Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House icon

Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House -----

The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot.

Multi-Currency Support
Yea.. I finally added it. Here's what changed :)

+ Added the ability to control all the aspects of the display stack. For example if you want to remove the original item lore from showing you can. if you want to move the controls to under the lore or if you want to move the seller/prices around you are now able too. The setting in the config is called 'info layout'
+ Got rid of the old economy plugin option since it wasn't even used
+ Added option to allow currency picking (if true, it will show the currency selection button in the listing menus)
+ Removed the short numbers on player balance setting
+ Removed synchronize item add, its done by default now
+ Removed legacy currency format option
+ Removed strip zeros on whole numbers setting
+ Removed alternative currency format, flat number format and space separator for numbers
+ The use short numbers setting has been renamed to 'abbreviate numbers'
+ So why did I remove those currency/number formatting settings? Well it caused too many issues and just became annoying to manage, the new system will just automatically format based on the specified country and language. So for example if the country is set to Germany and the language German numbers will format accordingly (123.456,78) while if its like Canada, English it would be (123,456.78). The currency symbol is also auto inserted.
+ When using a custom item currency it will automatically be formatted into the with the number.
+ Removed usage of $ in the language file / config, this is because of the automatic currency formatting. Since it needs to be dynamic based on whatever currency is being used.

(!) The currently supported multi-currency plugins are UltraEconomy & Funds, you can still use auction house normally with a single currency (ie. any vault supported plugin). If there's another multi-currency plugin you guys want supported drop a message in the auction house channel in the discord or make an issue on the GitHub :)

(!) Of course as usual, make backups before updating. If you guys come across any issues do let me know. Also Requests don't support the multi currency or the lore re-arranging currently. Those will be added in a future update.

- Kiran
----------, Sep 4, 2024
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,674
First Release: Sep 3, 2018
Last Update: Feb 13, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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