Code (Text):
# General messages
noPermissions: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &cYou don't have enough permissions!"
reloadAll: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &7Successfully reloaded all components!"
reloadConfig: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &7Successfully reloaded config file!"
reloadMessages: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &7Successfully reloaded messages file!"
reloadModule: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &7Successfully reloaded %module_name% module!"
reloadWrongModule: "{#660000>}&lRedShop{#BA0101<} &8&l>> &7Module with name %module_name% does not exist!"
# FrameShop's messages
noMoney: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cYou don't have enough money!"
fullInventory: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cYour inventory is full!"
wrongCurrency: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cThere's no supported currency with this name!"
wrongPrice: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cYou entered wrong price format!"
missingFrame: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cYou need to put itemframe with item above the sign!"
missingItem: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &cYou need to put item in the itemframe above the sign!"
onlyLeftClick: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7Use &bleft click &7to buy!"
onlyLeftShiftClick: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7Use &bleft+shift click &7to remove the shop!"
created: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7Shop successfully &acreated&7!"
removed: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7Shop successfully &cremoved&7!"
# You can use %item_type%, %owner% and %price% placeholders
bought: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7You bought &d%item_type% &7from &d%owner% &7for &d%price%&7!"
# You can use %item_type%, %consumer% and %price% placeholders
sold: "&3&lFrameShop &8&l>> &7You sold &d%item_type% &7to &d%consumer% &7for &d%price%&7!"
# Editing sign display - NOTE! Changing some of these lines may break compatibility with older versions
# What players shall write on first sign line (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
headerIdentification: "FrameShop"
# After creation, what appears in first line (already existing shops !MAY NOT WORK! after editing)
headerLineDisplay: "&3&lFrameShop"
# Currency display line (you can use %fullname% OR %symbol% placeholder)
# Note! Do not add additional text! If you do so, plugin won't know what currency should it use!!!
currencyLine: "&l%fullname%"
# If buyer tries to buy something from invalid shop, sign header will change to this (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
errorHeaderLine: "&3&l&mFrameShop"
# If item is sold, sign header will change to this (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
soldHeaderLine: "&3&l&mFrameShop"
# Line saying who bought it (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
boughtByLine: "Bought by:"
# In following section, only one line-end (use '%nl%') is acceptable (message can use only last two lines of the sign)
wrongFrame: "&cError while%nl%&cloading frame"
wrongItem: "&cError while%nl%&cloading item"
wrongPrice: "&cError while%nl%&cloading price"
wrongDefault: "&cError while%nl%&cloading data"
# RedClick's messages
noMoney: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &cYou don't have enough money!"
wrongCurrency: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &cThere's no supported currency with this name!"
wrongPrice: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &cYou entered wrong price format!"
wrongBlock: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &cThere's invalid attached block type!"
missingBlock: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &cThere's no attached block!"
onlyLeftClick: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7Use &cleft click &7to buy!"
onlyLeftShiftClick: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7Use &cleft+shift click &7to remove the shop!"
created: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7Shop successfully &acreated&7!"
removed: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7Shop successfully &cremoved&7!"
delay: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7You have to wait before next activation!"
testActivation: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7Test activation executed!"
# You can use %item_type%, %owner% and %price% placeholders
bought: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &7You activated RedClick &7from &c%owner% &7for &c%price%&7!"
# You can use %item_type%, %consumer% and %price% placeholders
sold: "&4&lRedClick &8&l>> &c%consumer% &7activated your RedClick for &c%price%&7!"
# What players shall write on first sign line (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
headerIdentification: "RedClick"
# After creation, what appears in first line (already existing shops !MAY NOT WORK! after editing)
headerLineDisplay: "&4&lRedClick"
# Currency display line (you can use %fullname% OR %symbol% placeholder)
# Note! Do not add additional text! If you do so, plugin won't know what currency should it use!!!
currencyLine: "&l%fullname%"
# If buyer tries to buy something from invalid shop, sign header will change to this (DOES NOT effect already existing shops)
errorHeaderLine: "&4&l&mRedClick"
# In following section, only one line-end (use '%nl%') is acceptable (message can use only last two lines of the sign)
wrongPrice: "&cError while%nl%&cloading price"
wrongBlock: "&cError while%nl%&cloading block"
missingBlock: "&cNo attached%nl%&cblock found"
wrongDefault: "&cError while%nl%&cloading data"
# Discord messages
create: "FrameShop created"
createDesc: "Player created a new FrameShop"
remove: "FrameShop Removed"
removeDesc: "Player removed a FrameShop"
purchase: "FrameShop Purchase"
purchaseDesc: "Player bought item in FrameShop"
create: "RedClick created"
createDesc: "Player created a new RedClick"
remove: "RedClick Removed"
removeDesc: "Player removed a RedClick"
purchase: "RedClick Purchase"
purchaseDesc: "Player bought signal in RedClick"
buyer: "Buyer"
seller: "Seller"
player: "Player"
location: "Location"
itemType: "ItemType"
price: "Price"
date: "Date"