English Doc is below.
AwesomeMarket 插件
文档版本: 1.0 (请根据实际情况修改)
AwesomeMarket 是一款为 Minecraft 服务器设计的综合性市场插件,旨在为玩家提供一个便捷、高效、功能强大的交易平台。插件拥有一个全球市场,玩家可以浏览和购买其他玩家上架的的商品,并通过友好的图形界面 (GUI) 完成交易流程。AwesomeMarket 致力于提升服务器的经济活力,丰富玩家的游戏体验。
- awesomemarket.storage.lookOthers (#查看其他玩家的暂存库)
- 描述: 允许玩家查看其他玩家的暂存库内容。
- 默认值: op (仅OP玩家拥有)
- awesomemarket.market.lookOthers (#查看其他玩家的商店)
- 描述: 允许玩家查看其他玩家的商店内容。
- 默认值: true (所有玩家默认拥有)
- awesomemarket.find (#查找主手商品)
- 描述: 允许玩家使用 /amt find 命令查找手中物品,并在市场中显示搜索结果。
- 默认值: true (所有玩家默认拥有)
- awesomemarket.market.withdraw (#下架商品)
- 描述: 允许玩家下架自己在市场中上架的商品。
- 默认值: op (仅OP玩家拥有)
- awesomemarket.transaction.look (#查看交易记录)
- 描述: 允许玩家查看自己的交易记录。
- 默认值: op (仅OP玩家拥有)
- awesomemarket.transaction.lookOthers (#查看其他玩家的交易记录)
- 描述: 允许玩家查看其他玩家的交易记录。
- 默认值: op (仅OP玩家拥有)
- /amt 打开市场
- 描述: 打开 AwesomeMarket 插件的市场主界面,玩家可以在此浏览商品、搜索商品、访问个人商店等。
- /amt find
- 描述: 查找玩家当前主手中所拿的物品,并在市场界面中显示与该物品相关的商品信息。方便玩家快速了解市场中是否有同类商品出售。
- /amt view market <玩家名称>
- 描述: 查看指定玩家的商店。玩家可以使用此命令浏览其他玩家的商店,查看他们正在出售的商品。
- /amt view storage <玩家名称>
- 描述: 查看指定玩家的暂存库。管理员或拥有 awesomemarket.storage.lookOthers 权限的玩家可以使用此命令查看其他玩家的暂存库。
- /amt view transaction <玩家名称> (可选: <目标玩家名称>)
- 描述: 查看指定玩家的交易记录。
- 如果只输入一个玩家名称 /amt view transaction <玩家名称>,则查看该玩家自己的交易记录(需要 awesomemarket.transaction.look 权限)。
- 如果输入两个玩家名称 /amt view transaction <玩家名称> <目标玩家名称>,则查看 <玩家名称> 的与 <目标玩家名称> 之间的交易记录(需要 awesomemarket.transaction.lookOthers 权限)。
English Documentation
AwesomeMarket Plugin Documentation
Document Version: 1.0 (Please update as needed)
Plugin Description:
AwesomeMarket is a comprehensive market plugin designed for Minecraft servers, providing players with a convenient, efficient, and powerful trading platform. Featuring a global marketplace, players can effortlessly browse and purchase items listed by others through a user-friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI). AwesomeMarket is dedicated to boosting server economy and enriching player experience.
Detailed Permission Nodes
- awesomemarket.storage.lookOthers (#View Other Players' Storage)
- Description: Allows players to view the storage inventory of other players.
- Default: op (Only for Server Operators)
- awesomemarket.market.lookOthers (#View Other Players' Market)
- Description: Allows players to view the market listings of other players' shops.
- Default: true (Granted to all players by default)
- awesomemarket.find (#Find Item in Hand)
- Description: Allows players to use the /amt find command to search for the item they are holding and display results in the market interface.
- Default: true (Granted to all players by default)
- awesomemarket.market.withdraw (#Withdraw Item from Market)
- Description: Allows players to withdraw items they have listed in the market.
- Default: op (Only for Server Operators)
- awesomemarket.transaction.look (#View Transaction Records)
- Description: Allows players to view their own transaction history.
- Default: op (Only for Server Operators)
- awesomemarket.transaction.lookOthers (#View Other Players' Transaction Records)
- Description: Allows players to view the transaction records of other players.
- Default: op (Only for Server Operators)
Player Commands
- /amt Open Market
- Description: Opens the main interface of the AwesomeMarket plugin. Players can browse items, search for goods, and access their personal shops from here.
- /amt find
- Description: Searches for the item currently held in the player's main hand and displays relevant item listings from the market. This command provides a quick way to check the market for similar items being sold.
- /amt view market <player name>
- Description: View the shop of a specified player. Players can use this command to browse other players' shops and see the items they have for sale.
- /amt view storage <player name>
- Description: View the storage of a specified player. Administrators or players with the awesomemarket.storage.lookOthers permission can use this command to inspect other players' storage inventories.
- /amt view transaction <player name> (Optional: <target player name>)
- Description: View the transaction records of a specified player.
- Using a single player name /amt view transaction <player name> will display the transaction history of that player (requires awesomemarket.transaction.look permission).
- Using two player names /amt view transaction <player name> <target player name> will display the transaction history between <player name> and <target player name> (requires awesomemarket.transaction.lookOthers permission).