LuckyBounties LuckyBounties is a (not-so-)lightweight (anymore) bounty plugin
centered around GUIs to make it easy to use
Overview As the name states, LuckyBounties is a bounty plugin,
meaning your players can set items as bounties on each other.
If a player with bounties on him is killed, the bounties(items)
will drop like alongside the items in his inventory. The plugin also
supports Economies through Vault. So your players can also set
money as bounties if you enable it.
GUIs for easy usage
SQL for multi-server networks
Permissions for setting bounties, being exempt from bounties and op
Messages (global or local) when a bounty is set and taken
OPTIONAL: Cooldown (global or for each player) to avoid spamming OPTIONAL: Item White/Blacklist OPTIONAL: Expiring Bounties OPTIONAL: Returning Bounties once they expire / get cleared Integration:
PlaceholderAPI support for placeholders Integration:
Vault integration for economy support Integration:
Vanish Integration:
Worldguard Integration:
/bounties Alias: b opens the bounty menu
/lb reload reloads the CONFIG, LANG and GUI files
/b set [target] sets the item your holding as a bounty on the target
/b set [target] [amount] sets the specified amount of currency as a bounty on the target
/b open [target] opens the target's BountyGUI
lb.op Allows the player to use the op features
lb.set Allows the player to set bounties
lb.remove Allows the player to remove bounties
lb.exempt Makes the player exempt from bounties
lb.reload Allows the player to reload the plugin
lb.dropAllows the bounties of a player to be dropped (if false nothing will happen on kill)
lb.killWhen a person has this permission, the bounties of a player who he kills will drop Allows a Player to interact with the data of the plugin (deleting ALL data
If there are any Bugs, if you have any Features you want implemented, or if you have a question, feel free to ask me in the discussion or over discord, I'm happy to implement new things into the plugin Discord: