Last Update: (Testing) Added advanced command system, this is mostly generated from a .yml file which can be found here: Each argument can be changed, have an alias and have its own permission. If there are any problems with it, it can be changed back to the old one in config: Command_Advanced: false and report the problem to me
Made language.yml look nicer, less MESSAGE.BANK_IS_FULL and more Message.Bank_Is_Full Added
Code (Text):
Take_Out_Amount_Lore_Max: '&aMax Loan: <a>'
Take_Out_Amount_Lore_Interest: '&aInterest rate: <a>'
Title_Format: '&7[&a<base>&b<args>&7]'
Commands_Format: '&f/&7<base>&b<args>'
Message_Format: '&7[&aBank&7] <message>'
Unknown_Format: '&cUnknown command /<base><args>'
No_Permission: '&cYou do not have the permission to perform this command.'