Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House icon

Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House -----

The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot.

New Filter System + Bug Fixes
+ Fixed issue regarding Tweety core's in game config editor not bringing up the item selection menu.
+ Fixed a bug with the sell command (items would still list, but it will throw a console error) when using the broadcast auction feature

+ Redid the entire auction tick system, it now uses a "garbage" system that queues items meant for removal until the next iteration rather than removing it at the same time while looping. You shouldn't notice any changes.

+ A concurrent modification error attempted fix, it goes with the tick system recode, if it is still present let me know.

+ Completely redid the filter system
+ Added a entirely new GUI filter, if using this mode you can filter using a search keyword. For example if you set your search filter to food, it will only show you items matching food.
- You can now filter enchants, weapons, self, and spawners (existing items will be filtered in correctly, new listings will filter into the appropriate category. Ex. an existing spawner listing will be under misc, a new one will be under spawners)
- You can now filter by an auction price and the time it has remaining
- The the new GUI filter is disabled by default, but you can enable it within /ah settings then going inside the auction setting category.
- When using /ah search, it now searches item enchantments and lore.

Here's an example of the new Filter GUI
----------, Jun 21, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,674
First Release: Sep 3, 2018
Last Update: Feb 13, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
83 ratings
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