(If you have any issue, contact me at my discord server) PAYPAL ENABLED
EasterEggs - simple plugin to add easter eggs (Presents) to your server!
Installation very simple. Download plugin and
put it into your /plugins folder, then
restart/reload server/load plugin using PlugMan or other plugin manager.
Custom easter eggs using player heads
Supported minecraft versions 1.8.x - 1.21.x
Goals. (Action when collected N easter eggs. For example, 5 easter eggs)
Effect on claim (firework of fixed or random color, could be disabled)
In-order claim (Useful for quests, ask player to claim eggs in specific order (The order they were placed))
Sound when already claimed and on-claim !!! FOR 1.8 AND 1.13 DIFFERENT sounds, default config for 1.13, you can change to 1.8. Use MC sound like "block.anvil.land" (1.13) or "BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND" (also 1.13). Both formats supported
Actionbar when easter egg is near
Ability to split easter eggs to groups
Custom actions when player claim easter egg (Message, Command)
Heads blocked to 45* rotation
Actions per easter egg when player claim easter egg
Built-in 8 textures for easter eggs
Custom texture support (Mojang head textures, site)
SQL storage
MySQL support for player data. Storage bridge is not a collection prolong, it is a duplication (for multi-lobby, etc.)
(Firework since 1.3.0,
In your collection configuration remove "firework-effect" line to disable. Default value - RANDOM, could be any MC color (For instance, RED)
Goals setup example
%eastereggs_name_total% - Total eggs in collection
%eastereggs_name_claimed% - Claimed eggs in collection
%eastereggs_name_left% - Eggs left to claim in collection
name here is eggs collection name (For instance, %eastereggs_test_total% for collection named "test")
%eastereggs_total% - Total eggs across all collections
%eastereggs_claimed% - Total claimed eggs across all collections
%eastereggs_left% - Total eggs left to claim across all collections
By purchasing this product, you agree to the followings:
If you are under 18 make sure you have your parents permission to purchase the product.
You are not allowed to claim this resource as yours.
You are not allowed to chargeback.
Refunds are not available under any circumstances. Please ensure the plugin suits your needs before purchasing the plugin.
You are not allowed to redistribute or resell this plugin on any website
The plugin price may change at any given time, based on our discretion.
You cannot upload the plugin to third-party resources! Or give it to friends! One plugin purchase per server (or one bungee proxy)
No stupid reviews, such as (Plugin dont work, author didnt answer and other). Before making a bad review please contact me here -
https://discord.gg/vbYW3sperj, maybe i can solve your problem or add new feature