2.0 - Big update | GUI Rework | Many more placeholders | Decay permissions & more
Change log:
- Added an option to modify permissions of a decaying protection
- Placeholders now work in most places in the plugin
- Added several new placeholders (entire list at:
https://app.gitbook.com/o/bUKwIX8J5...RYf45/~/changes/14/configuration/placeholders )
- Added PAPI support
- Recoded the entire GUI, now you can add your own custom items!
- Changed most of config.yml
- Changed some parts of protections.yml
- Added max capacity for generator storage
- Small optimizations & cleanups
- Fixed a bug with explosions
- Fixed a bug with protection placement
- Fixed a bug with fire
- Added an option for some placeholders to modify their value if it is "null"
- Added an option to buy fuel with custom/regular items
- Added customizable events for GUI items on-click