Back icon

Back -----

Teleport to your last location after your death



The Back plugin has the ability to teleport the player to your last location after death.


O plugin Back possui a habilidade de teleportar o(a) jogador(a) para a sua última localização após a morte.


Code (Text):
/back - Teleport to your last location
/back help - Shows the Help Page
/backlist - List all Blocked Worlds
/back reload - Reloads the Plugin

Code (Text):
back.back : Access to the Back command
back.bypass : Access to the Back command without cooldown
back.bypass.economy : Access to Back command without withdraw money
back.admin : Access to the Admin Help Page and List all Blocked Worlds
back.update: Access to recieve notifications about the plugin, as new versions
back.reload : Access to Reload the Plugin

How the Plugin works?
Code (Text):

It's simple. When a player dies, if he has "back.back" permission, his death location will be saved.

If he has "back.bypass" permission, he will be able to teleport into his last location without cooldown, if enabled.

The cooldown is in seconds and can be customized in the config.yml

When the player execute the "/back" command, he will be teleported to his last location.

The "death_locations" file SHOULD NOT be touched. It works by
itself with the configurations and deaths.

Code (Text):
The plugin has some placeholders. It doesnt needs to have any plugin dependency.

%back_prefix% :
Gets the Back prefix

%back_delaytime% :
Gets the remaining time for use the Back Command

%back_cost% : Gets the teleport cost
%back_withdraw% : Gets the money taken from the player account

Code (Text):
ClickOption is an option displayed in the chat to the player use
the /back command instead typing the command in chat.

By default, this option is disabled, and can be enabled
changing the status to "true" in config.yml

This option can be only be enabled if your server version is 1.16
or above. If the opiton is activated and your server is below 1.16,
some logs will be sent into the Console each time the command
is used. To stop, disable the option and use the /back reload
ClickOption configuração.png

Code (Text):
By default, you can see there's a space above and under the "&c[Click here to Death Location] here
in config.yml.
ClickOption 2 espaços config.yml.png

Code (Text):
However, in game, it's 2 spaces above and under
(1 space above and under by default in game (can't be changed) + spaces in config.yml).
ClickOption 2 espaços.png

Code (Text):
If you believe is a lot, you can't just remove the spaces
here in the config.yml, so only 1 space will be visible
above and under in game.

If you want add more information, you can change or add
more lines.
ClickOption 1 espaço config.yml.png

ClickOption 1 espaço.png

World Blacklist
Code (Text):
WorldBlacklist is a method created to block the /back
command to be executed. If you put a world that exists in
your server in the list, if a player dies and execute the command
the player will be blocked. The command will only works
if the he dies inside of an allowed world.
View attachment 808118

WorldBlock 2.png

Hex Colors Support
Code (Text):
The Hex Colors is now supported in the plugin. Here's a preview. You can use the old method
at the same time in the message.

View attachment 811177


Economy Support
Code (Text):
The plugin has softdepend the famous Vault plugin, which normally is related to economy,
permission or chat issues.

For this plugin, in the config.yml, you can enable or disable the connection
with Vault, and also define the cost required to teleport with the
Back command


Code (YAML):
# Plugin developed by GFelberg
# Config.yml

# language: en
# Thanks for downloading my plugin. For more plugins, don't forget to look my updates!
# If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot.

# language: br/pt
# Obrigado por baixar meu plugin. Para mais plugins, não esqueça de olhar as atualizações!
# Se você encontrar algum problema ou ter alguma ideia para o plugin, pm no spigot.

# Permissions

# back.back : Access to Back command
# back.bypass : Access to Back command without cooldown
# back.bypass.economy : Access to Back command without withdraw money
# back.admin : Access to the Admin Help and List all Blocked Worlds
# back.update : Access to receive notifications about the plugin, as new versions
# back.reload : Access to Reload the Plugin

# Placeholders

# %back_prefix% : Gets the Back prefix
# %back_delaytime% : Gets the remaining time for use the Back Command, if cooldown is enabled.
# %back_cost% : Gets the teleport cost
# %back_withdraw% : Gets the money taken from the player account

# Update-Check Option -
# If true, a permission will be required to receive the notifications if the player doesn't have the OP enabled
# If true, the player will receive the notification when joins the server
: true

# Version Messages

# %back_prefix% : Gets the Back Prefix
# %back_current_version% : Gets the Current Version
# %back_latest_version% : Gets the Latest Version
# %back_spigot_link% : Gets the Back Spigot Link

 - ""
  - "%back_prefix% &eThere is a new update available!"
  - "&6Current Version
: &c%back_current_version%"
  - "&6Latest Version
: &a%back_latest_version%"
  - "&6Link
: &e%back_spigot_link%"
  - ""

# Warning: The "death_locations" file SHOULD NOT be touched. The file works itself with the configurations and
# deaths in the server.

# Configuration 1.0
# This configuration will display the Back Messages
: "&b[&eBack&b]&r"
: "&eYou have been teleported to your last location"
: "&cYour teleport has been failed. No location found!"
: "&cYou died in a world which this command is blocked by an Admin!"
: "&cYou don't have permission to perform this command!"

# Configuration 1.1
# This configuration will display the Help Page Messages
: "&eShows this page"
: "&eTeleports to your last location"
: "&eList all Blocked Worlds"
: "&eReloads the Plugin"

# Configuration 1.2
# This configuration will display the Cooldown System

# If "true", the player will have to wait 'x' seconds to use the command after his death.

# If "false", the player can use the command immediately after his death.

# If the player has "back.bypass" permission, the player will be able to use the command even with the cooldown enabled.
# By default, the cooldown is disabled.

# The Delay message is "You must wait 'x' seconds to use the command!", which 'x' is the %back_delaytime% placeholder.

: false
: "&cYou must wait &b%back_delaytime% &cseconds to use the command!"
: 10

# Configuration 1.3
# This configuration will display the ClickOption System (Server Version = 1.16+)

# By default, you can see there's a space above and under the "&c[Click here to Death Location]" here in config.yml.
# However, in game, it's 2 spaces above and under (1 space above and under by default in game (can't be changed) + spaces in config.yml).

# If you believe is a lot, you can't just remove the spaces here in the config.yml, so only 1 space will be visible above and under in game.
# If you want to add more information, you can change or add more lines.

# This option can be only be enabled if your server version is 1.16 or above. If the option is
# activated and your server is below 1.16, some logs will be sent into the Console each time
# the command is used. To stop, disable the option and use the /back reload

# For a better explanation, please check the Back Overview Page at spigot:
: false

# Messages displayed in game
 - ""
  - "#FF5555[Click here to Death Location]"
  - ""

# Configuration 1.4
# This configuration will display the WorldBlacklist System

# WorldBlacklist is a method created to block the /back command to be executed. If you put a world that exists in your server in the list, if a player dies and execute the command
# the player will be blocked. The command will only works if he dies inside an allowed world.

# By default, this option will be disabled.
: false
: "&cThe WorldBlacklist is currently disabled by an Admin!"
: "&bBlocked Worlds"

# Blocked Worlds
 - 'world1'
  - 'world2'
  - 'world3'

# Configuration 1.5
# This configuration will display the Vault System

# You must have the Vault and an Economy Plugin to the Vault System works. If you don't have one of them, the default
# method will be applied, which is the classic mode.

# If the player has "back.bypass.economy" permission, the player will be able to use the command without withdraw money
# if Vault System is enabled.

: false
: 10
: "&e$%back_withdraw% &bwere taken from your account"
: "&cYou need $%back_cost% to teleport!"


- 5000 ✔️
- 10000 ✔️
- 100000 ✔️
- 150000 ✔️
- 160000 ❌

If you find any bugs or ideas to the plugin, pm me at spigot or in the Discussion Thread.

bStats added : 02-05-2025 (MM/DD/YYYY)​


IMPORTANT - Terms of Service:

- You are not allowed to make or distribute this plugin as yours
- You are not allowed to decompile this plugin
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 156,636
First Release: Jul 27, 2021
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings