Changed to new
Core, remove DabCore if not needed for any other plugins
Added loans payback, enable it in config:
Code (Text):
# Enable loan payback
Enabled: true
# Sync to interest or not
Sync_Interest: false
# Timer in seconds of the payback (1800 is 30mins)
Timer: 1800
# Next time to trigger (will count down to 0 then go to Timer)
Next: 0
# Minimum amount of payback
Minimum: 0
# Rate of payback (0.03 is 3%, around 33 times of payback till payed off)
Rate: 0.03
# Loans payback failed
# Enable loans payback failed
Enabled: true
# Commands to run (if it failed 2 times will run 1 aswell)
- jail <name> 10m Failed to pay loan
- jail <name> 15m Failed to pay loan