Introducing ArmorStandEditor 1.19.4-42:
The Folia Update
This update introduces support for Folia server software. This is
100% experimental and is subject to changes. Please read the known issues below before continuing with Folia!
Issues with Folia Version:
- UpdateChecker currently does not work.
- DisableSlots effects are currently broken. Scoreboards are not supported.
- Moving ArmorStands might seem Unnatural. Awaiting a fix from Folia
Otherwise, for everyone else, this is a Minor Update that introduces:
- ? now appears when trying /ase - Same functionality as /ase help
- Support Discord linked in the plugin
- Updates to Translations
- Update to BStats
If you have any questions or Feature Requests, please post them to:
NOTE: This plugin has been tested in 1.19.4 and should work on 1.19.4/3/2/1, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14 and 1.13 but please test on your own servers before trying certain features on older versions.