[TAPP] Towny apartments / flats icon

[TAPP] Towny apartments / flats -----

Add apartments to your town! (BETA)

Towny Apartments

Add apartments to your town !​
  1. Note: you should have Towny (0.97+) (and Vault if you are using version 0.67 or older ) plugin instaled on your server.
  2. Commands
    1. /tapp - list of all commands;
    2. /tapp claim NAME - create the plot;
    3. /tapp sell COST - put the plot for sale;
    4. /tapp buy - buys plot on which you are currently standing;
    5. /tapp delete - deletes the plot;
    6. /tapp info - see the info of the plot on which you are currently standing;
    7. /tapp list town - see the list of properties in the town;
    8. /tapp list chunk - see the list of properties in the chunk;
    9. /tapp add PLAYER - add a player to the plot on which you are currently standing;
    10. /tapp remove PLAYER - remove a player from the plot on which you are currently standing;
    11. /tapp reload - Reloads the plugin;
  3. Permissions
  • townyapartments.player.claim
  • townyapartments.player.delete
  • townyapartments.admin.reload
  • townyapartments.admin.claim
  • townyapartments.admin.delete
  • townyapartments.admin.*
  • townyapartments.player.*
  • townyapartments.*
(a bit outdated)

  • If you have any problems/suggestions describe them here.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 635
First Release: Jan 21, 2022
Last Update: Apr 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
6 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings