Hello there once again, it's update time, but this update is not like the others, today Auction House was finally recoded and now supports 1.8-1.14 all within a single jar.
Here are some of the changes:
Removal of the discord system, it was determined that this wasn't being used as much as I intended so it was removed.
A few new commands, /ah endall will end every single auction that is currently active. /ah lock will lock and unlock the auction house sell command, while locked, normal players cannot sell items on the auction house. /ah uploadtransactions will upload every single transaction from the transactions.yml to your mySQL database, this will not check for duplication.
Revamped language system, credit goes to Songoda (Brianna) for letting me use her language class.
Finally added unique sell messages depending of the server is using the bidding system or not.
If the bidding system is not being used, rather than right clicking like before, you can simply left click as if you were to bid to purchase the item, it just makes the plugin feel more user friendly.
XMaterial has been implemented to help with the cross version support while keeping everything in a single jar.
NBTEditor by BananaPuncher714 was updated to 7.6
Uploaded transactions to the database are much more clean and store a bit more data (not fully done as item ids aren't used in newer versions)
When enabling the plugin, you will see every module that is being enabled, if something goes wrong within that time, it will stop the plugin and output an error. Reworked the economy system to prepare for future economy plugins. Currently it is still required that you have Vault installed + an Economy plugin like Essentials.
So there's a short list of the most important things that were changed / updated within this version, but of course we cannot forget the new thread. I know it's not much, but hey I'm actually proud of it
Anyways, hope you guys enjoy the plugin, note this will be the last major update until the next major MC update (1.15) every update till then will address bugs / issues found in this current one.