# --- COLORS --- # Always use the paragraph formatting of the colors! # Dark Red (§4) # Red (§c) # Gold (§6) # Yellow (§e) # Dark Green (§2) # Green (§a) # Aqua (§b) # Dark Aqua (§3) # Dark Blue (§1) # Blue (§9) # Light Purple (§d) # Dark Purple (§5) # White (§f) # Gray (§7) # Dark Gray (§8) # Black (§0)
# --- VARIABLES --- # %rank% -> The field 'prefix' of the rank (with the formatting) # %player% -> The name of the player # %message% -> The raw message, the player sends # %world% -> The name of the current world the player is in
# Change this to false if you don't want the ranks to show up in chat formatChat: true
tagFormat: "%rank% §8¦ " chatFormat: "%rank% §8¦ §7%player% §8» §7%message%"
# Any formatting or "AUTO" to use the 'messageFormatting' field as the color playerChatColor: "AUTO" playerColor: "GRAY"
# Rank sorting is the same as here (owner is at the top and the defaultRank (Player) is on the bottom) # For example: for the owner rank you need to give someone the oranks.owner permission and for premium the oranks.premium permission # DO NOT change the name of defaultRank! Everyone who got none of the above ranks, will get the defaultRank
# Every operator of the server will get the rank at the top # To prevent this behaviour just set the specific permission to FALSE # E.g. a operator on your server shows up as the owner in the tab and you don't want this # Just set the permission oranks.owner as FALSE ranks:
- owner:
prefix: "§4§lOwner" messageFormatting: "§4§l" - admin:
prefix: "§cAdmin" messageFormatting: "§c" - mod:
prefix: "§2Mod" messageFormatting: "§2" - premium:
prefix: "§6Premium" messageFormatting: "§6" - defaultRank:
prefix: "§3Player" messageFormatting: "§3"