☠ Battle Royale X ☠ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 [Guns, Parachutes, Realistic Drops, Plunder mode] icon

☠ Battle Royale X ☠ ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 [Guns, Parachutes, Realistic Drops, Plunder mode] -----

Drop with parachutes, shoot down enemies, and be the last team standing!


This minigame is a very fun game mode that brings 'Battle Royale' into Minecraft! Customize your loadout, pick your kits, then parachute out of a plane with your teammates right into action! Navigate the map to find loot, supply drops, and shopping stations in order to prepare yourself for all the upcoming battles! Shoot down all enemy players using guns and explosives, revive teammates, get killstreaks, ride vehicles, survive the closing border, rank up and unlock different achievements!


Read the information section before installing the plugin.

Before you get into the features and get all excited, please also read the following.
*** Please read the FULL page before purchasing . This is so that you don't purchase the plugin, and regret doing so because of a missing feature, or because you misunderstood what the plugin has to offer
*** The reviews section is not the place to be asking for help. When you are in need of help, please use the discussion area, or send me a private message.
*** Purchasing this plugin means that you agree to the plugin agreement found at the bottom of the page!


- Multi-arena! You can make many arenas
- Bungee-Mode Support! The plugin can be installed along other plugins like in your factions server and what not but it can also take over the server and force players to join the lobby! Or even a specific arena and once the arena finishes the server restarts
- Free setup available! Install the plugin within 5 minutes and start playing with 100 players in no time!
- 2 Gamemodes! Normal battle royale and plunder mode!
- Kits for normal battle royale.
- Loadouts for plunder mode. players can build their own loadout's with different armor, weapons, secondary weapons, and items!
- Winning celebrations!
- Plane as a battle bus! Players will drop from a built-in plane model
- Death chests! Players that die will have their loot stored in a chest instead of creating a mess.
- Maps! Generate maps for any size of arenas and display borders, safe zones, supply drops, extraction zones, and any custom location of your choice!
- Realistic items! Using invisible armor stands to display 3d models of items with names above them.
- Carepackages!
- Supply drops!
- Refillable armor system just like in warzone.
- Player downing and reviving system!
- Guns support from QualityArmory, CrackShot, CrackShotPlus & WeaponMechanics

- Supports items from ItemsAdder, ItemEdit, and MMOItems
- Vehicles support from QualityArmoryVehicles2
- Corpses support from CorpseReborn
- HEX colors support!
- Special Abilities! from AbilitiesAddon by Wazup92
- Shopping stations! Players can spend in-game cash collected from killing/supply drops to purchase useful items!
- Extraction zones for plunder mode!
- Mystery box!
- Custom recipes! You can make your own recipes that players can craft, such as ammo or weapons.
- Killstreaks! You can run your own commands on players once they reach a certain killstreak
- Bounties! you can set bounties on players.
- Vote for Health, Time, and Scenarios!
- Scenarios! You can add more flavor to matches by introducing new rules such as randomized crafting recipes. Currently, only 1 scenario is built in.
- Parties! All done through a GUI, You can create a party and invite players
- Achievements! customize the achievement's requirements and awards, and view the achievements in a cool scrollable GUI
- Leaderboards! Create signs that will display top players for many different stats, and you also can display their skull above these signs or create Holographic Leaderboards!
- Ranks! players earn exp and rank up until they reach the maximum rank which is configurable, you can also run your own commands when a player reaches a certain rank

- Highly customizable scoreboards!
- Spectator mode!
- MySQL Support and Local Files Support
- Supports UUID and Normal Usernames
- Built-in coins system, but it can also use vault economy

- Titles and Action Bar support!
- Autojoin feature that will put the players in the best available arena
- Join signs, Auto join signs, Leave signs, Leaderboard signs!
- Built-in world manager, you can create, delete, import, backup, restore, tp, set spawn, list, worlds.
- You can customize most of the plugin messages, inventory names, signs format, arena states, items, titles, chat prefixes!
- Broadcaster system that announces certain messages every x seconds
- PlaceholderAPI and MVdWPlaceholderAPI Support!
- Holograms support! you can make holographic stats and a holographic leaderboard through HolographicDisplays
- Clickable chat messages! like Play again message that players can click to directly join and play another match
- Fireworks ending, with an option to give winners a map and also to display your custom images on that map
- Shrinking world border!

- Fully independent! The plugin can run fully by itself but you will lose some features, such as guns and vehicles.
- Auto armor equip
- Tracking compass
- Minimal arena modification is enabled. Players can place blocks and only break blocks placed by players.
- Lobby countdown shortening system! If the arena has a certain number of players the timer will be shortened to begin faster
- You can send messages to party members only by starting your message with an exclamation mark
- A profile GUI where you can see all of your stats and items and your achievements
- Amazing lightweight rollback system
- Lightweight cooldown system
- Edit arenas on the fly!
- You can spawn mobs that will attack your enemies
- Kits can apply their own potion effects and run their own commands!
- Basic API that allows developers to access players stats and get top players, and also some events
- Set the coins/exp modifier of players to any number you want! You can also reset their stats! This also applies to offline players
- You can separate the spectator's chat, arena chat, and lobby chat!
- Force start/stop arenas, and reload the plugin with a simple command rather than reloading the whole server
- Spectators can instantly join a new game
- You can create permissions that allow players to have more slots per party
- You can create permissions that allow players to have more loadouts
- You can specify a set of potion effects for each arena (Some arenas for example could have infinite Speed I or some might have infinite Strength I and so on)
- You can run your own commands on players when the arena starts or when players win
- You can have an animated scoreboard title
- An update checker to keep you alert inside your game!
- Smooth, well designed, and created to be able to handle a large number of players


No gameplay video yet!


Click the spoiler below to see all the images



The plugin is highly customizable but not fully! There are some things that are hard-coded like sounds and SOME texts! Below you will find a list of all files generated by the plugin! Using this you will be able to see EXACTLY what you can change and what you cannot!

Pre-made translations of files into different languages

You can of course translate the files on your own, but here are some pre-made translations done by the community.
Please note that these translations are made by users and not by me. You should check these files using a yaml parser before installing them on the server as they might have some errors.



Main command is /BattleRoyale or /BR or /BattleRoyaleX or /BRX

Players commands:
- /BRX Join - No permissions
- /BRX Leave - No permissions
- /BRX Autojoin - No permissions
- /BRX List - No permissions
- /BRX Gui - No permissions
- /BRX Recipes - No permissions

Admin commands:
- /BRX Admin - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Setlobby - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Create - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Delete - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX SetMapCenter - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX GenerateMap - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX SetRoute - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX DeleteRoute - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX AddVehicleSpawn - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX RemoveVehicleSpawn - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX AddSupplyDrop- battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX RemoveSupplyDrop - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX AddExtractionPoint - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX RemoveExtractionPoint - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX AddMapBlip - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX RemoveMapBlip - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Edit - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Setspectators - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX WorldManager - battleroyalex.admin

- /BRX ParseItem - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Inventory - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX GiveItem - battleroyalex.admin

- /BRX Start - battleroyalex.start
- /BRX Stop - battleroyalex.stop
- /BRX Coins - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Setmodifier - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Holograms - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Reset - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Editmode - battleroyalex.admin
- /BRX Reload - battleroyalex.admin



You can download the free setup here:

Extract the zip file, and you will find two folders inside.
Open the 'Worlds' folder and copy all the worlds listed into your server worlds directory.
Then, copy the 'BattleRoyaleX' folder into your plugins folder. That's it! Enjoy.

You first want to set the global lobby location by doing '/brx setlobby'
so that when players do '/brx join' they will be teleported there.
now you should create some arenas

Assuming that you do not have multiverse, and your map is not loaded, you could use the command '/brx worldmanager import <Map>' and then teleport to it with '/brx worldmanager tp <Map>'

To create an arena, use '/brx create <name> <Normal/Plunder> <Min teams> <Max teams> <Team size>'
This will create a new arena with your defined name.
The arena type can be 'Normal' or 'Plunder'. Normal mode is where players compete to be the last team standing. Plunder mode is where players can keep respawning, and the winning team is the team with the highest amount of cash collected by the end of the arena timer.
<Min teams> is the minimum amount of teams required for the arena to start.
<Max teams> is the maximum amount of teams that the arena can handle
<Team size> is the size of each team. 1 means that the arena is solo, 2 means that each team can have 2 players max.
For example: if <Min teams> is 2, <Max teams> is 4, <Team size> is 3, that means that the arena will require a minimum of 2x3 = 6 players to start the countdown, and it can handle a maximum of 4x3 = 12 players.

After creating the arena, you should now set the center of the arena. Use the command '/brx setmapcenter <Arena>' to set the center at your location

[Optional], You can now use the command '/brx generatemap <Arena>', this command will create a map of the region and it will be given to players when they spawn. This command will probably tell you about missing materials from the map palette file. If the generated map looks bad, You can navigate to that file in BattleRoyaleX folder and add all missing materials and their associated colors manually. After adding them, make sure to reload the plugin and run the same command again. You can run this command multiple times until you find a map that looks good!

You can now set the plane routes. Use the command '/brx setroute' to do so. You can have multiple routes and each time a random one will be picked.
Command example:
/brx setroute <Arena> 1 Start
This will set the start of route #1 at your location
/brx setroute <Arena> 1 Finish
This will set the end of route #1 at your location

[Optional] You can add locations of supply drops! Use the command '/brx addsupplydrop <Arena>' to add as many locations as you want. Keep in mind, these places should have no blocks above them! Every while, the arena will pick a random location of these locations and drop a bunch of valuable chests from the air!

[Optional] If you have QualityArmoryVehicles2 Enabled, you can add locations where vehicles will randomly spawn using the command '/brx addvehiclespawn <Arena>'

[Optional] Shopping stations, by default, are simply ender chests. If a player right clicks an enderchest, he will open the shopping station. So add these blocks carefully.

[Optional] To make a spot on the map, for example, if you had a shopping station somewhere and wanted players to know that there is something important at this location. You can use the command '/brx addmapblip <Arena>' to add a blip at your location

[Optional] If you created a plunder mode arena, it is recommended to add extraction points! Use the command '/brx addextractionpoint' while standing at a block inside the arena to mark that spot for a plane cash pickup. Extraction ensures teams that they will not lose their cash if they died which is a crucial part for plunder mode.

You can now set the lobby location of the arena using the command '/brx setlobby <Arena>'. This is where players will teleport when they join this specific arena.

[Optional] You can set the location that spectators teleport to. To set the location you use the command '/brx setspectators <Arena>'

After you are finished everything you can use '/brx edit <Arena>' to enable the arena and change some other settings. Don't forget to click the save and apply button if you modified anything inside the edit GUI.

To create a mystery box, simply place an ender chest in the global lobby.

--- Bungee mode setup! for this all you have to do is the same steps as before, you should make some arenas and when you think that you have enough, go to config.yml and enable bungeemode. This plugin will only be on your game server and NOT in your hub server, if you want to join through signs from your hub server, then you need to have a plugin such as TeleportSigns in your hub

If you have only 1 arena, the plugin will make players enter the 1 arena directly (No lobby) and also restart when the arena ends.
If you have 2+ arenas, then the plugin will make players enter the lobby first (Same as '/brx join') and then they will be able to select the arena they want, and no restart will occur upon end.

- To create signs, the first line must be [BRX]

- To create a lobby join sign, the second line should be 'join'
- To create an arena join sign, the second line join be 'join' and the third line should be the arena name
- To create a leave sign the second line should be 'leave'
- To create an autojoin sign the second line should be 'autojoin'
For the autojoin signs, you can also specify in the third line 'solo' or 'teams'

- To create leaderboard signs the second line should be 'top' and the third line should be the stat name, for example 'kills', 'games_played' etc...
and the fourth line should be the rank you are looking for! If you want to display the TOP player (rank 1) then write in the fourth line '1'


If you purchase the plugin and install it on your server then please send me your server IP so that it will be featured here!
- neworldcraft.world
- Joxsmc.playit.gg


This plugin works from 1.8 and upwards!

The plugin can work perfectly fine on its own, but using some external plugins is highly recommended! You should have them installed before installing BattleRoyaleX for best results!
- Using QualityArmory for example allows the plugin to utilize guns which is a primary aspect of battle royale in general.
- Using QualityArmoryVehicles2 allows players to ride vehicles inside the map to access points faster and add more elements to the game!

The plane model used is provided by @pollitoyeye from his plugin Vehicles

Using MySQL is highly recommended as it increases the performance and protects you from some issues

If you want any holographic feature, you will need to install HolographicDisplays! If you want to use the Holographic Stats feature, you will need to install ProtocolLib as well otherwise the stats holograms will collide.

TitleManager is required to display action bar on versions lower than 1.10

There are some extra permissions!
battleroyalex.admin to create signs
battleroyalex.admin to break signs
battleroyalex.admin to view update notifications
battleroyalex.unblockcmds to be able to use commands while in game

If vault is enabled in the config, Leaderboards will not show 'Coins' as the player vault money, it will still display the player coins

Ask about any concerns in the discussion area before purchasing.

Before posting a negative review, please ask for help!

What is normal mode and what is plunder mode?
- Normal mode is where players compete against each other to be the last people standing. The primary objective is to eliminate other players by looting weapons from chests.
- In plunder mode, there is no team elimination. In fact, players are granted an infinite amount of respawns. Players don't have to look for chests as much because their predefined loadouts are given to them right after they enter the arena! The primary objective in this gamemode is to collect cash. This is done through looting supply drops, and looting other players! When players die, they drop half of their cash. In order for players to secure the cash that they have, they must go an extraction point and release their cash there. When the timer runs out, the team with the highest amount of cash wins!

Known issues:
- The plane model sometimes does not initialize correctly in some arenas, and so the plane may look broken sometimes.
- In 1.16, there is a glitch that happens when a player shift-clicks out of a parachute chicken, and therefore, in that version, the parachuting system does not use an invisible chicken to create a smooth parachute, but instead the player will look floating / walking on air.


The API can be simply accessed using the class named BattleRoyaleXAPI.

  • getTopPlayers (Should run async)
- First argument is the players data which you can get from BattleRoyaleXAPI.getAllPlayersData()
- Second argument is the stat, for example Stat.KILLS
- Third argument is the amount of top players you are looking for

Code (Text):
            HashMap<String, String> data = BattleRoyaleXAPI.getAllPlayersData(); //Get all players data
            List<Entry<String, Integer>> players = BattleRoyaleXAPI.getTopPlayers(data, Stat.KILLS, 10); //Get the top 10 players for the kills stat and put them in the 'players' list

            //Entry key is the player name, and the entry value is their score

            for(int i = 0; i < players.size(); i++){
            Bukkit.broadcastMessage("# " + (i+1) + " is " + players.get(i).getKey() + " with a score of " + players.get(i).getValue());
  • BattleRoyaleXAPI.modifyOfflinePlayerStat (Should run async)
- First argument is the player name
- Second argument is the Stat that you want to modify, for example Stat.COINS
- Third argument is the value
- Fourth argument is a boolean which indicates whether the value (3rd argument) should be 'added' to the existing score or the stat should be just overwritten to the value.

Code (Text):
            BattleRoyaleXAPI.modifyOfflinePlayerStat("Hello", Stat.COINS, 1000, false); //This will set player coins to 1000
            BattleRoyaleXAPI.modifyOfflinePlayerStat("Hello", Stat.COINS, 1000, true); //This will add 1000 coin to the player
You can also access lots of methods using class instances.
The main class instance can be retrieved using BattleRoyaleXAPI.getInstance()
You can access the customization class with Customization.getInstance() and the config class with Config.getInstance() and many other classes. But you are not really supposed to use those and they won't be documented. So ask me for help before using methods in those classes.


For internal lobby scoreboard, you can use these placeholders:
%games_played%, %coins%, %kills%, %deaths%, %projectiles_hit%, %normal_wins%, %plunder_wins%, %player_exp%, %player_rank%, %selected_kit%, %selected_celebration%, %blocks_broken%, %blocks_placed%

For arena scoreboard, you can use these placeholders:
%players%, %max_players%, %date%, %arena%, %mode%, %timer%, %border_distance%, %current_event%, %current_event_timer%

The placeholders mentioned below are for PlaceholderAPI, if you want to use MVdWPlaceholderAPI placeholders then use the same placeholders below but replace the first % with { and replace the last % with }

Not player specific placeholders:
%battleroyalex_players_count%, %battleroyalex_parties_count%, %battleroyalex_lobby_players_count%, %battleroyalex_arenas_count%, %battleroyalex_kits_count%, %battleroyalex_arena_status_<arena>%, %battleroyalex_bungee_arena_status%

Player specific placeholders:
%battleroyalex_arena%, %battleroyalex_modifier%, %battleroyalex_party_leader%, %battleroyalex_games_played%, %battleroyalex_coins%, %battleroyalex_kills%, %battleroyalex_deaths%, %battleroyalex_projectiles_hit%, %battleroyalex_normal_wins%, %battleroyalex_plunder_wins%, %battleroyalex_player_exp%, %battleroyalex_player_rank%, %battleroyalex_selected_kit%, %battleroyalex_selected_celebration% %battleroyalex_blocks_broken%, %battleroyalex_blocks_placed%

Check out my other projects as well!




- If you own 3 or more of my plugins, you can purchase any of the remaining plugins for 35% off! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
If you don't own 3 or more but you want to purchase 3 at once, you get a 25% discount! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

To perform any of the above, you need to contact me through email -> [email protected] and also message me here as well!

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There are several ways to get support! Please use any of the following

  1. Email: [email protected]
  2. Private Message
  3. Discussion area (Preferred)
  4. Discord (Click image below to join)


By purchasing this plugin you to the following!
- You are not allowed to redistribute this plugin in any way!
- Refunds are not allowed under any circumstance!
- Source code costs additional money!
- I'm not obligated to do updates within a specific time period! You purchase the plugin as-is.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 332
First Release: Aug 19, 2021
Last Update: Nov 6, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
9 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings