Support If you need help with the plugin contact me on Discord:
Code (YAML):
If you found a bug, create an Issue here on GitHub
Code (YAML):
# =====================================GLOBAL===================================== # !! CBUIAM = Can be used in all Messages !! # !! PAPI = Placeholder API !! # Global Placeholders (CBUIAM): %prefix% # Color Code Char (CBUIAM): '&' Example: &a == Green Prefix: "&8[&3JM&8]"
# =====================================Plugin Messages===================================== Reloaded: "%prefix% &aReloaded the configuration file!"
# =====================================Quit Messages===================================== # Usable Placeholders: %player%, %disabled%, %default% # %player%: Is replaced with the PlayerName # %disabled%: Doesn't send a message when the player joins # %default%: Shows the default minecraft message when the player joins # PAPI: This message supports PAPI, you may use Installed placeholders as you please! # Preset: &8[&c-&8] %player% QuitMessage: "&8[&c-&8] %player%"
# =====================================Join Messages===================================== # Usable Placeholders: %player%, %disabled%, %default% # %player%: Is replaced with the PlayerName # %disabled%: Doesn't send a message when the player joins # %default%: Shows the default minecraft message when the player joins # PAPI: This message supports PAPI, you may use Installed placeholders as you please! # Preset: &8[&a+&8] %player% JoinMessage: "&8[&a+&8] %player%"