Arcade Minigames | The rework is here icon

Arcade Minigames | The rework is here -----

BlockParty | TNTRun | PropHunt | PartyGames | MiniWalls | and many more...

Version: 2.06c-LATEST
Amazing! best minigame plugin currently in the market, nothing out performs it as of right now.

Version: 2.06b-LATEST
I love this plugin and am so glad that it has started to receive updates. Thanks developer. We love you with the whole project!

Version: 2.05d-LATEST
The best plagun! I had errors in the plugin, the developer promptly fixed everything.

plagun 5/5
support 5/5

Version: 2.05b-LATEST
The author responded to me and fixed more issues and even added most of my suggestions that were mentioned in the previous review (except relative placeholder)

There are some limitations like you are not able to change when a title gets sent, unable to display player ranks in waiting lobby and then have the plugin tags work in game or in tnt tag the starting title returns with the color codes which is unfortunate. However, with an author so active that my issues literally get fixed in hours if not days I can only advice buying the plugin.

Oh however, to following buyers I must mention that using a tool that allows you to edit binary java class files just to change some strings is kinda hard with this plugin since all class names are obsfucated. The plugin is like 95% customizable and there are other plugins that allow you to hijack and edit chat messages, however I felt like I must mention this.

Version: 2.04g-LATEST
The plugin is very good. However it has some limitations that I feel should be known by future buyers.

1. You cannot customize the start game countdown title (5,4,3,2,1) you cannot add your own numbers for example making it start sending the title from 10 seconds and in tnttag you cannot edit the colors of these numbers (they are predefined the %countdown_formatted% plugin placeholder returns &e5 &e4 &c3 etc)

2. If you use a plugin to add placeholderapi support to the messages and use the parseother extension you will see that it doesnt work, I thought adding double "{" fixed the problem however it seems I was wrong, adding {{ parses the placeholders for the player viewing the chat not for the player sending the message, meaning that if I have the owner rank I will see everyone as owner in the chat and if they have the default rank they will see everyone as default etc (I managed to fix that by editing placeholder's api source code and changing the symbol from % to @ but that caused other problems with other plugins, I managed to fix the plugins that I use since they were open sourced but that was very time-spending)

3. There are several bugs with party games, block party and prophunt in client version 1.8 (by using via version). The developer mentioned he is gonna work on those so I will probably be removing this from my review. I understand that the plugin does NOT mention 1.8 support thus I am not removing a star for this issue, however I feel like it should be mentioned since tbh its my fault I should have asked but I expected that via version would be supported.

Now moving on to the positive side,

1. Support is incredible, the developer responds in seconds and fixes the issue in just hours, this is literally the 2nd dev I have seen do this, the developer is really active, helpful and nice, even takes the time to explain the issue.

2. Everything else except the countdown is customizable. However keep in mind that if you display player ranks in the tablist this wont work with the plugin. While they are in the waiting lobby, in the arcadegames world, you will NOT be able to both display player ranks and not ruin the plugin's tags when the game starts. The plugin lacks placeholderapi relative placeholders making this task impossible.

3. Plugin comes with a premade setup which helped me a lot in testing and allows your players to start playing right away

4. All games in 1.13 work fine and even in 1.8(with via version) all work except 3, its still a really great deal.

5. Bungeecord support works flawlessly and is great for bigger servers

Overall its really rare to see a developer this active and a plugin this customizable. Includes bungeecord support for bigger networks, support for popular plugins like party and friends(which other plugins support too) allowing you to have one party plugin for many minigames.

Version: 2.04g-LATEST
Nice plugin! The Arcade games inside like Hypixel's.
If you buy the plugin, you can also get a pre-made setup folder!
And the dev is very friendly! You can always get support on discord~

Version: 2.04b-LATEST
Just wonderful. Developer has been active for so long, continuing to add new features over and over again!

Version: 2.02d-BETA
Best Arcade Games!!! Dev gives support too fast :D I recommend this plugin 10/10

Version: 1.57d
Definitely the best Arcade plugin out there, it includes configuration and maps ready to drag onto the server and get it working, I highly recommend it!
Also the developer is very kind :)

Version: 1.57d
The plug-in works perfectly
However, the reason for the 4 points is that there is a problem that there is no answer after 13 hours

Version: 1.52a-Legacy
The best plugin of arcade that i have seen so far,
the plugin has Pre-Made worlds on discord, the support is very quick and i highly recommand it

Version: 1.52a-Legacy
Perfect like always! amazing support and also really lightweight to use and setup is simple.

Version: 1.52a-Legacy
Amazing plugin, super helpful support too! All questions were answered almost immediately, setup is easy with amazing guides! Creator is crazy friendly too :)

Version: 1.57b
This is the best mini games plugin so far that i've seen it worked amazingly!!!!! hope the creator add more mini-games in the future ^^ the support is superb as well helped me with setting things up!!!

Version: 1.57
Amazing plugin, Super easy to install, Premade World is excellent, Support is fantastic and fast - I can't praise this enough. I wish I found it months ago.

Version: 1.57
Never bought a better plugin! The plugin is super reliable and works great! Fr33styler is very friendly and gives very fast support! The plugin's pre-made is also very useful!

Version: 1.56
Best minigame plugin for sure. Great support, fast response. I 100% recommend it!

Version: 1.51g-Legacy
Hello, I want to verify my discord account, it is the following: (dashirowoxd)
I liked the plugin

Version: 1.51g-Legacy
Great plugin, I really like it. But does this plugin not have a wiki? I need a wiki to help me use this plugin. Discord has a really bad user experience for someone who has poor English skills. After entering Discord, I don't even know where to find the tutorial. I hope there is a wiki to guide people who purchase this plugin on how to use it
Author's response
hello there, i'll be making a wiki sometimes, if you need help now you can contact me on discord and I'll help you out

Version: 1.54c
As usual, latest version installs without a hitch. Fan favorite with all the kids. Make sure you download the premade world also!

Version: 1.54c
This is a phenomenally well-made plugin. Incredible value-for-money considering you get a drop-in plug-and-play minigame arcade ready to play in a matter of minutes. Fantastic job, Fr33styler, bravo to you!

Version: 1.54c
best minigame plugin so far. great support from the dev, fast response times, presets aviable on the community discord are great too 10/10

Version: 1.54b
I use the 1.8.8 version of the plugin and it works great! Awesome job by the owner! He is very active on the discord server and answers questions very quickly and he puts in a lot of effort and dedication into this.
I definitely recommend it!

Version: 1.54
ArriSTv#1893 Exelente pluging, lo llevo usando por varios años y nunca he tenido problemas. Buen soporte.

Version: 1.54
Great plugin, great friendly developer. I had an issue and he helped me sort it out. This plugin has so many great games and features it's insane! Your players will love it. I know my server's players and I do!

Version: 1.54
Ive been using it for over a year, and its never had issues. Ive used the premade and done a few myself with no issues and it really breaks the monotony in the server. Definitely worth getting.

Version: 1.53b
Great plugin, tons of minigames and a ready-to-play map. I had a few minor issues that were fixed very quickly on the developer discord. recommended

Version: 1.53a
Good plugin I already reviewed anyways, it says there are 2 bedrock servers with this plugin but this plugin is a java plugin like the file is a .jar not a .phar that is a bedrock plugin type so if there are 2 bedrock servers using it how can I use this plugin on a bedrock server?

Version: 1.53a
Terrible support, developer refuses to check out a bug on his own plugin. Denies that the bug even exists. Never again.

Version: 1.53a
Good plugin.
Absolutely terrible support.
Got exception about some paths encoding:
The author's answer: "You're definitely not using centos. Mac is not supported" that's all support what I got. What is the reason for such a conclusion? UnixFileSystem? (Unix->sun->oracle) lol.
Add a configuration connection timeout for mysql?
The author's answer: I don't know. I am just using spigot mysql implementation. Other plugins works fine? I don't care about it.
Author's response
you can always remove the npcs, unfortunately the file system doesn't support the weird minecraft color symbol

Version: 1.53
Works perfect. Super easy to use! All other things from this creator are great too!

Version: 1.53
Very good plugin, had it a year now and the games are so much fun. Never had any issues. Must buy for the server.

Version: 1.52b
All around great mini-games plugin! I would highly recommend it to anyone who is in need of a high-quality yet easy to set up mini-games plugin.

Version: 1.52b
Really good arcade plugin that has a lot of different games to offer! Definitely worth the price it is at. Discord support was fast and good.

Version: 1.51f-Legacy
If you are looking for a plugin that offers a lot, this is the one I recommend.
Any bugs? Not that I am aware.
High quality? Yes, very much.
Activate Author? Yes, quick to respond.

Version: 1.51f-Legacy
AMAZING PLUGIN! All in one. Has different commands for different mode. Support is incredible. BEST MINIGAME PLUGIN AVALIABLE! (Not being told to say this just its really good lol)

Version: 1.51e
Yea so, the plugin is good, but updates are really slow, you can see quite bugs here, no API (that's a -) and poor amount of placeholders, support is provided on discord, but with a poor fixes to offer.
Author's response
You never reported a single bug, in fact you barely talked..., the placeholders can be made via MySQL with the MySQL extension for more, there is an API, just not feature rich 'cause that takes a long while (the new core is not out 'cause of that), and for the poor fixes that i assume you're saying from the other users, well, those were out of my hands, i can fix issues that are the plugin's, anything can conflict, I'm not a database of all the conflicts, i can just give you hints about what it might be in that case.....

Version: 1.51e
Great author, the author will help you on discord~!Currently need this plugin to bring more fun to survival server

Version: 1.51c
Hello! I bought this nice plugin, so i need to be verified on your discord pls.
My Discord: Papa_Punch#9598
Thank you and see you :-)

Version: 1.51c
HuskyChan#0020 I wish to be verified on the server! This plugin is definitely great :)

Version: 1.51c
soren#7644 it's perfect arcade, please verify me and it would be good to have discord ticket verify

Version: 1.51c
ArriSTv#1893 This is my Discord , I am a bit lost with the installation of this plugin, I would appreciate some help please. It looks like a very good plugin, excellent work.

Version: 1.51a-Legacy
These games are very exquisite, and each game has its own characteristics and entertainment. But the only small game that needs to be improved is the avalanche game in the party game. There are too many snowballs in the game. As a result, the server's TPS will drop sharply, and the player's FPS will also drop. If you can set the number of snowballs in config.yml, or make snowballs less, then the game will be perfect

Version: 1.50c
Nice plugin!!
Discord: Bread945#0748

Version: 1.50c
The Best Minigames Plugin here
Dev is really helpfull
Support is really fast
You should get it without asking

Version: 1.50a
Definitely worth spending the money on this plugin :D. It's better than any of the other plugins that offer parts of what this plugin has. Bugs are pretty minimal (very few, like: I can spot only 2 after trying out the entire thing) . Support is also great !

Version: 1.50a
i would like to be verified in the discord please, my discord is badsoda#0409 thanks

Version: 1.50
Good minigame plugin. With many features and nice games. Good support. And listens to suggestions.

Version: 1.49c-Legacy
Very nice plugin, works fast and simple.
And if you can't figure something out, you get good support in the discord server.

Well done Fr33styler!

Version: 1.49c-Legacy

Very good plugin, nice and good support! :D


Version: 1.49c-Legacy
Plugin works super fine, smooth and fast. Also the dev offers fast support and is open for suggestion. Love this plugin!:)

Version: 1.49c
Such a great plugin adds a lot to your server and has good MiniGames. A+ worth the buy.

Version: 1.49
Good but please add more config settings for the minigames! :D

Author's response
planned already

Version: 1.48o
the best arcade plugin! Really good support, author really good, I like that plugin!

Version: 1.48n
Fact: you can give this plugin under 5 stars BCS Its impossible ! this plugin IS FULL OPTION amazing wonderful everything amazing to describe this amazing job Really friendly developer fast respond fast fix fast support the developer is sincerely responsible kind that really the true example of the perfect developer on spigot ever trust i buy alot of plugins on spigot and i can say you will never found someone like fr33stayler at the end sorry for my bad english with regards @xdarkm2d :)

Version: 1.48n
Love this plugin its very fun and easy to set up and the Developer helps me a lot and he is very nice I use this plugin on my minigame server on my network 1.8.8

Version: 1.48n
Plugin arcade games is very good ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Version: 1.48n
Have been using this for almost a year now. I have purchased almost everything this Dev offers! Super helpful and well put together! Running 1.16.5 at time of writing this.

Just get it ;)

Version: 1.48n
This is the best plugin, I had a problem with the fact that I had a team busy, another plugin and the developer added the ability to replace the command! The developer is responsive and always ready to help, I advise the plugin to purchase, players really like its minigames!

Это лучший плагин, у меня была проблема, с тем, что у меня была занята команда, другим плагином и разработчик добавил возможность заменить команду! Разработчик отзывчивый всегда готов помочь, советую плагин к покупке, игрокам очень нравятся его мини игры!

Version: 1.48l
perfect plugin, perfect support. Everything is perfect! I love it! The five stars is the minimum!

Version: 1.48j
Great plugin but i've run into an issue where my players can fly after playing bomb lobbers. Could I get some help with this?
Author's response

Version: 1.48g
Amazing Plugin!

And not even the plugin itself, but also the developer! Responds to you in the blink of an eye and does the best to fix your problems. When there is a bug it is usually fixed within a couple of days. So should you buy this plugin? For sure! (Thanks for the amazing support Fr33Styler ;p)

Version: 1.48c
Extremely easy to set up, comes with tutorial videos, premade maps, premade config files, and so on! Support answers within 5 minutes & helps you with everything you need.

You won't regret buying this plugin if you want minigames on your server!

Version: 1.48c
Amazing plugin and most certainly worth the money! As I had some trouble setting it up myself the Author has kindly helped me. Quick replies too. I can see that he defiantly cares about his customers. Looking forward to the future plugins and games.

Version: 1.48c
Completely working, fun and nice plugin. Excellent on my 1.16.4 Spigot ! Need to be configured before use and friendly community and author can help you with issues in Discord. Very quick response ! Also there are pre-configured world and plugin settings available to download and run the plugin with minimum efforts. Working with Multiverse as well. Thanks a lot to Author for excellent job and waiting for new games updates :)

Version: 1.48c
The best plugin of minigames, amazing dev support, so much updates and minigames, and will be more! :)

If you want to put mini-games on your server, you should definitely buy this plugin, at an affordable price you will have many and more that the dev will add in the future.
You will not regret.

Version: 1.48c
This plugin is the best Arcade plugin. This plugin will get a lot of popularity!

Version: 1.48c
Very good plugin: a lot of fun games, easy to set up, and runs efficiently without bugs. The developer is friendly and offers quick support. Totally recommended for minigame servers!

Version: 1.48c
Excellent arcade games, perfect for any minigames server! worth the money spent, with great support! especially if your time zone is near the developer's, Developer offered answers to all my questions and sent out updates as soon as any bug was found.

Version: 1.48c
to anyone who wants an easy to use plugin go grab this one!!! it is legitly super easy to do and the developer is super super cool freakin beans 100/10 would freakin recommend

Version: 1.48c
Excellent games, even better support. Great plugin for all skill levels. Make sure you get the premade world download from discord!

Version: 1.47b-Legacy
I love this plugin very much all the minigames work great there is so much minigames and very easy to set up great plugin good Job :)

Version: 1.47b-Legacy
as you can not single bad review bcs this plugin is best minigames in the histroy! works perfectly alot of minigames you can do with this insane plugin great job developer is also super friendly so don't worry about it

Version: 1.46h
What can I say - I love the plugin!
Easy to understand and great support if you have any problems!!!
Thanks for this work

Version: 1.46h
The developer is the best I've ever met. While going through the transaction, encountered many issues and the author stayed patient for the whole 6 hours it took. I can say it is the best support you can get, and the plugin is easy to use and real fun. Developer is real dedicated to the plugin and his customers.

Version: 1.46g
Super fun plugin. It is really easy to use, there are videos that walk you through it all. There is a discord where you get quick answers and can search through the few questions you may still have that have already previously been asked and answered. Great developer, I'm so impressed I am about to buy his bedwars plugin.

Version: 1.46g
Mad fun and the developer is super helpful with any questions, definitely worth the price.

Version: 1.46e
Excellent plugin for mini games! Well worth premium! Excellent dev support! Discord available, and answers emails promptly!

Version: 1.46e
This is a good plugin but for some reason on the 1.8 version i can't get the leaderboards to update after people have gotten wins. pls fix friendly dev <3

Version: 1.46e
A very good plugin, the author is active, fixes the bugs, the minigames are quite well done, very good purchase

Version: 1.46e
Simply put. A customizable minigame plugin that simply delivers what it promises.


Version: 1.46e
SENSATIONAL! The plugin is great! You get a lot more than you pay for it. Great support. Installed in 10 minutes! Runs perfectly on our 1.8.8 server.

SENSATIONELL! Das Plugin ist Spitze! Man bekommt viel mehr, als man dafür zahlt. Super Support. In 10 Minuten installiert! Läuft auf unserem 1.8.8 Server einwandfrei.

Version: 1.46d
This is a great plugin it blew my expectations and is so customizable and easy to add your own maps. Day one of using it and the players are already loving it. I also got sucked into playing for a few hours and was endless fun. Thank you for making this available.

Version: 1.46d
First plugin I bought was this. Seen the video and I liked it. I put it up, played it with default config, tweaked it, liked it even more because now it felt personalized then I got The Lab and months later the Cops and Crims. Now... if i weren't satisfied with this developer. why would I get three of his plugins? That says it all. 5/5 for everything and btw... on discord I never had to wait more than... ummm idk... I'll say 12 hours only because it was night time when I got it and everyone asleep, for an answer. Earlier today I received an answer to my questions in about 5 to 10 minutes so... IT IS FREAKING WORTH IT lol!!!

Version: 1.46c
See how this plugin has advanced, one of the best and good attention from the owner. 10/10
I hope you add my server in your list hahaha and please the GrinchSimulator plugin please please I love that plugin.

Version: 1.46c
8 games and 11 mini-games for this price, it is clearly the best value for money plugin that exists on Spigot, nothing to say everything is perfectly developed. It is simple to use and intuitive. The developer is amazing and really helping. Everything is there to have a good time playing with this plugin. I highly recommend this plugin

Version: 1.46c
Amazing deal! 8 minigames (18 if you count the party games) for the price of 1 or 2! Support is amazing too. The developer is very nice and responds to all issues and feature requests quickly.

Definitely would reccomend!

Version: 1.46c
Excellent, well done plugin! Many cool mini games for the best price! Highly recommend purchasing this plugin for your server!

Developer if super friendly & very supported in updated any bugs and helping you with any issue you encounter!

Version: 1.46c
Amazing Plugin, does so many cool minigames and for a good price!

Definatley would recommend getting it if you have a minigames server.

Version: 1.46c
The developer is waaaay under charging for this plugin! As of now, you get 17 games, some shorter minigames. This is a truly 'must have', standout plugin unlike any other. It is amazingly configurable! The developer keeps adding even more games. He is extremely active and committed to this plugin, looking for ways to improve it. The support on Discord is fantastic, you often get your answer immediately. It seems to me that when you make a suggestion, the developer doesn't just look into it because he feels he has to, he takes suggestions and helping others as a personal challenge to achieve. I highly recommend it, even if you don't have a keen interest in an Arcade server. You won't be sorry.

Version: 1.46c
good!!!! yes it is 666666太牛逼了给力 我爱死这个玩意了 无情哈拉少 雷霆嘎巴 牛霆嘎巴霆嘎巴霆嘎巴霆嘎巴霆嘎巴霆嘎巴霆嘎巴逼!!!!!!!!!!!!

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
An extraordinary plugin and extremely good developer. The developer is super friendly. The best mini games plugin I have seen :)

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
Perfect Plugin, this plugin is recommended, it fixes many small problems, it is stable and the programmer is friendly to everyone, 10/10

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
Excellent plugin, good support and the purchase includes a pre-made server, which helps save a lot of time.

I am quite satisfied, I recommend it.

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
The best plugin of this kind, the author is patient and very helpful in configuration. The plugin is updated frequently. I recommend :)

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
Plugin is very cool, I advise everyone to purchase it! Developer immediately fixes all bugs and helps users. I recommend it to everyone! <3

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
At the time of writing, the information, videos, etc for setting this up could be much clearer. However, once you work it all out and get it set up, it is actually an expertly-made plugin. Great support on Discord too - friendly and helpful! Overall, totally worth the money! :D

Version: 1.46b-Legacy
Games are excellent, support is _superb_, and pre-made demo world makes it easy set-up and go. This is my favorite plug-in!

Version: 1.46a-Legacy
Good plugin with nice minigames a lot off updates and fast support!.............

Version: 1.46
One of the best minigame plugins I've ever used. Great support and very easy to configure!

Version: 1.46
1.8-1.12 update !!!
good plugins__________________________________________________

Version: 1.46
Excellent plugin, well designed and support very fast on Discord! I recommand. I hope there will be a wiki :)

Version: 1.45c
The best plugin in the world! The developer personally visits the server and deals with errors! I love you fr33styler

Version: 1.45c
It's ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ plugin. Developer is very active working on bug fixes, suggested features and provides great support. ❤️

Version: 1.45
This plugin is perfect. Many updates have been made. Thank you very much! Again Review <3

Version: 1.42-Legacy
Super plugin, unbelievably friendly developer. The plugin is well-optimized for networks, so, if you want to have Arcades - this is what you should buy!

Version: 1.42-Legacy
SO glad we installed this plugin. Our community loves it, it's had the best impact out of any plugin we've installed, to be honest.

Version: 1.42-Legacy
Отличный плагин, если есть какие-то ошибки то разработчик постоянно исправляет их, советую данный плагин.

Version: 1.42-Legacy
Perfect Support, Perfect Plugin! Games are perfectly coded! I love it! Its definetly worth the 16€!

Version: 1.42-Legacy
Fr33tyler it's a fantastic and friendly developer. good luck keep up <3

Version: 1.44
This plugin is fantastic, it has plenty of games and features, it's working smoothly and every minigame already included is great and entertaining!
And I am so happy to have purchased this plugin a few months ago, not only because I love this plugin, but because of the developer behind it. He is very talented, he always improve his plugins and he's very friendly too, so you can expect a top notch quality support.
Thank you so much for all the updates and keep up the amazing work!

Version: 1.43
Hello buy the plugin ➢ Arcade Minigames
My name in Spigot is MelaniumAS.
I want to verify my purchase so that they can pass me the preconfigured server: 3 thanks

Discord redirected message

Version: 1.42
Fantastic and fast support! This plugin is very optimized and complete! I recommend it.

Version: 1.42
Amazing Developer. Really friendly and has really fast support. Can't find a better plugin maker.

Version: 1.42
Plugin is great, Games work perfectly, Easy to set up, Less work with added NPC's. Not to mention endless help in the developers discord server. I had an issue with a Prophunt game due to my map and he went as far as to join my server and test with me for about an hour until it was solved. 15 Bucks well worth it!

Version: 1.39-Legacy
Amazing plugin, very good, friendly and fast support! Can only recommend it...! x3

Version: 1.38c-Legacy
amazing plugin
thank you very much for your support and your minigames
they are very amazing !

Version: 1.38c-Legacy
wonderful plugin!
But please add the bungeecord mode!
And I got a SQL syntax error,I'm using MariaDB.

Version: 1.38
These games are very fun the players on my server love all of them and their favorite is party games :D

Version: 1.38-Legacy
Fr33tyler it's a fantastic and friendly developer. I told him if he could make the new versions compatible with 1.8 and he accepted <3

Version: 1.38
Best developer/plugin ever! 5 stars! :D I use this plugin almost everyday on my server!

Version: 1.38
I haven't played ALL the games yet, but so far everything looks great. The developer support is fantastic! I downloaded a fabulous looking pre-made world with all the games setup in it, and got it up in a flash. I'm very excited that it was so easy. Don't see any compatability issues or errors. Server seems very fast still. Definitely worth the low price.

Version: 1.38
Are all the patched you did today optimal for the 1.12.2 version? I say this 'cause the "For versions like 1.12.2 click here" is the same as before.

Version: 1.38
Excellent plugin! Highly recommend, developer is very active both here and on the Discord server. Great games to play on your multiplayer server and great fun to be had! Easy to setup and get started!

Version: 1.38
Uno de los mejores plugins de minijuegos, y uno de los mejores developers que he conocido, muy versatil! este plugin es buenisimo

Version: 1.38
Very well made, high quality, and worth the money! With the constant updates and well-written code I'm surprised this isn't more popular

Version: 1.36
Good plugin but please fix the arcade setup command. Also add team chats switch like @message

Version: 1.31
ArcadeGames works perfectly. We are looking forward to a good update. We will be waiting for 1.8 to be supported again.

Version: 1.21
Great plugin & fast support! Fantastic experience!
A unique way to improve your server with these arcade games

Version: 1.21
Thanks for bug fixed plugin.
always update plugin thanks!
happy nice day!!!

Version: 1.21
100% Very Good Arcade Games Plugin!
The most Arcade Games Recommend Plugin!
Thanks for the Plugin!

Version: 1.21
The most ArcageGames Plugin. My server best new minigame plugin!!! Thanks!! Can i map sharing possible?

Version: 1.2
Our little community love the minigames from ArcadeGames. It's not typical. It's special and epic. An must have. This Version works fine

Version: 1.2
Excellent ! Great plugins without bugs. This developper is amazing. 10/10. Easy setup, very good minigames..

Version: 1.2
Great plugin and as Wolfables said i remember too playing BombLobbers.
Hope that you add more old school MiniGames!
You could add: "WoolWars (munchymc), Different Skywars (Skywars but you are a Mob [Like SuperSmashMobs with Skywars]), PigWars (Same concept as EggWars or Bedwars, only its with a pig and you have more features)."
Hope these get added. Thanks for the amazing plugin...

Version: 1.12
AMAZING! 10/10 developer I love it <3 Easy setup I cant thank him More :P.....................................

Version: 1.12
very good minigames to arcade servers, excellent support dev reply all dudes :D thanks


Version: 1.12
I love this plugin! So many games I remember playing on older servers back in 1.7 and 1.6 before they shut down. I especially like bomb lobbers and splegg. Now, I get to recreate these amazing games on my server! Worth the 18$. Don't hesitate to buy.

Version: 1.2
So cool mini games. and developer is super friendly and helpful! I recommend everyone wanting some cool mini arcade games to get this one, and all the other plugins from fr33styler!

Version: 1.2
A powerfull plugin! When it has 6 Stars I will give the 6. Star for the Author! He gave me a personal presentation and answering all questions.

I see a very good future for this plugin

Version: 1.1
I love this plugin, it's simple to set up, fun to play, and easy to use. Good job!

Version: 1.0
OMG ! this plugin is so good
there is no bugs !!
And great dev ! ^_^


Version: 1.0
Great plugin, hope to see it at full state at soon possible, and a such great dev like the others his plugins!

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,485
First Release: Nov 12, 2017
Last Update: Dec 7, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
133 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings