BaseRaiders RECODED - [Protection blocks] -  Highly customizable! icon

BaseRaiders RECODED - [Protection blocks] - Highly customizable! -----

Fuel, Decay, Money generator, Ranks & more!

More On-Click events | Bug fixed | Config changes | Small optimizations
Change log:
- Added "right-click", "shift-left-click", "shift-right-click", "middle-click", "double-click" to the "on-click" section, have fun :)
- Modified [SPECIAL] tag "buyFuel", "upgradeGenerator", "upgradeFuel" and "upgradeRange" so now they require an amount after the tag, example: "[SPECIAL] buyFuel 5" will buy 5 fuel
- Removed some placeholders
- Added the following placeholders:
- "%fuel-buy-price-for-X%" you can replace the "X" with any number, will display the buy price for X amount of fuel
- "%fuel-upgrade-price-for-X%" you can replace the "X" with any number, will display the price for X amount of fuel upgrades
- "%range-upgrade-price-for-X%" you can replace the "X" with any number, will display the price for X amount of range upgrades
- "%generator-upgrade-price-for-X%" you can replace the "X" with any number, will display the price for X amount of generator upgrades
- Added the following to "placeholder-replacements":
- "fuel-buy-price-for-X"
- "fuel-upgrade-price-for-X"
- "range-upgrade-price-for-X"
- "generator-upgrade-price-for-X"
- Fixed several bugs with the placeholders
- Formatted huge numbers - money related placeholders
- Added "enchanted" option for protections in protections.yml and for items in config.yml
- Small re-code of some GUIs
- Fixed config.yml generating badly
----------, Jun 2, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 55
First Release: May 19, 2024
Last Update: Yesterday at 10:27 PM
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
8 ratings
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Downloads: ------
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