The configuration file has been organized grouping all the options that have to do with rewards.
IMPORTANT: The configured rewards options in config.yml will return to the default state, so save a copy before updating and then configure it as it was in the new file.
Modified the GUI so that they always have 6 rows, in addition to being distributed leaving the border blank, which will allow the decoration to be modified soon
Added a new option to each reward to bypass reward duplication system. That mean, some rewards can be duplicated (give you loot points) or not do this (get this reward infinite times).
This option can be changed only editing reward properties (not when creating a new reward)
(Depends on the plugin installed, if more than 1 plugin is installed at a time, the compatibility order will always be HolographicDisplays > DecentHolograms)
Now you can use an multi-lined reward broadcast, you can have one-line (like before) or convert to multi-lined. Also you can center the message using the %center% tag at the start.
Now in animations.yml you can change if an animation needs permission to use, and change the default animation.
Default animation bypass permission check
Warning: Some animations within the animations.yml file will be reset, so you will need to change the display name again if you changed it before. (These are "halloween", "summer", "easter", "christmas" and "galaxy")
Fixed a bug where some rewards join in the same slot if the icon is the same.
Added rewards with normal items. You can create them in the reward creation gui, doing middle-click in new reward item.
You can add/remove item to this reward type, doing middle-click in the specified reward, and a new gui it will open. Here you can add items just by clicking them on your own inventory. Tutorial in the video
If your inventory is full when you receive the items from the reward, these will appear at your feet.
If you log out while the items are being given, they will appear around the machine where you opened the cubelet.
Fixed a bug when trying to select the option to choose rarity, in the creation of reward, which did not allow you to create any reward with the in-game creation.
Fixed a bug, which caused that when having the gui of the machine open, and another player opens a cubelet on the same machine and you click on a cubelet, the cubelet was eliminated from your profile, and you lost the cubelet.
Added new configuration file called animations.yml, where you can enable/disable machine outline particles, and flame floor particles in each animation.
Added you can save itemflags to reward icons.
Fixed error with locations.yml if a world not exists.
Added no-gui mode, now you can enable/disable in config file if you want to disable the gui to open the cubelets, and open the most recent cubelet directly.
If you have a public server using my plugin, you can send me the server's ip, to leave it on the list of servers using it!
Now in cubelet list gui and reward preview gui, you can enable/disable in the layout files to show the page number in the previous/next page items.
Added a player information item in cubelet crafting gui, you can enable/disable in the layout file. In the lore of this item you can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, if you have it installed.
Added cubelets give/remove and points give/remove/set commands messages to language files.
A substantial performance improvement has been made with the database. Before, if large amounts of cubelet were given / removed, the server would crash. Now everything works as it should
Now when receiving / removing cubelets, they are instantly updated on holograms. In previous versions they were displayed in the next hologram update, which takes more than a second by default.
Added christmas cubelet template to the template list, you can download it in-game with command: "/cubelets type template christmas"
Added animation preview message in animations setup gui, when you do right-click, now sends you the direct link to youtube video of the specific animation.
Now, in config.yml you can change if duplication hologram is visible to all players or only to player opening the cubelet. (Default is only to opening player).
Code (YAML):
# Change hologram settings # Update interval default: 30 (1.5s) # Color animation default colors: &f and &c # Duplication hologram visible to all players (Default: false) Holograms:
UpdateInterval: 30
ColorAnimation: - '&f'
- '&c'
VisibleToAllPlayers: false
Now, in config.yml you can change the update interval of holograms (Default: 30 "1.5s"), and change the colors of the animation (Default: "&f" and "&c").
Added in-game cubelet crafting editor with GUI. Now you can create craftings, ingredients more easier. You can open this gui using the command /cubelets setup crafting.
Fixed problems with skulls as rewards icons in versiones from 1.11 to to old.
Now, you can change the size of the menu to open cubelets, and the previewer of rewards. You can switch between 1 row and 5 rows, as one is reserved for navigation buttons. And you can also enable / disable if you want the rows to fit the number of cubelets, or be a fixed row size.
Fixed bugs with reward creating menu.
Fixed minor bugs.
Settings in opencubelet and previewrewards layout
Code (YAML):
# GUI rows options Size: # Max rows of cubelets, (1 to 5) 1 row reserved to navigation buttons Max-Cubelets-Rows: 3
# If gui size is resizable or fixed size Dynamic: true
Fixed a bug with the reward editor, which when changing the rarity was changed only visually, but internally it was still stored with the previous rarity, and that reward could not be obtained with the new rarity
Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the duplicate message when it was a new reward
In config.yml you can disable/enable this feature, and you can change permission command, and give points command (Default plugin custom economy).
Now rewards are 2 types, Commands and Permission:
Commands: Same as previous versions
Permission: Indicates the permission to be given to the player, and at the same time serves to see if it is duplicated.
Changed rewards creation gui, now if you do left-click you enter command reward creation, but if you do right-click you enter in permission reward creation gui.
Code (YAML):
# Enable/disable reward duplication system # Change the command to execute to the one of the plugin you are using # Change the command to give duplicated points RewardsDuplication:
Enabled: true
PermissionCommand: lp user
%player% permission set %permission% true PointsCommand: points give
%player% %points%
Example command reward
Code (YAML):
name: Example common
rarity: common
command: - give
%player% diamond_block 1 icon:
enchanted: false
Example permission reward
Code (YAML):
name: Example common
rarity: common
permission: essentials.enderchest
material: ENDER_CHEST
damage: 1
enchanted: false
# Command name, default: /cubelets and /points # For the changes to take effect, a full server restart is required Commands:
Cubelets: cubelets
Points: points
Now you can change command name, from the default: /cubelets, to for example: /crates. For the changes to take effect, a full server restart is required.
Added a checker on remove cubelets, if you do not have the indicated quantity, it sends you an error message with the current quantity. Thanks to @Timonplaysmc for the suggestion!.
Fixed bugs with Animation #4 zombie pigman in older versions, now dont move in any version and dont make any sound.
Code (YAML):
# Command name, default: /cubelets # For the changes to take effect, a full server restart is required CommandName: cubelets
Added a reward preview menu of each cubelet type, you can enable/disable in config.yml, and change click type to open GUI (LEFT, RIGHT, MIDDLE, SHIFT_LEFT or SHIFT_RIGHT).
Added new command /cubelets info [player]. This displays all cubelets balance of an online/offline player. Only for players with permission acubelets.admin
Added in cubelet machine edit gui (/cubelets machine edit), a new object to change the rotation in which the animations will be played.
Now if you only have one cubelet type created, order item don't appear. Only appear if you have 2 or more types.
Now you can enable/disable in config.yml if you prefer a command to be executed instead of a message, when you don't have any cubelets. You can change the command to execute.
Changed reward icon serializer, to a readable text. If you have an older version of the plugin, you need to setup rewards another time. In the end you have a preset with 3 cubelets types.
Added message when you click the barrier if you have no cubelets. You can change it in message files.
Added %center% placeholder in loot and shop messages to center messages in the chat.
Now you can give cubelets to offline players.
If you give cubelets to a player, and have cubelet gui open, this reload the gui automatically to show him their new cubelets.
Fixed a bug that caused the cubelet not to be removed when opened, so there were infinite cubelets.
Now you can not open a cubelet, if this type not have rewards configured.