB&b&lT&7&l]'
- ''
## Item in Shop
Item: BOOK
Data: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&aOpen Shop Free'
Price: 0
#Here u can open other shop
OpenShop: "example"
Item: BOOK
Data: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&aExample Item'
Price: 0
#Here u can open other shop
OpenShop: "example"
- '&eThis is the &aExampleItem'
Item: BOOK
Data: 0
Amount: 1
DisplayName: '&aExample Item'
Price: 0
#Here u can open other shop
OpenShop: "example"