/anticombatlog - The main command
/resettag <player> - resets a player's combat tag timer
Code (Text):
anticombatlog.command.resettag - permission for /resettag
- Make armour actually work on the NPC
Code (YAML):
combat-log-seconds: 15
npc-combat-log: true
# set to true to spawn a npc - false to insta kill combat-logged-message-radius: -1
# set to -1 to broadcast to everyone combat-tag-seconds: 15
npc-hit-reset-seconds: 35
# set to -1 to disable only-show-player-name: false
# set to true to only show player name, instead of the 'DISCONNECTED: name' enable-hologram: true
# enable the countdown timer hologram # Weather to use a scoreboard, actionbar, or both # Values: BOARD ACTIONBAR BOTH NONE notify-type: BOTH
login-after-combat-log-add-timer-seconds: 5
# seconds to add to the combat timer if you log out and back in while in combat set-death-message: true
# only change this if you have a death message plugin and it isn't working tag-on-enderpearl: true
# this option will combat tag players if they throw a pearl elytra-disable: false
# Disable elytra gliding & boost on combat tag kill-after-timer-expires: false
# Kill players after the combat tag timer expires, if they don't rejoin blocked-commands:
enabled: true
blocked: - blockedcommandhere
combat-tagged: '&cYou have been combat tagged. If you log out right now, you will not be safe. Your combat tag expires in &e
%1' un-combat-tagged: '&aYou have been un-combat tagged! You may safely log out now.'
logged-out-combat: '&6
%1 &ahas logged out while in combat! You can still kill them for &e%2&a seconds.' action-bar-message: '&cYou are in combat for &e
%1&c seconds.' log-in-after-kill: '&cYou were killed while you were logged out in combat.'
combat-expired: '&aYour combat tag has expired.'
kill-message: '&c
%1 was killed while combat logged.' blocked-command: '&cYou cannot use that command while in combat.'
exempt-worlds: - 'world-name-here'
fly: false
enabled: false
dont-combat-tag: true
update-check: true