TerraformGenerator is a world generator plugin that aims to provide an enhanced vanilla feel. The world is playable with all vanilla items obtainable, though
I will heavily recommend thoroughly testing it for yourself before deploying it to a production environment. Pregeneration will take a while as the plugin generates more slowly than vanilla, making small mistakes difficult to fix later on.
There are commands, but they are developer commands and only available via /op. Try not to use them unless you understand what they do.
Links to wiki, with most of the plugin's biomes and structures as images:
Read the FAQ and look at the more detailed installation instructions here.
On another note, for 1.15.2, the version released on 23rd Feb 2020 is the recommended version, as it fixes an itchy spigot issue. More details at the bottom under "bugs". 1.14.4 does not have this fix.
You need at least Java 16
Pregeneration is recommended regardless of your server specs, as TerraformGenerator was not designed to generate live
Method One
Turn off the server if it is running
Place TerraformGenerator.jar in your plugins folder
Inside bukkit.yml, add these lines (they do not exist beforehand), where "world" is your world name:
Code (YAML):
generator: TerraformGenerator
Delete the old world folder (if present), and start the server
Method two
Place TerraformGenerator.jar in your plugins folder
Inside bukkit.yml, add these lines (they do not exist beforehand), where "world" is your world name:
Code (YAML):
generator: TerraformGenerator
Delete the old world folder (if present), and start the server
Use the command "/mv create genworld" from Multiverse normal -g TerraformGenerator"
Probably works with multiworld, but I didn't try it.
Old images that aren't updated
Shader images captured by @PiggyPiglet, @ExxDee and @BecauseNyx All the non-shader vanilla images are all the way below.
[Check vanilla image below]
Birch Mountains, with Birch Fractal Trees