MiniMessage support (Using non-strict mode, automatically converts legacy & color codes and the &# hex format)
Note: This plugin does not and will never give support to cracked servers.
Player Commands
/gems - Allows you to check how many gems you have.
/gems help - Shows a help menu to the player.
/gems shop <category> - Allows you to open the gems shop. (
/gems withdraw <amount> - Allows you to withdraw gems into an item. (simplegems.command.withdraw)
/gems pay <player> <amount> - Allows you to pay someone gems. (
/gems top - Shows the top 10 players with the most amount of gems (
Admin Commands
/gems reload - Reloads the plugin (simplegems.command.reload)
/gems give <player> <amount> - Allows you to give someone gems. (simplegems.command.give)
/gems take <player> <amount> - Allows you to take away others' gems. (simplegems.command.take)
/gems set <player> <amount> - Allows you to set someone gems. (simplegems.command.set)
/gems version - Shows some information about the plugin (simplegems.command.version)
/gems update - Manually update the gems top leaderboard (simplegems.command.update)
/gems reset [player] - Allows you to reset the entire database or a specified player. (simplegems.command.reset)
All Commands are customizable in the SimpleGems/commands/gems.yml file
(The (2) is from Lunar Client's Chat Message Stacker mod)
%player% - Get the player name
%displayname% - Get the player display name
%arrowright% - Get an arrow for a message
%arrowleft% - Get an arrow for a message
%star% - Get a star for a message
%circle% - Get a circle for a message
%gems% - Get the player gems
%gems_formatted% - Get the player gems in fancy format
%gems_decimal% - Get the player gems in decimal format
PlaceholderAPI Placeholders
%simplegems_balance% - Get the player gems
%simplegems_balance_formatted% - Get the player gems in fancy format
%simplegems_balance_decimal% - Get the player gems in a decimal format
%simplegems_player_<number-here>% - Get the top player at the provided position ex. %simplegems_player_1% would show the first player on the gems top leaderboard this uses the gems-top format in the config.yml
Install 1. Download plugin 2. Place the .jar file in your plugins folder 3. Restart your server 4. Enjoy! Note: This plugin doesn't support PlugMan/Server reloading or similar plugins.