Brawl icon

Brawl -----

A fun, fast-paced minigame for all ages (also API)

This is a completely standalone plug-n-play minigame. A configurable number of people get dropped at a set spawnpoint, and after a 10-second countdown, the fighting begins.

Complete with a configurable double-jump feature and starting potion effects, all you need to do is build a suitable map and start playing.


Basic win effect: whoever is the last player alive is is awarded the glowing (spectral) effect for several seconds while the timer counts down again.

Pre-game immunity: Falling out of the world or taking damage in any way is cancelled until the game begins. Upon falling out of the world, players are instantly teleported back to the spawnpoint.

Zero Hit Cooldown: Punches are landed just as fast as you can throw them. The damage timer is set to an effective zero, as well as the hit timer.

Scorekeeping: When you win a round, you are rewarded with 1/10th of a level of Exp. So at Exp level 12, you will have won 120 rounds. Along with this, there is a scoreboard on the side of the screen that keeps track of the top 3 players (this will be adjusted over time).

API: Use this as a base game plugin for your server, and add other plugins to modify the behavior and add additional features. Custom events are as follows:

Code (Java):
CountdownBeginEvent { //fired when the 10s countdown begins}
GameBeginEvent { //fired when the countdown ends and the game starts}
GameTerminateEvent { //fired when the game ends, whether by win or abandonment}
GameWinEvent { //fired immediately after the game is terminated, if there is a winner}
PlayerCombatEvent { //fired when a player is attacked}
PlayerEliminateEvent { //fired when a player is eliminated (death, failure to achieve, etc)}
PlayerDoubleJumpEvent { //fired when a player tries to toggle flight if doublejump is enabled}
Currently there are two commands, and no permissions. You must be opped in order to use these commands.

setspawn: sets the spawn location for all players.
setpots: sets the default potion effects for all players. This is set to whatever potion effects you have active at the time of the command.


Cosmetics Shop: This will be a shop loaded with particle effects, sounds, win effects, personalized looks, pets, titles, ranks, and more. These perks will be purchased using the stored Exp from winning rounds.

Game Types: Last Player Standing rewards the (you guessed it) last player alive and crowns them the winner. Body Count rewards the first player to get to a specified number of kills. Coming up (when I can find the time) will be most kills in x minutes, teams, and more.

Everything configurable: That's right, everything. Along with a full range of intuitive commands and tab completions. All of this, of course, when I can find the time.

The following code is run when the plugin is enabled.
Code (Java):
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setTime ( 6000 ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setStorm ( false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_IMMEDIATE_RESPAWN, true ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_INSOMNIA, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_WEATHER_CYCLE, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. COMMAND_BLOCK_OUTPUT, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DISABLE_RAIDS, true ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_ENTITY_DROPS, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_FIRE_TICK, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_MOB_LOOT, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_MOB_SPAWNING, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_PATROL_SPAWNING, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_TILE_DROPS, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DO_TRADER_SPAWNING, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. DROWNING_DAMAGE, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. KEEP_INVENTORY, true ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. LOG_ADMIN_COMMANDS, false ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. SEND_COMMAND_FEEDBACK, true ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. SPAWN_RADIUS, 0 ) ;
Bukkit. getServer ( ). getWorld ( "world" ). setGameRule (GameRule. ANNOUNCE_ADVANCEMENTS, false ) ;

This sets up the play environment. When a player joins while a game is in action, they join in Spectator mode. When a player joins during a countdown or while waiting for the minimum number of players, they join and remain in Adventure mode.
The food level of all players will not change throughout the game unless another plugin overrides this.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at [email protected] or message me from my Spigot profile.
I have left Discord, and will no longer be active there indefinitely.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 66
First Release: Aug 6, 2021
Last Update: Oct 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings