Reason why I am calling this a beta version is due to the fact I have been able to test with a few players data (thanks to
@Gasha). But am just wanting to caution users in case they have any problems. If there are please message me or post in the discussion I will fix it asap.
So, before updating to this version please backup your player data in the bank folder if you are on file save, people with mysql should be fine, but if you want to make sure backup your mysql aswell.
File save will now automatically convert to SQLLite save. Please use the following instructions:
1. Stop your server
2. Install updated plugin
3. Start server, the plugin will make sure nobody is online whilst it is converting saves.
4. Watch console for progress and any errors.
5. Server will stop after converting, just start it up again and your done
"/bank time" messages are now translateable.