- User friendly GUI
- Simple slot creation process
- Simple buy process
- Simple sell process
- Force slot expiring
- Auto expiring
- Removable slots
- Advanced sorting system including Date,Item name, item type,Player,Price, ascending/descending
- Pagination
- Permission system
- Fully translatable
- Customizable config
Technical details:
All operations are made in background threads, so plugin won't cause any lags/crashes
Database will update itself when it's needed
Log system, located in logs folder
astra_market.reload - plugin reload
astra_market.sell - sell items on market
astra_market.sell_max.N - set player's max items on market equals N
astra_market.expire - force slot to expire
/amarket - open market
/amarket open - open market
/amarket expired - open your expired items
/amarket sell <price> <amount> - sell <amount> items in main hand for <price>
/amarketreload - reload plugin
If you need any personal help -
join Discord and use support channel
If you want to see how it works - you can join Play.EmpireProjekt.ru - the server for which the plugin was created
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