- Added 1.21.4 support
- Fixed an issue where the kits wouldn't appear if you joined the game in multi arena mode
- Added safe guards around the kits to prevent an issue that arised
- Fixed an issue where the join stats and options was overwritten upon joining
- Fixed Temple Run Top issue
- Fixed Party Games Top issue
- Fixed sidebar not updating on finish to reflect the final position
- Fixed disabled-games not working from engine.yml
- Added the config option to hide the seeker tag in prop hunt
- Added /bw autojoin addHub and removeHub
- Fixed miniwither hologram not showing after rejoining
- Fixed kit option not being saved if leaving in the waiting lobby
- Fixed an issue where the side bar was showing the IT condition reversed
Party Games:
- Fixed parkour minigames where the top order was incorrect
- Fixed issue in minecart racing where you could move during the pre start phase
Temple Run:
- Fixed top order being icorrect
All Games:
- Fixed sidebar not updating at the end
Game Engine:
- Added 1.21.3 support(removed 1.17.1 support)
- Now the options column in the sql database will not store default options, saving space in the process
- Fixed weekly keep resetting
- You can now add the player rank in the player prefix using papi
- Fixed private tab setting
- Added spectate menu
- Now you won't collide with players in the lobby
- The waiting time will be reduced to 10 seconds(by default) if the arena is at 75% capacity
- Fixed an issue where the scoreboard couldn't reset due to an out of bounds exception
- Optimized scoreboard to not update lines that remain the same
- Miniwalls won't bug upon disconnecting in the lobby
- Reverted trampolino changes
- Fixed miniwalls stats and options not being sent on phase change
- Internal party will now be kept in memory for some time(configurable) to allow owner to reconnect
- Fixed an issue in miniwalls where the wither health is higher than 100 or lower than 0
- Fixed an issue that caused problems with invalid users
- Extended API
- Added /arc spectateplayer <player>
- Split the .player permission into .join and .quickjoin and .spectate
- Now text delimiters is configurable in engine.yml
- Added reservation exempt permission to join a remote server without reservation required
This update contains a part of the changes, the rest are scheduled for tomorrow
Mini Walls:
- When enemy dies from wither, it shows as died by their wither
Party Games:
- The score is now from 0-100 in parkour
- Fixed keeping items from previous games
- Fixed score in parkour being sorted wrongly
- Fixed NPC not removed from tablist during top 3 in ending
Prop Hunt:
- Fixed score being counted wrongly
- Added spectate instead on death setting
- Fixed TNT explode ability not working
Block Party:
- Fixed NPC not removed from tablist during top 3 in ending
TNT Tag:
- Fixed a message showing the wrong player
Temple Run:
- Fixed score was sorted wrongly in top
Game Engine:
- Fixed an issue with 2d selections being broken
- Now game chat will not show if chat has been cancelled
- Option to change default leaderboard position
- Spectate command while using auto join remote will work properly
- The placeholders will now keep working after /papi reload
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed issues regarding leaving in party games
- Fixed an issue with the via backwards support
- Added more commands to the whitelist
- Added via backward support option in engine.yml that should fix scoreboard length being cut short on 1.8.8 clients
- Fixed a potential issue on leave in bomb lobbers
- Removed the team is full feature from miniwalls team selection since the team balance algorithm supersedes the feature
- Small bug fixes and improvements
Minor bug fixes and improvements to miniwalls
- Now you can select teams as party leader
- Added Party (Internal, AlessioParty and Party And Friends support!)
- Added Auto Join (Standard, AutoScale and Remote)
- Added spectator command
- Added rejoin command to games that support it
- Made it so songs in block party are randomised
- Fixed temple run misspelled placeholder
- Fixed bug in bomb lobbers where players could damage the map permanently
- Fixed parkour score exploding
- Fixed a bug in miniwalls that allowed spectators to damage players
- A second attempt at fixing class cast exception
- Potentially fixed an issue in party games where the top couldn't be sorted and errored due to infering issue?
- Fixed an issue regarding tnt tag where an error would occur when a game would end
- Added game-name.moderator permission for start and stop commands as well as for /start
- Fixed NoteBlockAPI support, also removed usage of NoteBlockAPI's internals in order to improve compatibility with newer versions
- Fixed an issue where party games setup wouldn't properly clean up on create
- Now quake doesn't prevent you shooting if invulnerable but you shoot it'll remove invulnerability
- Fixed an issue in miniwalls when using a specific placeholder without its condition would throw an error in console
- Now in quake you can shoot while invulnerable, but if you do, your invulnerability is removed
- Fixed setup inventory restore not restoring the offhand item
- Fixed random errors on newer paper builds hopefully due to obfuscation
- Added permission on join and restore inventory options in engine.yml file
- Fixed a bug in block party where people could push each other
- Fixed an issue where if you had a leaderboard in another world the remove command would break
- Fixed a bug in 1.20.4 that failed initialization
- Added support for 1.20.4 due to being requested
- Added support for the 1.21.1 version
- Added a setting that allows you to use wool for floors instead in block party
- Fixed an issue in miniwalls where kills counted twice
- Fixed an issue in temple run where the winners were in reverse order caused them to lose instead
- Fixed an issue where the block party placeholder hook was never registered(Also check the new lobby scoreboard addon via /arcade addon repository download LobbyScoreboard)
- Added SlimeWorldManager support
- Fixed typo in splegg database that caused an error to show
- Made it so the setup will restore inventory upon cancel/completion
- Fixed an issue where metrics was using the wrong id(please update as soon as possible)
- Fixed config reload for all minigames
- Fixed prop hunt seeker tool still not working
- Added /<game> list command
- Fixed miniwalls being able to damage your teammates
- Fixed miniwalls start message being displayed twice
- Fixed error caused by fixing chat private setting
- Fixed error issue in prop hunt when using the seeker tool
- Fixed prop hunt seeker tool not working on paper
- Fixed a miniwalls bug where an error would occur if the player was in another world and dying
- Fixed a bug in quake where if 2 players play and the one with the highest score leaves he would win
- Fixed not being able to see chat if chat private was false
- Fixed an issue in block party where some modes were wrongly available in addmode
- Fixed temple run wrong top order
- Fixed the last 5 second countdown spam
- Added bstats support
- Fixed a bug in splegg where the game would go on indefinitely if a player left the game
- Fixed a bug where in miniwalls the game wouldn't end if a player left
- Fixed a bug in prophunt where the game would throw an error if a player left the game as a hider
- Fixed a bug where on 1.19.4 specifically the npcs would give a protocol error
- Fixed miniwalls version class being compiled for java 21 causing issues for servers that were 1.19.4 and below
- New game engine with tons of cool features(currently used by bedwars)
- minigame rework and a lot more
Fixed a paper bug where it would error
Downgraded java back to 1.8
- Fixed a bug where on 1.8.8 the equipment wouldn't show
- Made it so it wouldn't error if you try to get the wins of a player that isn't on
Applied the fix to another event in bomb lobbers to fix the no damage bug
- Fixed a bug where damage was broken in bomb lobbers
- Massive optimization in the block party floor removal and pasting
- Fixed a bug where citizens could trigger a null pointer exception
- Fixed an issue on the newer versions of 1.19.4 where the floor would freeze in block party due to a change in craftbukkit
- Fixed an issue where the npc yaw was set in a specific direction
Updated to 1.19, enjoy

- Fixed an issue where the api package was getting obfuscated
- Fixed a few game problems
- Fixed the obfuscator not handling the enums properly
Fixed an issue in tnttag where the prefix didn't appear and only the color
Fixed an issue where players were being trackable even after they left the game causing exceptions
Fixed an issue where players were being trackable even after they left the game causing exceptions
- Fixed an issue in miniwalls where the players were sent to the lobby when dying from falling
- Added floor particles in Block Party
- Fixed an issue in prophunt where the hiders health was regenerating when it shouldn't
- Fixed an issue in prophunt where the props where working properly
- Fixed an issue in miniwalls where the players were sent to the lobby when dying from falling
- Added floor particles in Block Party
- Fixed an issue in prophunt where the hiders health was regenerating when it shouldn't
- Fixed a bug where the settings menu could not be clicked
- Fixed a bug where the settings menu could not be clicked
- Arcade API fixes and improvements
- Arcade API fixes and improvements
Fixed a possible issue regarding the get custom name
Added the missing configuration options in config.yml
- Normalized the knockback in TNTTag
- Updated to 1.17.1
- Also fixed prophunt
- Fixed a few 1.17 issues that made a few games unplayable
- Some small changes
- Fixed a minecart racing bug
- TNT Tag will be played in adventure mode
- Small improvements to Minecraft racing
- TNT Tag game mode will be now set to Adventure
- Made so the liquid will reset your location.
- Fixed the Party Games top issue being reversed
- Made so the liquid will reset your location.
- Fixed the Party Games top issue being reversed
- Added 1.17 support
-Fixed an issue that prevented hybrid servers(bukkit on top of forge) from working properly
-Added a game restore queue
-Fixed a block party issue where enderpearls could teleport players outside the floor
-Fixed a party game issue where the top in chat would display the wrong results
-Fixed a config issue related to mysql(introduced recently)
- Added a game restore queue to reduce the amount of blocks restored to a constant amount(configurations are available in the root config.yml file)
- Fixed a block party issue where enderpearls could teleport players outside the floor
- Fixed a party game issue where the top in chat would display the wrong results
- Fixed a config issue related to mysql(introduced recently)
- Reverted a silent change that made the commands to not work on the paper servers
- Fixed the error with the missing configuration files(I forgot adding them)
- Fixed the party game's top
- Fixed the party game's top
Fixed issues with the top
Fixed issues with the top
- Fixed async issues related to the database
- Fixed the paper not working as expected
- Fixed some typos
- Added a message to the error of MinecartRacing
- Added a lot of game settings
- Fixed Avalanche, Volcano and FrozenFloor top
- Fixed async issues related to the database
- Fixed the paper not working as expected
- Fixed some typos
- Added a message to the error of MinecartRacing
- Added a lot of game settings
- Fixed Avalanche, Volcano and FrozenFloor top
Added a KickPlayer option in AutoJoin
- Added a KickPlayer option in autojoin
- Added AutoScale mode in AutoJoin
- Added AutoScale mode in AutoJoin
- Fixed a visual glitch when a block was prevented from being placed
- Removed the play again button in the AutoJoin mode
- Fixed Party Games score showing instead of the stars
- Removed the play again button in the AutoJoin mode
- Fixed Party Games score showing instead of the stars
- Fixed an arcade stop issue
- Fixed an issue in arcade stop
- Added the option to customize the command and it's alias of each game in games.yml
- Added the option to customize the command and it's alias of each game in games.yml
- Fixed issues related to rewards
- Fixed block party bug when a player left the game in the podium area
- Fixed issues related to rewards
- Fixed block party bug when a player left the game in the podium area
- Fixed a bug in TNT Tag where players could become invulnerable when a game was in playing
- The temple run winners will become spectators now
- Fixed a bug in TNT Tag where players could become invulnerable when a game was in playing
- The temple run winners will become spectators now
- Fixed a temple run bug where spectators could collect coins after the fact
- Fixed party games issue where the first game would not get replaced properly
- Added via backwards support in config.yml for those who want to use the 1.14+ plugin on previous clients
- Fixed a temple run bug where spectators could collect coins after the fact
- Fixed party games issue where the first game would not get replaced properly
- Improvements to the Temple Run's winning system
- Improvements to the Temple Run's winning system
- Improvements to the temple run winning system
- Fixed in game title for all the minigames being unchangeable
- Fixed armour persisting after the game ended
- Removed the backwords support for the scoreboard
- Fixed in game title for all the minigames being unchangeable
- Fixed armour persisting after the game ended
- Remade the temple run system to be win based and then score based instead of score multiplied by coins based
- Added in config.yml CommandsPermission which prevents commands to be used without the "arcade.player.commands" permission
- Remade the temple run system to be win based and then score based instead of score multiplied by coins based
- Added in config.yml CommandsPermission which prevents commands to be used without the "arcade.player.commands" permission
- Fixed BombLobbers sidebar ingame title not changing
- Fixed BombLobbers sidebar ingame title not changing
- Fixed an invisibility bug when multiple players teleport to an unloaded chunk at the same time
Fixed an issue in party games that made 3 games unable to end correctly
Fixed an issue in party games that made 3 games unable to end correctly
Added a permission requirement that can be enabled from inside games.yml
The permission is arcade.player.commands
Added a permission requirement that can be enabled from inside games.yml
The permission is arcade.player.commands
- Fixed a paper problem caused by their changes to the text components
- Fixed miniwalls problem when the wither died while the team was respawning
- Fixed prophunt stun teleport issue
- TNT Run should be in adventure mode
- Fixed miniwalls problem when the wither died while the team was respawning
- Fixed prophunt stun teleport issue
- TNT Run should be in adventure mode
Block Party improvements:
- Made the winning players spectators as well
- Increased the floor ending time to 2 seconds
Block Party improvements:
- Made the winning players spectators as well
- Increased the floor ending time to 2 seconds
* Fixed the bug regarding %arcade_totalwins%
* Fixed the top issue being reversed
* Reduced the bomb lobbers end timer of the floor
* Fixed the bug regarding %arcade_totalwins%
* Fixed the top issue being reversed
* Reduced the bomb lobbers end timer of the floor
* Fixed a set-up issue while trying to set 1 floor at the time
* Fixed the bug where spectators where eliminated again on game leave
* Fixed a top bug
* Increased powerup spawn chance
* Fixed the bomb lobbers nametag colouring for the 1.12 version
* Fixed a set-up issue while trying to set 1 floor at the time
* Fixed the bug where spectators where eliminated again on game leave
* Fixed a top bug
* Increased powerup spawn chance
- Fixed a random error whenever a projectile was shoot by a block(e.g dispenser)
- Fixed a sign issue on 1.12 where you could not click them
- Fixed a random error whenever a projectile was shoot by a block(e.g dispenser)
- Fixed a client crash issue on 1.16+ that affected block party
- Fixed the missing messages from block party
Fixed 2 more broken utf 8 characters
Fixed issues missing messages options for colour yellow
Fixed missing Music On and Off messages
Fixed error regarding interacting on 1.8.8
Fixed the symbols not being UTF-8 formatted
Fixed the floor not being notified client side
Fixed a bug while leaving the arena while waiting for the game to start
New content:
- Added BlockParty (Music, Pattern based floors and Static floors, Powerups)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed %arcade_totalwins%
- Fixed stats not properly adding up
- Fixed prophunt bug
- AutoJoin fixes
- Teleporter has been disabled for the moment due to issues
- Fixed TNT Run bug where the spectators could afk remove blocks
- Added %arcade_<game>_played%
You can donate at
[email protected]
New content:
- Added BlockParty (Music, Pattern based floors and Static floors, Powerups)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed %arcade_totalwins%
- Fixed stats not properly adding up
- Fixed prophunt bug
- AutoJoin fixes
- Teleporter has been disabled for the moment due to issues
- Fixed TNT Run bug where the spectators could afk remove blocks
- Added %arcade_<game>_played%
You can donate at
[email protected]
- Fixed a small issue where you could reset the delayed removal of blocks in TNT Run
- Fixed a small issue where you could reset the delayed removal of blocks in TNT Run
Added the missing internal files regarding TNT Run(it should show now)
- Added TNT Run
- Added the %arcade_totalwins% placeholder
- Fixed the rollback system where it was filling unnecessarily with blocks that were already being in removal
- Improved the running algorithm so it will take less blocks while running
- Fixed an issue with tnt tag and tnt run where the scores weren't added until the game stops itself
- Added placeholderapi support in the in game scoreboard
- Fixed the skin overlay not working on 1.16+ versions
- Changed mixed mode to kick players now as well
- Fixed an auto join bug which made it unusable.
- Fixed ArcadeAPI#removePlayer not working
- Fixed Mini Walls armor being able to be taken off in game
- Fixed Wither being able to shoot respawning spectators
- Fixed the double win caused when someone was leaving
- Removed the spectator teleporter skins to remove the lagg(crash) caused by offline mode while trying to fetch skins
- Increased the vector length which should make the direction more pronunced
- Fixed Pig Fishing being able to get stuck in the same spot on landing
Fixed 1.16.1 signs not working as expected
Fixed PropHunt scoreboard crashing the game if it was overwrited by another plugin
- Removed the skin from the teleporter for now due to it freezing offline mode servers
- Fixed commands not working on paper.
Fixed an autojoin bug, hopefully it works now
- Fixed AutoJoin bug
- Fixed PartyGames not working on 1.16.1
Removed a check to see if it can help with a specific user
Fixed the API not showing because of the obfuscation
- Fixed Bungee Mode issue
- Now you can move at the end of temple run
- Fixed prophunt timer being too short
This update... was the largest done yet for legacy having all the features and bug fixes from the 1.14+ update, this took longer than i would like to admit... enjoy and thank you for supporting my plugin

- Fixed an error regarding the previous version
- Fixed create command not working on some games.
- Fixed game placeholders having a space in between their name which caused them not to work
New Features:
- BungeeMode (AutoJoin) added with:
a) MixedMode
b) ShutdownAtAnd
c) Random Hub Fallback
- PlaceholderAPI Support:
a) %arcade_allplayers% - Show count of all the playing players
b) %arcade_ongoing% - Show count of all the ongoing arenas.
c) %arcade_<game>_players% - Show count of <game>'s playing players
d) %arcade_<game>_wins% - Show to player the count of <game>'s wins
e) %arcade_<game>_<id>_name% - Show the count of <game>'s <id> name
f) %arcade_<game>_<id>_status% - Show the status of <game>'s <id>
g) %arcade_<game>_<id>_players% - Show the count of <game>'s <id> players
h) %arcade_<game>_<id>_max_players% - Show the count of <game>'s <id> max
Small Features:
- NPC Armor and Hands can be modified now
- API has been improved
- The game name is now separated from the ID
- Moved the start message to lobby where possible
- Quake gun can't shoot during the invincible phase
- Global settings or per game
- Added option to disable the leave delay
- Falling in the void while in lobby will teleport you back
- Added MySQL extra options to disable SSL
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed invisibility bug when leaving games.
- Fixed spectator bug where you could glitch the game and remain on the map.
- Fixed leaderboard bug if you changed the display name in games.yml
I love ratings so if you haven't already please leave one :d
Fixed a leak caused by the previous 2 updates causing the game to replay
Fixed an error where it would only load the first game.
- Quake now kills on playzone leave / touching liquids.
- EndDuration is configurable.
- ArcadeAPI has been added.
- Made the game names configurable in games.yml (delete file to view the changes)
- Fixed Offhand making weapons not work anymore (quake)
- Animal Slaughter weapon won't take damage anymore
- Fixed MiniWalls double death message.
- Bomb Lobbers bomb won't count anymore if you're spectator
- PropHunt new seekers will be counted and the abilities will work on them as well now
- Fixed TNT Tag velocity being infinite in some instances.
- The ending time now is 30 seconds
- Quake jumppads fixed.
- Prophunt no sword damage(Left over from prev trying to fix paper bow bug)
- Fixed prop following you if you were leaving game.
- Fixed block morph
-This bug has been fixed from last version but I forgot to announce it: Fixed viaversion/protocolsupport where the scoreboard would've halfed.
- Added spectator system.
- Fixed weird encoding symbol in MiniWalls
- /List command added
- Fixed fire being glitched on the client if falled in lava
- Async chat work arounds removed since chat plugins seems to implement their work arounds too and mess my stuff anyway.
- Performance improvements and cleaning.
- Miniwalls small code rework.
- Time shortens when full
- Fixed prophunt morph to block interaction making it more smooth and less glitchy
- Fixed scoreboard interaction with viaversion/protocolsupport on lower versions halfing it
- Fixed a protocollib conflict
- Fixed a clearing bug caused by later update.
- Fixed a bug regarding when no team was valid
small bug fixes
Compiled with java 14
- Fixed prophunt first prop being half a meter in the block
- Fixed MySQL
- Fixed PrivateChat option not working ingame
Possible fix to the missing scoreboard.
- Made the holograms not flicker anymore
- Fixed one last instance of nogamefound being untranslatable
- Fixed Quickjoin not being translated in one place.
- Fixed Parkour time being too short.
- Fixed holograms being updated in other worlds.
- Fixed quake particle causing an error on 1.8
Fixed missing sound issue on 1.8.8
- Fixed quake insta finish
- Fixed Deluxe Chat formatting hopefully
- Made 'no game found' message translatable
Added no game found message!
- Added QUAKE
- Fixed NPCs being visible from other worlds
- Fixed Bomb Lobbers TNT cooldown bug
- Fixed miniwalls void message showing wrong person
- Added rewards.
- Fixed where the game would keep going if onlt 1 player left
- Added Jungle Jump / The floor is lava minigame
- Added configurable Leave Item Material.
- Fixed Quake Leaderboards not updating propely.
- The speed of the egg is configurable
- Wither will not spawn on teams with no players anymore.
- Wither will now show the start message on join.
- Fixed final kills being counted for the victim instead of damager
- Added a general start message on join.
- Added a boss bar time left message to Pig Fishing.
- Fixed wins not adding on game leave.
- Added a time limit to prevent games going for too long, you will need to regenerate the scoreboard in order to show this category.
Fixed play again function not working correctly
Fixed a bug regarding visibility tracker.
Added 1.14 support only (No new update yet made)
Small revision updates as preparation for the new game core
This new patch fixes some small issues regarding a performance metric by delaying the task over a span of a second resulting in less lagg when the game script runs.
I promise that the new gamecore is almost complete and I'l start patching every game with it, resulting in a more compatible state with any future releases without the need of me to constantly patch the new versions data myself(Unless it's really needed as how Material got completly overhauled resulting in people having to create their own VMaterial class in order to support previous and newer game versions)
I'm really sorry i've haven't giving a life sign for so long but i still love doing plugins and i'l promise i'l be the same dude who patches their plugin daily as i used to
I will also offer a 33% Discount to all my plugins for those who want to try it as is until the next updates....
Added GameJoinEvent, GameEndEvent and GameLeaveEvent
- Reduced the radius of the booster point for tramboline.
- Fixed a chat issue where it wouldve allowed chat during some other plugins messages.
- Small adjustment to player data on arena leave
- Made sure the velocity is removed when leaving a partygames arena
Fixed chat related issues
Added ssl requests to protect your connection
1. Made so the scoreboard reverts to the one prior entering the arena.
3. Possible fix to the armor giving extra health causing errors because of the order
4. Fixed coins name showing in higher spigot versions.
5. Better isolation with different chat plugins.
6. Fixed reload typo
Fixed some issues related with PlotSquared
fixed a small error in minecart racing
Fixed some bugs related to bungee mode
Fixed a bug in party games where inventory wouldn't save due to minecart racing bug
Fixed an incompatibility issue with BedWars/Skywars plugin
- Fixed a minecartracing console spam
Fixed a bug where scoreboard would remain if you left the lobby during waiting state
- Fixed bugs with players leaving
- Fixed a bug where you could take damage in lobby in bomb lobbers
- Improvements in the obfuscation to use less size
- Fixed a bug with the obfuscation
- Fixed bomb lobbers /bl finish
- Now all messages are centered
- Fixed an error in minecraft racing
- Added sanity checks
- Updated the GameCore to latest
- Signs got reverted to [GameType]
Fixed a bug where if you tried to rejoin an arena it would bug
Config.yml has been completly changed, if you don't want any error please
remake it!
- Added Mysql/Sqlite(Soon HoloStats)
- Added Commands win
- Bug fixes and small improvements
- Fixed chat being disabled for non ops (Sorry i was testing something and i forgot the setting on)
- Some improvements in pig fishing when trying to fall
- Minecarts bug fixed
- Improved stuff in the core
- Added the callback for the the bomb lobbers progresive rollback
The Folder Name has been changed from Arcade to ArcadeGames, please make sure to change the name!
- Added Splegg
- Completly changed how commands are registered, they no longer use plugin.yml
- Added a progresive rollback system
- New Messages.yml messages
- Some bugfixes
- Removed autojoinonend
- Fixed 1.12.1 bugs
- The scoreboard has added another blank line if there are 3 or more players
- Replaced sound for 1.12
- Fixed Volcano not reseting propely after 1 game
- Fixed bed being white on 1.12
- Added /arcade and /arc commands
- Added /arc setlobby
- Added /arc addquickplayer <GameType>
- Messages that are multilined will be displayed in another category and they won't have the weird color caracter
- Minor adjustments that i forgot.
- Added MinecartRacing!
- Fixed a small bug in Volcano
Tommorow i will work at MicroBattle 
- Added PigFishing for PartyGames1
- Some various improvements.
- Added missing messages.
- Fixed a bug in the volcano
- Added Volcano
- Fixed minor stuff
- Improvements in some messages.
- Fixed chat spam if using % character
- Fixed a bug where the maximum was also the minimum, sorry about that
- Fixed some bugs related to 1.12
- Fixed all BungeeMode related bugs also now you can disable the automatically rejoin just by disabling AutoJoinOnEnd
- Fixed avalanche bug where you were dying at round 5 no matter what!
- Made so the Trampolino Points now feel easier to get but still challanging
- Fixed a bug where in animal slaughter if you hit another player with the weapon blood and a sound was playing
- Added all the missing messages for PartyGames
- Now a knockback is present
- The pigs now survive only 2 hits
- You can't hit them anymore with the hand
- Added a gamesettings class to allow a more deep game creation
- Fixed a bug with the arena leave
- Added 5 PartyGames MiniGames:
* Animal Slaughter
* Trampolino
* Avalanche
* Punch The Bats
* HoeHoeHoe
HINT: From tommorow expect new games to come
- Fixed BungeeMode bugs
- Added a vote system for bungeemode
- Fixed 2 bugs in bomblobbers
- Added all the messages in messages.yml for all left
- Added a score bonus for those who finished templerun round
- Fixed sign glass from config
- Increased the damage range by 1.5 in bomb lobbers
- Some other changes that i forgot.
I was trying to create a scoreboard.yml but then i renunced to it because it contained waay too many variables, instead you will be able to edit the text from scoreboard as before from messages.yml
- Added all the new config values(The ones not working will be added tommorow)
- Added all the messages from BombLobbers
- Fixed bug no damage during falling in void
- Fixed spam of tnt in bomb lobbers
- Added a successful hit sound when you killed someone
- Made so it refreshes one last time the scoreboard to update the kills
- Added +1 kill title when you kill someone
- Added You died title when you died
- Made so you get teleported to a defined location once you are set as spectator!
- Minor code adjustments for BombLobbers
Added a new bungeemode which allows you to play any game you want on a single server randomly(Voting system soon)