ACubelets icon

ACubelets -----

ACubelets is a box reward system with animations (Crates)

Version: 2.4.7
[14:18:19 ERROR]: Could not pass event BlockPlaceEvent to ACubelets v2.4.7
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
[14:18:20 WARN]: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
[14:18:20 WARN]: at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(Unknown Source)
[14:18:20 WARN]: at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[14:18:20 WARN]: at acubelets-2.4.7.jar//io.github.bananapuncher714.nbteditor.NBTEditor.getCompound(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at acubelets-2.4.7.jar//io.github.bananapuncher714.nbteditor.NBTEditor.getItemTag(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at acubelets-2.4.7.jar//io.github.bananapuncher714.nbteditor.NBTEditor.getValue(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at acubelets-2.4.7.jar//io.github.bananapuncher714.nbteditor.NBTEditor.contains(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at acubelets-2.4.7.jar//
[14:18:20 WARN]: at com.destroystokyo.paper.event.executor.asm.generated.GeneratedEventExecutor200.execute(Unknown Source)
[14:18:20 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.EventExecutor$2.execute(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at co.aikar.timings.TimedEventExecutor.execute(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperEventManager.callEvent(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at io.papermc.paper.plugin.manager.PaperPluginManagerImpl.callEvent(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.level.ServerPlayerGameMode.useItemOn(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at
[14:18:20 WARN]: at
[14:18:20 WARN]: at
[14:18:20 WARN]: at$ensureRunningOnSameThread$0(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantBlockableEventLoop.doRunTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.doRunTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.pollTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTaskInternal(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.pollTask(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.util.thread.BlockableEventLoop.managedBlock(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.managedBlock(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.waitUntilNextTick(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.runServer(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.lambda$spin$0(
[14:18:20 WARN]: at java.base/ Source)
[14:18:20 ERROR]: Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to ACubelets v2.4.7
java.lang.NullPointerException: null

Version: 2.4.7
No funciona nada, solo lo he podido usar 1 mes o 2 bien.
Don't work, no close the animation.

Version: 2.4.7
Plugin still doesn't work on 1.21, even example.yml cubelet type throw errors...

Version: 2.4.6
I haven't received any support after a few days
Plugin hasn't received 1.21 update

Don't buy this 1/5

Version: 2.3.9
plugin creator your plugin is great I bought it and do not regret it, but I have one problem.
I want to place glass panels on the sides, how can I do it in your plugin?
please write me back

Version: 2.3.7
Discord Link doesnt work
Im need a support because I cant open cubelets after the new update

Version: 2.3.7

Это лучший плагин на кейсы который я видел, анимации просто божественные, но также и присутствует пару минусов.

1. Нельзя оформить GUI ( к примеру я хочу положить стеклянные панели по бокам, а так сделать нельзя )

2. Существует баг, при котором, при команде /acubelets reload в Notepad++ тебя просит обновить документ, и если ты нажмёшь "да" то плагин полностью перемешает, что ты написал ( я так кейс с привилегиями делал 3 часа потом случайно нажал "да" и у меня всё перемешалось ). Честно я не знаю как у других, но у меня такой баг присутствует.

В принципе плагин достоин своих 700 рублей, и я очень рад, что купил его. Особенно мне понравилась поддержка, я написал на прямую разработчику с вопросом, и он моментально мне ответил. Всем советую!


This is the best case plugin I've seen, the animations are simply divine, but there are also a couple of disadvantages.

1. It is impossible to design a GUI (for example, I want to put glass panels on the sides, but this cannot be done)

2. There is a bug in which, with the /acubelets reload command in Notepad++, you are asked to update the document, and if you click "yes", the plugin will completely mix up what you wrote (I did the case with privileges for 3 hours, then accidentally clicked "yes" and everything got mixed up). Honestly, I do not know about others, but I have such a bug present.

In principle, the plugin is worthy of its 700 rubles, and I am very glad that I bought it. I especially liked the support, I wrote directly to the developer with a question, and he answered me immediately. I advise everyone!

Version: 2.3.5
Good plugin, lacking documentation and discord invite no longer works on here or polymart
Author's response
Discord link works correctly here.

Documentation its working progress..

Version: 2.3.4
Author's response
It is completely impossible for it to contain malicious software, it is the file directly exported from the source code.

Please don't try to lie and get into trouble

Version: 2.3.2
terrible plugin, it just doesn't work, the animation doesn't spin! Support is not responding!

Version: 2.2.5
With this version the animations of the machines are active. i need animations in machine

Version: 2.2.4
return the support for 1.8 which is the version I use in my network pls. i need you plugin
Author's response
You will need to download the latest supported version.

Version: 2.1.8

Version: 2.2.4
I'll put 4, because there is no wiki, and a discord server where you can request support
Author's response
Thank you!

And yes, there is a discord server:

Version: 2.2.1
At the moment, the best solution that I could find among the different plugins for cases that I used from this site. I hope the author doesn't abandon it.

Version: 2.2.0
The cases are lacking animation and particles when they are idle. In other words, it is not possible to configure any particles and effects while they are idle and not being used by the player, which prevents them from being customized beautifully. This is perhaps the only drawback, as the plugin is very good, but unfortunately, new additions to it are very rare.

Version: 2.1.8
Great plugin but the community discord link doesn't work please fix it so I can join!

Version: 2.1.5
The best case plugin with very cool animations, and the developer quickly helps with issues on his Discord channel.
Author's response

Version: 2.1.2
Un plugin muy agradable para lobbys , servidores +1.19 y demas calidad similar y mas si usas bedrock 100% recomendado, problema que veo son las animaciones me gustaria ver mas variedad que solo 20 y por supuesto soporte a IA para darle a las animaciones bloques custom de ia o material ia en las animaciones.
Author's response
Es un poco difícil de implementar tal apoyo en el momento, porque no todo el mundo tiene necesariamente IA para las animaciones o las texturas / elementos / bloques, tal vez en el futuro cuando Minecraft ofrece más posibilidades para eso.

Version: 2.0.9
The plugin is incredible, it has potential, the dev is too lazy to give support in his discord, the system is buggy, and there is no wiki you are going into the configuration part of this plugin blind, I really want to love this plugin but with the bugs I have experienced and the lack of effort put in by the developer to give out support really makes me hate this plugin.
Author's response
Hey, we are now working on a wiki which will make everything a lot easier, it would be great if you could mention the bugs so we can fix them, it would be nice if you drop by our Discord for that.

Version: 2.0.8
The best plugin for cases! 20 animations that are not buggy! There are no analogues!
Author's response
Thank you <3

Version: 2.0.8
The author is not active and ignores. We have been waiting for a fix for a very long time.

Version: 2.0.2
Tengo un problema, trate de contactarte por discord pero no logro poder comunicarme contigo, el problema que tengo es que los cubelets se duplican, se ven doble, se ven los cubelets que las otras personas que estan conectadas al servidor tambien tienen. Por el otro lado, el plugin esta muy bueno y si me ayuda a poder arreglar este problema, mas que merecido las 5 estrellas. Este es el problema para que pueda verlo: y este es mi discord para que pueda ayudarme buckyfps#3206
Author's response
Hey, if this problem persists it would be great if you could contact me on Discord, or drop by our support directly :)

Version: 2.0.1

2只要你不从游戏内setup指令修改抽奖包内容(包括setup gui中无法更改的抽奖包内的文本描述),而是直接修改文件后不管重启还是reload之类的,都会导致插件加载错误,这样你只能去删掉你花费大概30分钟设置的抽奖包,重新从游戏内使用setup指令重新设置一个抽奖包。

Author's response
Please, post it in the discord server but in English

Version: 1.9.9
A must-have if you want your players to feel rewarded while claiming a reward! The developer is also very responsive.
Author's response

Version: 1.9.9
I rate it 5 stars because the two other reviews are ridiculous. Plugin is fine, not perfect because dev is very busy so it lacks some fonctions (full customisation of gui, support for decenthologram because holographicdisplays consumes wayyy too much ressources) but it doesn't deserve 1 star.
Hope you'll soon add support for decentholograms (even if it's hard)
Author's response
Hey, idk if your on the newest update, buuuuut we have decent holograms support in :)

Version: 1.9.9
This plugin has great animations and stuff, but the downside is that it can't add items in-game. Once you add more than 1 command online, you can't add them, and you can't add items at all. It can't lock a treasure chest with random animations.
Author's response
What? You can add commands, permissions or items using the ingame setup menu.

Version: 1.9.9
I can not recommend this plugin. The developer refuses to add more support for holograms from other plugins (CMI, Decent Holograms, etc.), so with this plugin you have to install another plugin to use the holographics.
Author's response
As I already said, I will not add support for paid plugins like CMI, DecentHolograms if it will be supported in future updates

Version: 1.9.8
No support for 1.18.2 whatsoever. It's been like a month or more since 1.18.2 released and yet... no support.

Version: 1.9.7
DONT BUY! Author dropped support, plugin have bugs which makes plugin unusable

Version: 1.9.7
Everything is very cool, the developer is top, always responds and helps I recommend to everyone!

Version: 1.9.3
A wonderful plugin! The developer is the best, fixes bugs in an instant! I recommend buying, at least for the sake of an excellent plugin developer and, at most, for the sake of unique beautiful case opening animations, everyone will find the right animation!

Version: 1.9.2
Good plugin! I advise you to buy, good support in the discord from the developer!

Version: 1.9.0
The best opening animations I've ever seen! Just don't do a lot of crate places. Multiple animations at the same time can overload the server. Good support!

Version: 1.8.9
Uno de los mejores plugin de cubelets
el soporte 10/10 me atendieron muy rápido
y el creador me dio las solución a mi problema
simplemente el plugin merece la pena comprarlo

Version: 1.8.6
prefect plugin!!
add more animations pls!
would you update the DIY features,for example,we could set the head texture or particles by ourself

Version: 1.8.5
Dope plugin, but the fact it ain't for 1.17 after 1.17 is released for like 4 weeks is pretty sus my man -,-

Version: 1.8.5
hex color pls
Author's response
Hi, thanks for the rating.

You can use HEX color using this format "{#xxxxxx}", for example:

NoPerms: ' {#A6001E}You dont have permissions to use this command!'

Version: 1.8.5
Amazing plugin! This is certainly the best crate plugin on the market. The effects to open a crate are awesome!

Version: 1.8.5

normally I'm not a big fan of writing reviews, but for this plugin and the developer I need to do it.
First, the plugin idea is great and the setup of the boxes are super easy.

Let's talk about the problems. This plugin has a very poor performance on servers with more than 20 players.
If someone is opening a cubelets, it creates while and after the animation a short screen freeze (lag).
The CPU is rising, example from 30% up to 100%. Not acceptable for PvP gamemodes!

But what is the developer saying to the performance problem?
- Nearly nothing!

My first report of this problem was at 4 December 2020.

Here the whole discord "conversation"
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

While in the conversation I reported more bugs, like the broken database reconnect, blocks not despawning after the animation, resetting skull blocks....
Today, we have 10 February 2021. No response of fixing these bugs, even the last update didn't fix any of the bugs.

Maybe the developer can answer here.
In this stage, I can't recommend it.

Thanks for reading
Author's response
Hey, if this problem persists, feel free to ad me on Discord (Fedox#2623) and then we can take a look at it together.

Version: 1.8.0
This is the best lobby/faction reward box plugin by far in the spigot market! 6 Stars, if possible! ;)

Version: 1.7.6
Awesome plugin, by far awesome as heck. The only problem is I keep running into this error code in console and it makes the plugin stop working itself (when I open a reward the animation plays, and right as it ends it doesnt reward or show the hologram)

08.11 03:02:42 [Server] WARN [ACubelets] Task #5733 for ACubelets v1.7.6 generated an exception

08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at java.util.regex.Matcher.start( ~[?:1.8.0_265]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at java.util.regex.Matcher.appendReplacement( ~[?:1.8.0_265]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at java.util.regex.Matcher.replaceAll( ~[?:1.8.0_265]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at java.lang.String.replaceAll( ~[?:1.8.0_265]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at me.davidml16.acubelets.handlers.HologramHandler.getLinesReward( ~[?:?]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at me.davidml16.acubelets.handlers.HologramHandler.rewardHologram( ~[?:?]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at me.davidml16.acubelets.animations.normal.animation1.Animation1_Task$ ~[?:?]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R2.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.b( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.DedicatedServer.b( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.a( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.w( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_16_R2.MinecraftServer.lambda$a$0( ~[patched_1.16.3.jar:git-Paper-253]
08.11 02:50:40 [Server] INFO at [?:1.8.0_265]
Author's response
Please, the review area is not to paste errors, use the discussion area, private message or discord server

Version: 1.7.0
Very good and well polished plugin, rewards are easy to setup, and all messages can be edited to your liking. The animations are super cool and the developer is very responsive and open to new ideas and fixing issues quickly.
Author's response
Thank you! :)

Version: 1.6.6
Let me tell ya. This is an awesome build! I have been using this for about 30 mins now and I have really had no issues whatsoever setting it up! Thanks for doing a great job and offering a valuable resource for server owners to use!
Author's response
Thank you so much!
This helps me to keep doing better!

Version: 1.6.4
David is such an excellent Dev,

They're really responsive in their discord, and open to adding suggestions. The underwater suggestion was something I casually thew out, and the dev went above and beyond to actually implement it, and go above and beyond in making such a fantastic/cool effect nonetheless. I recommend checking out this plugin, definitely.
Author's response
Wow! Thank you so much!!

Version: 1.6.0
An amazing product, one of the best crate plugins out there.

Developer is super responsive, and incorporates ideas, and is very fast at responding to on discord. Continue to support this developer so he continues to make his products even more awesome, definitely recommend purchasing to support the author!
Author's response
Thank you so much! :)

Version: 1.5.9
todo bien y mejor para el servidor mio thaks por su trabajo señor dev espero mas de usted
Author's response
Gracias! Se agradecen sugerencias de nuevas cosas que añadir :)

Version: 1.3.6
Asked for something to be added to the plugin and it was added immediately. Again, I highly recommend buying this plugin. It's great for EULA compliancy!

Version: 1.3.5
Had a really weird error preventing me from crafting cubelets, went back and forth with DavidML and he provided me a solution in prompt time. Great plugin, and even better now! Get it while it's 33% off :D
Author's response
Thank you so much! :D

Version: 1.2.9
Muy bien plugin, funciona correctamente, tuve un problema con el complemento y el autor me lo soluciono en un momento, 10/10.
Author's response
Muchas gracias por tu review!

Version: 1.2.2
Amazing plugin I love all of the animation options, I'm sure that took a lot of work! My favorite Loot Box/Crate style plugin to date! :D
Author's response
Thank you so much!, and yes took a lot of work haha

Version: 1.2.2
An amazing and fun plugin! Easy customization, nice dev and fixes issues asap! You can't go wrong with this great plugin.
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review and support. <3

Version: 1.1.8
Este es un gran plugin sinceramente lo recomiendo! sinceramente si se gana sus 5 estrellas autor muy atento! siga asi
Author's response
Muchísimas gracias :)

Version: 1.1.6
Hi, the plugin is excellent but unfortunately I miss a few features ...
Please add:
× Each item can change slot and what the item will be
× size of the main menu
× custom items to the main menu
× custom animation (combination of multiple animations)
Author's response
Hello! Thanks for your support. The first 2 suggestions I have to make.

Version: 1.1.3
Definitely 5 stars for this plugin. Author is very responsive and willing to help! Also the plugin is very stable and has soms unique options. Keep going on! :)
Author's response
Thank you! I will continue working to improve as best as possible

Version: 1.0.6
Very enthusiastic about this plugin! Had a problem in the beginning but was resolved after like 20 minutes, excellent support!
Author's response
Thank you very much for your review! I hope you like it.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 814
First Release: May 7, 2020
Last Update: Aug 16, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
49 ratings
Find more info at
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings