Looking for a plugin that hides you from dynmap every time you are in spectator gamemode or vanished via EssentialsX plugin? You're lucky my friend! I have such a plugin here for ya!
What is dynmapHider?
As I already mentioned, dynmapHider is a simple plugin that hides you from dynmap during spectator gamemode and/or, if present, EssentialsX vanish.
- 1.10.2 and above Bukkit/Spigot/Paper based server
- dynmap plugin
bStats Metrics
This plugin collects anonymous server statistics through
bStats. If you want to disable these metrics, go to
- /dynmaphider - Shows a list of all available commands
- /dynmaphider reload - Reloads the config file of this plugin
- dynmaphider.reload - Allows you to use the /dynmaphider reload command
- dynmaphider.updatecheck - Sends you a message upon joining when there's a new version available (Opped players get these messages even without this permission)
- hideOnEssentialsVanish (default: true) - If true and EssentialsX plugin is present, players with EssentialsX vanish will be hidden from dynmap
- hideOnGameModeSpectator (default: true) - If true, players in spectator gamemode will be hidden from dynmap
Some issue?
If so, feel free to contact me on Discord -
@cichycze - where I'm available most of the time, or open an issue in the GitHub repository.