★ This plugin only support for server version 1.8.4 and above ★
Code (YAML):
Permission: exvoucher.admin
Description: The highest permission, allowing players to access/use everything in the plugin.
Command: /exvoucher
] Permission:
Description: Allows the player to access the help page.
Command: /exvoucher give <id>
Permission: exvoucher.command.give
Description: Allows the player to give/get items.
Command: /exvoucher list
Permission: exvoucher.command.list
Description: Allows the player to view the list of available items.
Command: /exvoucher redeem <code>
Permission: exvoucher.command.redeem
Description: Allows the player to redeem gift codes.
Command: /exvoucher reload
Permission: exvoucher.command.reload
Description: Allows the player to reload configurations.
Code (YAML):
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.*
Description: Allows players to bypass
all restrictions.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.slowclick
Description: Allows players not have to click slowly when using items.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.locked
Description: Allows players to use locked items.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.confirmuse
Description: Allows players to use items without confirmation.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.removeonuse
Description: Allows players to ignore the reduction in the number of items after use.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.onetimeuse
Description: Allows players to ignore one time use.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.limitofuse
Description: Allows players to not be reduced the quantity of items when used.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.expirydate
Description: Allows players to use the expired items.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.permissions
Description: Allows players to use items without permissions.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.players
Description: Allows players to use items even they are not on the required player list.
Permission: exvoucher.bypass.worlds
Description: Allows players to use items without location restrictions.
#If enabled, a notification and the download link will be sent on console whenever an update is available. CheckForUpdates: true
Database: #Type of database: # * Please select the type before official use. # * There are two types: SQLite and MySQL. Type: 'SQLite'
# * For SQLite, it will be the file name. # * For MySQL, it will be the database name. Database: 'database'
Host: ''
Port: 3306
Username: 'root'
Password: ''
#Format date to use in some sections: DateFormat: 'MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss'
#Set delay time (in seconds) per clicks (-1 to disable): DelayTimeOnClick: 0.25
#Settings for list GUI: ListGui: #If you use the plugin in server version 1.8, the title length can't be larger than 32 characters. Title: '&lList of Items
} /
#Play sound when the player interacts on GUI: # * Sound can be found at:<version>/org/bukkit/Sound.html #Sound: '' Sound: 'UI_BUTTON_CLICK'
#This is the decorative item: DecorativeItem: #Material of the item (default we are using is for modern versions): #Please make sure you use the correct name of the material based on the server version you are using. #Legacy materials (1.8 -> 1.12.2) can be found at: #Modern materials (1.13+) can be found at: Material: 'BLACK_STAINED_GLASS_PANE'
Amount: 1
#May not need to configure. Data: 0
#May not need to configure. CustomModelData: 0
#Can only be used on the server version 1.14+. May not need to configure. #Using the 'Texture' option if you need to display the head texture (requires Material is PLAYER_HEAD, or SKULL_ITEM and data is 3 in legacy versions): #Texture: '<value>' #Can be found at: (Value field). #Texture: 'hdb-<id>' #Using for HeadDatabase plugin. #Texture: 'player-<name>' #Skull of the player. Enchantments: []#May not need to configure. #- '<enchant name>:<level>' HideFlags: []#May not need to configure. #Display name: Name: '&a'
#May not need to configure. Lore: []#May not need to configure.
#This is the button to go back to the previous page: PreviousButton:
Material: 'ARROW'
Name: '&2<< &aBack to previous page'
#This is the button to go to the next page: NextButton:
Material: 'ARROW'
Name: '&aGo to next page &2>>'
Code (YAML):
]&c '
header: '&8&l
[ &c&lExtraVoucher v
} &8&l
help: '&8 > &c/
] &f
: &7Show this help page.'
give: '&8 > &c/
} give <id>
]... &f
: &7Give item.'
list: '&8 > &c/
} list &f
: &7List of available items.'
redeem: '&8 > &c/
} redeem <code> &f
: &7Redeem a giftcode.'
reload: '&8 > &c/
} reload &f
: &7Reloadall configs.'
footer: '&8&l
config-reload: '
}&aSuccessfully reloaded configs!'
confirm-use: '
}&7Please click again to confirm item use!'
self: '
}&7You get &ex
sender: '
}&7You gave &ex
} &7to &b
target: '
}&7You received &ex
} &7from &b
no-permission: '
}&cYou don''t have permission to do that!'
missing-args: '
}&cMissing arguments! Usage
: &e{usage}&c.' only-players: '
}&cOnly players can use this command!'
only-console: '
}&cThis command can only be run in console!'
id-not-found: '
}&cID &e
} &ccannot be found!'
must-specify-player: '
}&cPlease specify a player who is online.'
player-not-found: '
}&cThe player &8
) &ccould not be found!'
inventory-is-full: '
}&cThe inventory is full!'
not-number: '
}&cThe value &8
) &cis not a valid number!'
must-click-slowly: '
}&cPlease click slowly!'
item-locked: '
}&cThis item is locked!'
item-expired: '
}&cThis item expired!'
cannot-use-item: '
}&cYou cannot use this item!'
end-of-usable: '
}&cThis item has reached the end of its usable!'
item-already-used: '
}&cYou have used this item before!'
invalid-code: '
}&cThe code &8
) &cis invalid!'
giftcode-locked: '
}&cThis giftcode is locked!'
giftcode-not-found: '
}&cCould not find the giftcode
: &e{value}&c!' giftcode-expired: '
}&cThis giftcode expired!'
cannot-redeem-giftcode: '
}&cYou cannot redeem this giftcode!'
item-dropped: '
}&cYour inventory is full! Some items will be dropped on the ground!'
giftcode-already-redeemed: '
}&cYou have redeemed this giftcode before!'
Code (YAML):
#Gift code: #Should be matched: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ starter: #Set to true to lock this giftcode and maintain it. # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.locked Locked: true
#Should the player can only use this item once? # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.onetimeuse OneTimeUse: true
#The limit of how many times it can be used (-1 to disable this feature): # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.limitofuse LimitOfUse: 5
#Expiry date: # * Formatted based on "DateFormat" in config.yml # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.expirydate ExpiryDate: '01/01/2021 00:00:00'
#List of items ID: #ItemIDs: [] ItemIDs: - 'example'
#- '<item ID>[:<args_1>:<args_2>:...]' #Brackets <> is required, [] is optional.
#Conditions that allow players to redeem this giftcode (required PlaceholderAPI plugin): # * Supported expressions: # + Comparing numbers: ==, !=, <, >, >= and <=. # + Comparing strings: equals, !equals, equalsign, !equalsign, contains and !contains. # * Formatted by: '<placeholder>;<expression>;<output>' #Empty the list (like below) will disable this feature. # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.conditions #Conditions: [] Conditions: - '
%vault_eco_balance%;>=;50' #- '<your condition>' #Should the player meet all the above conditions to use it ? MatchAll: true
#List of required permissions to use this giftcode: # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.permissions #Permissions: [] Permissions: - 'exvoucher.giftcode.example'
#List of commands: #- '<command without splash>' #Run the command normally. #- 'OP: <command without splash>' #Run the command as an OPerator. #- 'CONSOLE: <command without splash>' #Run the command in console. #- 'SOUND: <sound name>[:<distance>:<high>]' #Play a sound for the clicker. #- 'MESSAGE: <message>' #Send a message to the clicker. #- 'BROADCAST: <message>' #Broadcast to online players. #Add "<chance: <number>>" to the end of the command to make it has a chance to run. #E.g: - 'CONSOLE: say This command has 50.0% chance to be run.<chance: 50.0>' #Commands: [] Commands:
- 'CONSOLE: bc &aThe player &e
} &ajust used the starter giftcode!'
- 'SOUND: entity_player_levelup'
Code (YAML):
Settings: #ID for this item: # * Note: This ID can't be null or empty. It must be unique and match regular expression [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ ID: 'example'
#Set to true to lock the item and maintain it. # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.locked Locked: true
#Should the player can only use this item once? # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.onetimeuse OneTimeUse: true
#Should the item be reduced by 1 when the player uses it? # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.removeonuse RemoveOnUse: true
#The limit of how many times it can be used (-1 to disable this feature): # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.limitofuse LimitOfUse: 5
#Expiry date: # * Formatted based on "DateFormat" in config.yml # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.expirydate ExpiryDate: '01/01/2021 00:00:00'
#Conditions that allow players to use this item (required PlaceholderAPI plugin): # * Supported expressions: # + Comparing numbers: ==, !=, <, >, >= and <=. # + Comparing strings: equals, !equals, equalsign, !equalsign, contains and !contains. # * Formatted by: '<placeholder>;<expression>;<output>' #Empty the list (like below) will disable this feature. # * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.conditions #Conditions: [] Conditions: - '
%vault_eco_balance%;>=;50' #- '<your condition>' #Should the player meet all the above conditions to use it ? MatchAll: true
# * Bypass permission: exvoucher.bypass.permissions Permissions: #Set to false if you want to use the list below as blacklist: AsWhitelist: true
#The player (needs one of / should not have) these permissions to use this item: #List: [] List: - 'exvoucher.use.example'
#- '<your custom permission>'
#You can use the placeholder %args_<number>% from anywhere you want in sections below. Item: #Material of the item: #Please make sure you use the correct name of the material based on the server version you are using. #Legacy materials (1.8 -> 1.12.2) can be found at: #Modern materials (1.13+) can be found at: Material: 'PAPER'
Amount: 1
#May not need to configure. Data: 0
#May not need to configure. CustomModelData: 0
#Can only be used on the server version 1.14+. May not need to configure. #Using the 'Texture' option if you need to display the head texture (requires Material is PLAYER_HEAD, or SKULL_ITEM and data is 3 in legacy versions): #Texture: '<value>' #Can be found at: (Value field). #Texture: 'hdb-<id>' #Using for HeadDatabase plugin. #Texture: 'player-<name>' #Skull of the player. Enchantments: #May not need to configure. #- '<enchant name>:<level>' - 'durability:10'
HideFlags: #May not need to configure. - 'HIDE_ATTRIBUTES'
#Display name: Name: '&eExample Item'
#May not need to configure. Lore: #May not need to configure. - ''
- '&7+ An example item of &bExtraVoucher &7plugin.'
- ''
- '&7+ First argument: &6%args_1%' - '&7+ Second argument: &f%args_2%' - ''
- '&8
] &7Use this item.'
#List of commands: #- '<command without splash>' #Run the command normally. #- 'OP: <command without splash>' #Run the command as an OPerator. #- 'CONSOLE: <command without splash>' #Run the command in console. #- 'SOUND: <sound name>[:<distance>:<high>]' #Play a sound for the clicker. #- 'MESSAGE: <message>' #Send a message to the clicker. #- 'BROADCAST: <message>' #Broadcast to online players. #Add "<chance: <number>>" to the end of the command to make it has a chance to run. #E.g: - 'CONSOLE: say This command has 50.0% chance to be run.<chance: 50.0>' #Use %player% will replace by the name of the player who used this item. Commands: #Run a random command: Random: [] #Left click commands: #LeftClick: [] LeftClick: - 'eco give
%player% %args_1%' - 'bc &aThe player &b
%player% &aused the sample item and received &6$%args_1%&a.' - 'SOUND: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP'
- 'MESSAGE: &dLeft clicked!'
#Right click commands: #RightClick: [] RightClick: - 'eco give
%player% %args_1%' - 'bc &aThe player &b
%player% &aused the sample item and received &6$%args_1%&a.' - 'SOUND: ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP:4.0:1.0'
- 'MESSAGE: &6Right clicked!'