Hex color support!
Was macht es? / What does it do?
RHHealthInfo siehst du eine Lebensanzeige über den Köpfen der Spieler. Diese ist individuell konfigurierbar. Du hast sogar die Möglichkeit bestimmte Welten in der Konfigurationsdatei zur deaktivieren.
RHHealthInfo you will see a life indicator above the players heads. This can be configured individually. You even have the option to deactivate certain worlds inside the config file.
Vorschau / Preview
Kompatibilität / Compatibility
Das Plugin ist mit Spigot und Paper ab der Version 1.20.0+ kompatibel. Die Nutzung der
neuesten Minecraft Version wird dennoch empfohlen!
The plugin is compatible with Spigot and Paper from version 1.20.0+. The use of the
latest Minecraft version is still recommended!
- Download the latest .jar and upload it to your Spigot/Paper plugins/ folder
- (Optional) Configure the plugin with the config file /plugins/RHHealthInfo/config.yml
- Do one of the following:
- Restart your server.
- Type /health reload
Tip: For manual reloads I recommend the plugin PlugmanX.
- RHHealthInfo.*
- overrides all other of RHHealthInfo's permissions
- RHHealthInfo.use
- players with this permission are able to see the health indicator of other players
- RHHealthInfo.reload
- players with this permission are able to reload the plugins config with /health reload
Commands & Aliases
- /health <text>
- description: Shows the available commands
- aliases: [hi, healthinfo]
- /health reload
- description: Reloads the config
Konfiguration / Configuration
This is the default config.yml
Code (YAML):
# #
# Configuration for RHHealthInfo #
# #
# Just replace the default info with your own. :)
# Be careful! Make always sure to put an ' after and before the text!
# General plugin output
# [DEU] Plugin Name für den Chat
# [ENG] Plugin prefix for the chat
: '&8
] '
# [DEU] Nachricht für den Reload Command
# [ENG] Reload message
: '&7Die Config wurde &aneu geladen&7!'
# You can also set the sound, that is played, when '/health reload' is executed. Please make sure to use the correct sound name, otherwise you will get a console error!
# Official sound list: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Sound.html
# [DEU] Dieser Text wird angezeigt, wenn /health eingegeben wird (Benutzung)
# [ENG] Shows up, when /health is executed (usage)
- '&7- - - &8
]&7 - - -'
- ''
- ' &f/health &ereload&8&o* &8-&7 Die Konfiguration wird &eneu geladen'
# Data input
# [DEU] Soll der Herzen Indikator aktiviert werden?
# [ENG] Should the heart indicator be activated?
: true
# [DEU] Wie soll der Herzen Indikator aussehen?
# [ENG] How should the heart indicator look like?
: '&c❤'
# [DEU] Trage hier die Welten ein, in denen die Lebensanzeige deaktiviert werden soll
# [ENG] Input world names, in which the health indicator should be deactivated
- ThisWorldIsNotAllowed
# Message output
# [DEU] Wenn der Spieler keine Berechtigung hat
# [ENG] If the player has no permission
: '&7Dazu hast du &ckeinen &7Zugriff.'