This enchantment plugin aims to expand your minecraft experience by altering the vanilla enchantment system as well as adding custom enchants.
Taken some inspiration from a few mods and based on the Enchantment+ datapack made by Wyvernity
So a lot of credit should go to Wyvernity for the initial idea!
Almost everything in this plugin can be set in the config. So you can play with it exactly like you want to!
- Enchant any vanilla enchantments up to level 10
- Disenchant unwanted enchantments
- Enchant items using resources
- Custom enchantments
Custom enchantments can be crafted in a crafting table using their own recipes, you can look the recipes up by using /ee recipes.
This plugin adds the possibility to smelt rotten flesh into leather.
(You can disable this in the config)
Wandering traders and librarians also have a chance to spawn with a custom enchantment book offer. These are, however, not cheap!
(You can set the chance in the config)
Custom enchanted books can spawn in end city chests.
(You can set the chance in the config)
There is a small chance that custom enchantments are added when enchanting an item in an enchanting table. Whenever a custom enchantment will be added the level cost in the enchantment table will be 5 levels.
(You can set the chance in the config)
Information about all the different features:
If you have Vault installed on your server you can make it possible for players to buy enchantments using money instead of enchanting items via an enchanting table. You can very easily create buyable enchantments using its own file. Here you can specify which enchantments can be bought and which max level they can become when buying them.
More info about this here:
This plugin has changed the way the game handles enchant merges and made it so that all vanilla enchantments are mergeable up to level 10 (you can configure this in the config file) except for depth strider and lure which have a max level of 3 because there is no value in getting them higher. And quick shot which has a max level of 5 because the crossbow bugs out at level 6. You can get higher than vanilla levels only by merging two books with the same level or using resource enchanting.
You can disable this feature entirely in the config.
Disenchanting has also been added to be able to get enchantments you don't want off your items. Put the enchanted item in the first slot of an anvil and a book in the second and it will remove the last enchant on your item unless you name it one of the enchantment names. It will then take that enchantment instead.
You can disable disenchanting in the config.
You can now enchant items using resources instead of having to find the book or getting lucky in an enchanting table. Each enchantment takes their own resource which you can look up in the recipe menu using /ee recipes.
The amount of levels it will cost increases exponentially the higher the level gets, level 1 starts with 1 level, level 2 costs 4 levels, level 3 costs 9 levels and so on.
You can disable resource enchanting in the config.
This plugin also adds a variety of custom enchantments which make your game more interesting to play. All custom enchantments can be disabled in the config. Information about the enchantments can be found
here on the wiki.
More information for server owners:
There are a few commands you can use within this plugin:
- /ee
Added primarily for easier testing but lets you get in creative easier.
- /ee cost
Shows you what a package would cost for your current item if you were to buy it. Or if you use '/ee cost repair' it will show you what it would cost to repair your current item.
- /ee repair
Repairs the item you are currently holding using money. The price is calculated based on the enchantments you have on your item. Find more info about this on the wiki.
- /ee buy
Allows you to buy enchantments specified in the config using money.
- /ee reload
Reloads the config file.
- /ee give <custom enchant> <level>
Gives you a book with the specified custom enchant and level.
- /ee enchant <custom enchant> <level>
Enchants the item you are holding with the specified custom enchant and level
- /ee recipes
Usable by everyone, shows a menu with the recipes of all enchants.
There are a few permissions for the commands that are usable:{enchantment name}
Allows a player to use the '/ee buy' to buy the enchantment specified.
To allow a player to buy all enchantments give them the* permission.
Allows players to use the '/ee cost' command to see what the enchantments which they have permission for would cost for their current item if they were to buy them.
Allows players to use the '/ee repair' command to repair items using money. If this is enabled on your server.
Allows a player to use /ee to get in creative mode
Default: op
Allows a player to use /ee reload to reload the config
Default: op
Allows a player to use /ee give to give themselves a custom enchant book
Default: op
Allows a player to use /ee enchant to enchant the item they are currently holding with a custom enchant
Default: op
If you don't agree with the custom enchantment book crafting recipes currently used by this plugin because you think they are too cheap or to expensive you are now able to change them yourself. This is lucky for you not difficult at all! Take a look at the wiki page for a detailed walkthrough:
Code (Text):
#Choose which custom enchants to enable
#They will still remain on the items but wont do anything
#To disable the crafting recipes you have to reload the server
AntigravityEnabled: true
AssassinEnabled: true
AutosmeltEnabled: true
BeheadingEnabled: true
DeflectEnabled: true
DirectEnabled: true
DisarmingEnabled: true
DisruptionEnabled: true
ElementalprotectionEnabled: true
EyesofowlEnabled: true
ExperienceboostEnabled: true
FeedingmoduleEnabled: true
GourmandEnabled: true
HealthboostEnabled: true
HeavenslightnessEnabled: true
IcyEnabled: true
LavawalkerEnabled: true
LeapingEnabled: true
LifestealEnabled: true
LumberjackEnabled: true
OresightEnabled: true
ReplantingEnabled: true
ShadowstepEnabled: true
SoulboundEnabled: true
SplittingEnabled: true
SteppingEnabled: true
StonefistsEnabled: true
ThermalplatingEnabled: true
ThrustersEnabled: true
TravelerEnabled: true
UnbreakableEnabled: true
VeinmineEnabled: true
WideEnabled: true
#Choose if you want to enable the plugin checking for updates
EnableUpdateCheck: true
#Enable vault integration if you have vault installed on your server
#If you don't have vault this option doesn't have any impact
EnableVaultIntegration: true
#This feature only affects item repairing if ExpandedEnchants is integrated with vault.
#Choose whether players can repair items if they have no enchants on these items.
#Set a default value when players have no enchantments.
AllowNoEnchantRepair: false
DefaultRepairCost: 0
#Choose if the higher than vanilla enchanting is enabled
EnableVanillaOverride: true
#Set the max level vanilla enchants can become using the plugin
#Ignore if EnableVanillaOverride is set to false
MaxVanillaEnchantLevel: 10
#Choose if you want to enable disenchanting
AllowDisenchanting: true
#Choose if you want to allow resource enchanting
AllowResourceEnchant: true
#Choose if you want resource enchants to cost xp
#Ignore when AllowResourceEnchant is set to false
ResourceEnchantXpEnabled: true
#Choose whether you want to enable the smelting from
#rotten flesh to leather for easier creation of books
LeatherSmeltEnabled: true
#Percentage chance that the wandering trader spawns with a custom enchant offer
#Set to 0 for no special offers
WanderingTraderChance: 30
#Percentage chance that a custom enchant book will spawn in an endcity
#Set to 0 to make them never spawn
EndCityChance: 40
#Percentage chance that a custom enchantment will show up in the enchanting table
#Set to 0 to make them never show up
EnchantingTableChance: 5
#Set the amount of emeralds the deflect enchant uses every time it deflects damage
DeflectCost: 1
#Choose how to activate the lumberjack enchant, choose between SNEAKING, STANDING or BOTH:
LumberjackMode: SNEAKING
#Choose whether to enable saturation mode on the feeding module
#which causes you to eat immediatly when loosing half a hunger bar
#in order to keep your health full
EnableSaturationMode: false
#Which foods will be eaten by the feeding module enchant. HAS TO BE EDIBLE
#Choose how to activate the wide enchant for mining blocks
#choose between SNEAKING, STANDING or BOTH
WideActivationMode: SNEAKING
#Choose how to activate the wide enchant, for hoeing farmland,
#pathing dirt and stripping wood
#choose between SNEAKING, STANDING or BOTH:
WideSpecialActionMode: SNEAKING