[QuickShop Addon] Shop Search icon

[QuickShop Addon] Shop Search -----

Adds a /finditem command in game for searching through all the shops on the server.

Shop Search AddOn For QuickShop

An add-on for the QuickShop Reremake and Hikari spigot plugin. Adds a /finditem command in game for searching through all the shops on the server.

[​IMG] [​IMG]

  • Search items based on buying/selling shops
  • Search items by item type
  • Supports query based item search
  • Supports item custom model data for custom items
  • Configurable shop sorting methods
  • Displays enchantments in the result for enchanted items
  • Hides item enchants if item has hide_enchants flag
  • Displays potion effects in the result for Potion items
  • Hide certain shops from appearing in search lists
  • Supports completely safe direct shop teleportation (configurable in config.yml)
  • Ignores shops that are out of stock
  • Support for world blacklisting (Shops in blacklisted worlds are ignored in the search result)
  • All messages in the config.yml support hexcodes so you can get a lot creative with colors.
  • Supports PlayerWarps (by Olzie-12) integration. It shows the nearest warp to each shop in the search result GUI.
  • Supports EssentialsX Warps integration for fetching nearest warps.
    • Global warps list for essentials is updated in batches every 15 minutes due to technical limitations, which is then used in every search query.
    • If you added a new warp and want it to get updated immediately, run /finditemadmin reload
    • Remember, this applies only to Essential Warps.
  • WorldGuard region support for fetching the WorldGuard region the shop is in (if overlapping regions, highest priority will be chosen)

Sample config.yml with each field explained Link



Multiple search result pages:

Shows item enchantments:

Shows Potion colors and effects:

Shows custom item names and lore:

  • A compatible economy plugin is installed
  • Vault 1.7.3 or higher is installed
How to use?
Just drop it in your plugins folder, restart the server and you're good to go.
Make sure you have Java 16 or 17 installed on your server machine.

  • finditem.use - Enables players to use the /finditem command
  • finditem.admin - For OP. Includes all of the below perms.
    • finditem.reload - Enables use of /finditemadmin reload to reload the config
  • finditem.shoptp - If 'allow-direct-shop-tp' is enabled in config, players require this permission to be able to teleport
  • finditem.hideshop - For running /finditem hideshop or /finditem revealshop
Command Usage:
  • Code (Text):
    /finditem {Arg1} {Arg2}
    • Arg1: TO_BUY or TO_SELL (Customizable in config.yml)
    • Arg2: Item Type from Tab Autofill (Uses Bukkit item types)
  • Code (Text):
    /finditem {Arg1} {Arg2}
    • Arg1: TO_BUY or TO_SELL (Customizable in config.yml)
    • Arg2: Any word from the Item display name
  • Code (Text):
    /finditemadmin reload
    Reloads the config.yml
  • You can hide your shop from appearing in /finditem searches.
    • Do /finditem hideshop while looking at the chest shop (NOT the shop sign) you wish to hide and it will no longer appear in searches.
    • Do /finditem revealshop while looking at a hidden chest shop to make it public again.
    • Requires finditem.hideshop permission to run the above two commands.

Known issues:

- If you're using QuickShop v4.0.9.10 or below, updating to the latest version is highly recommended as doing a /qs reload will make this addon and all other QuickShop addons stop working (Spigot limitation). Please restart your server if you recently reloaded QuickShop plugin. As of now, there is no fix for this issue until spigot fixes it from their end. Any QuickShop version after v4.0.9.10 is not affected.

Issue & Feature Tracking

Please create a new issue here if you encounter any errors. Please try to explain in detail about your issue, and attach your console log if possible.
You can also find the list of features currently being worked on (if any) in the same link.

Please don't post your issues in the comments! The discussion section is also rarely read. Best way to reach me is to DM me on discord at myzticbean

Please rate the plugin if you found it useful! :)

Consider donating?
Creating plugins such as this is hard work, and your donation will help me maintain it for a long time. Feel free to donate any amount here. Your support is always appreciated!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 3,084
First Release: Aug 8, 2021
Last Update: Nov 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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