This plugin grants the ability to give players the ability to enter an emulated creative mode. They will have the ability to access creative items, pick-block, save custom hot-bars, set custom preferences, and destroy items. Everything about this plugin can be controlled using permissions and the configuration files, allowing creative players to take damage, survival-mode block breaking speed, disable flying, and more. This plugin is nearly a perfect match to the default Minecraft creative mode but allows admins or each player to customize their preferences. If there is a feature you are looking for it is likely to have already been implemented.
This plugin emulates creative mode by setting the user to survival mode and customizing the attributes of the player. It also uses events and custom items in the crafting menu to emulate the default creative experience. This plugin is very nearly an identical match in features compared to Minecraft's default creative, except this plugin implements additional features to create a better user experience. This plugin does not overwrite the existing survival mode, the user will still be able to switch between all available gamemodes.
This plugin is unique because it is currently the only plugin that exists which grants players an emulated creative mode. The developer is always active, looking to fix bugs and implement requested features. This plugin is always expanding and taking requests, if you feel like something is missing the developer will likely implement it so simply submit a request! You might ask yourself, why would you want to use FakeCreative over the default Minecraft creative mode? There are several reasons for this, mainly that being most plugins have issues with the default creative mode as when it was developed by Mojang it wasn't intended to be used in mass as it has been by players. The default creative is very buggy and easily exploitable which is why many anti-exploit plugins contain restrictions for Minecraft's creative mode. FakeCreative was designed to resolve this, be unrestricted, and prevent exploits while allowing a more seamless experience.
Globally set custom creative preferences which can change the creative experience.
Allow players to set their own custom preferences using the preferences tab in-game.
Commands You can either use /FakeCreative or /FC to execute a command.
Code (Text):
description: Displays a menu giving credit to the author and the help menu command.
aliases: [fc]
usage: |
Example: /fakecreative
description: Switches the executing player's gamemode.
aliases: [gm]
usage: |
Example: /gamemode
gamemode creative:
description: Sets the executing player to creative.
aliases: [1]
permission: fakecreative.mode.creative
usage: |
/gm creative
Example: /gm creative
Example: /gm 1
gamemode survival:
description: Sets the executing player to survival.
aliases: [0]
permission: fakecreative.mode.survival
usage: |
/gm survival
Example: /gm survival
Example: /gm 0
gamemode adventure:
description: Sets the executing player to adventure.
aliases: [2]
permission: fakecreative.mode.adventure
usage: |
/gm adventure
Example: /gm adventure
Example: /gm 2
gamemode spectator:
description: Sets the executing player to spectator.
aliases: [3]
permission: fakecreative.mode.spectator
usage: |
/gm spectator
Example: /gm spectator
Example: /gm 3
fakecreative help:
description: Displays a page of the available help menu showing the available commands.
permission: fakecreative.use
usage: |
/fakecreative help
Example: /fakecreative help
fakecreative reload:
description: Reloads all plugin configuration files and caches any new data.
permission: fakecreative.reload
usage: |
/fakecreative reload
Example: /fakecreative reload - Configuration(s) Reloaded!
fakecreative updates:
description: Checks for any available updates for the plugin.
permission: fakecreative.updates
usage: |
/fakecreative updates
Example: /fakecreative updates - You have requested to check for available plugin updates!
fakecreative upgrade:
description: Forces the plugin to update to the latest version if a new version is found,
a server restart will be required for changes to take effect.
permission: fakecreative.upgrade
usage: |
/fakecreative upgrade
Example: /fakecreative upgrade - You have requested to force update the plugin.
fakecreative permissions:
description: Displays a page of every permission node showing which permissions are
enabled/disabled for the player.
permission: fakecreative .permissions
usage: |
/fakecreative permissions
Example: /fakecreative permissions - You have the permissions fakecreative.reload.
fakecreative purge:
description: Purges ALL data or the specified data from the database file for ALL players
or the specified player.
permission: fakecreative .purge
usage: |
/fakecreative purge
Example: /fakecreative purge - You have purged ALL data from the database file!
Example: /fakecreative purge RockinChaos - You have purged ALL data for the player RockinChaos from the database file!
Permissions Please note; permissions are case sensitive, including the world names!
Code (Text):
description: Grants access to all aspects of the plugin, including every permission node.
default: false
fakecreative.all: true
description: Grants access to all aspects of the plugin, including every permission node.
default: false
fakecreative.use: true
fakecreative.reload: true
fakecreative.updates: true
fakecreative.upgrade: true
fakecreative.permissions: true
fakecreative.purge: true
fakecreative.mode.creative: true
fakecreative.mode.survival: true
fakecreative.mode.adventure: true
fakecreative.mode.spectator: true
description: Grants access to basic plugin commands.
default: true
description: Grants access to the reload command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the updates command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the upgrade command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the permissions command
default: true
description: Grants access to the purge command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the user preferences tab.
default: false
description: Grants access to the creative command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the survival command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the adventure command.
default: false
description: Grants access to the spectator command.
default: false
If you want more detailed, better-explained
commands and
permissions they can be found on the
English Tutorial(s)
If you decide to create a tutorial on FakeCreative please DM me and I will feature it here.
Does FakeCreative have any dependencies?
FakeCreative has ZERO required dependencies but there are some optional ones that can make your experience much better!
You can learn more about these API / Hooks on the wiki page.
PlaceholderAPI - You can use all of these placeholders on any part of FakeCreative! This plugin will work with FakeCreative in any string text containing placeholders such as the lang.yml
BetterNick - This allows FakeCreative to easily find your original player name and UUID if you are nicknamed using BetterNick.
★ Requested Changes ★ Please Pm me with feature requests! I will always look them over and get back to you.
Crossed Out requests mean that they have been completed. no.1) ...