Teak's Tweaks [1.21+] icon

Teak's Tweaks [1.21+] -----

150+ Toggleable Tweaks & Features including Vanilla Tweaks as a plugin, and more!

Teak's Tweaks Plugin
[For 1.20 Now use v1.10.6-beta and lower]

[For 1.19 Now use v1.9.2-beta and lower]
[For 1.17-1.18 Now use v1.7.0-beta and lower]

Datapacks can sometimes cause lag, especially when running loops, or constant checks. So how can this be solved? Well.. by using a Plugin! Spigot plugins can be optimised to run not only faster, but more lag efficient.

The Teak's Tweaks Plugin project was started to reproduce all Vanilla Tweaks datapacks & crafting tweaks exactly, into one modular Spigot Plugin. Using a plugin can also allow for more customizable, and easy to use interfaces.

How to Use

Every Teak's Tweaks Datapack & Crafting Tweak in the Plugin can be enabled inside config.yml.

Current Packs
There are over 150 Packs & Crafting Tweaks in Teak's Tweaks that can all be enabled individually, so there is plenty to find and use!


To Enable a pack, find it in the packs: section, and change enabled: false to enabled: true.
After marking the tweak as true, run /vt reload to reload the packs. (remember to save the file!)
Code (YAML):
packs :
    # More Mob Heads
    # Adds a chance to receive a mob head upon killing it.
: true
Some Packs have configurable options, these could be native to vanilla tweaks, or added for the plugin, to change these just change the value in the proper config section.

  • Keep Small
    Keep a mob in its child form (if it has one)
  • Chat Colors
    Use Chat Colors to make your messages, signs, and items look better (Using '&' for color codes)
  • Lectern Reset
    Reset a lectern's book to the first page after closing it
  • Sudoku
    Allow players to commit sudoku
  • Stair Chairs
    Allow players to sit on chairs
  • Unsticky Pistons
    Allow players to remove slime from pistons by right-clicking them with an axe
  • Slime Cream
    Convert Slime Balls to Magma cream & vice versa
  • Invisible Item Frames:
    Shift right-click an item frame with shears to make it invisible
  • Better Foliage:
    Add foliage features to the world!
  • Instant Deepslate:
    Make Deepslate blocks instant-mineable with a netherite pickaxe, efficiency 5, and haste 2
  • Sleepy Spider Eggs:
    When you sleep with a spider nearby you have a chance to "consume" 1-5 spider eggs, which give xp
    Inspired by a tweet by @Xilefian https://twitter.com/Xilefian/status/1584642036862685184

  • Unlock All Recipes
    Automatically unlock all recipes as soon as you start playing.
  • Fast Leaf Decay
    Leaves Decay much faster when trees are mined in survival mode.
  • AFK Display
    Gray out a players name that is not moving for 5 minutes.
  • Multiplayer Sleep
    Not all players in the overworld need to sleep to skip the night & the rain.
  • Graves
    When a player dies, a grave is made at their location containing all their items.
  • Custom Nether Portals
    Ignite nether portals of any size or shape you like, or using crying obsidian in the portal frame if enabled.
  • Durability Ping
    Get notified when you damage an item with 10% less durability.
  • Cauldron Concrete
    Drop concrete powder into a cauldron filled with water to instantly harden all of it.
  • Track Raw Stats
    Adds 100+ scoreboards that track many different statistics. Especially useful for multiplayer.
  • Track Statistics
    Adds statistics that are processed before-hand. E.g. Km swam, Km flown, etc.
  • Nether Portal Coords
    Adds a command that calculates where a nether portal must be placed in the other dimension. Useful for syncing up nether portals.
  • Coords HUD
    Adds information to your actionbar. XYZ Coords and a 24hr clock.
  • Classic Fishing Loot
    Reverts the fishing loot back to its pre-1.16 loot table.
  • Real Time Clock
    Adds a command that allows you to view how long a world has been running in real time minutes and hours.
  • Workstation Highlights
    Allows you to find the workstation of any villager.
  • Pillager Portals
    Allows you do disable bad omen, patrols, or patrol leaders separately

  • Rotation Wrench
    Adds a custom wrench in-game that allows you to rotate redstone components, & glazed terracotta when right-clicking.
  • Armored Elytra
    Drop an elytra and a chestplate above an anvil to merge them into one item. Drop the item above a grindstone to separate them again.
  • Player Head Drops
    A player will drop their head when killed by another player. The item displays who the killer is.

  • Anti Creeper Grief
    Prevents creepers from blowing up, blocks and players do not take damage.
  • Anti Enderman Grief
    Prevents endermen from picking up blocks.
  • Anti Ghast Grief
    Prevents ghasts from blowing up blocks.
  • Double Shulker Shells
    Makes all shulkers drop 2 shells.
  • Dragon Drops
    Makes the Ender Dragon drop a dragon egg and elytra on death.
  • Larger Phantoms
    Makes the naturally spawning phantoms larger the longer you do not sleep.
  • More Mob Heads
    Adds a chance to receive a mob head upon killing it.
  • Silence Mobs
    Adds the ability to silence mobs using a name tag. 'Silence Me'; 'Silence me'; 'silence me'; 'silence_me'; are all acceptable names.
  • Count Mob Deaths
    Adds the ability to count the mob deaths during the time the system has started.
  • Villager Death Messages
    Notifies the server in chat when a villager dies. Displayes Coordinates and Dimension that it died in.

  • Spawn
    Enter '/spawn' to teleport to the world spawn point.
  • Homes
    Allows you to set homes ('/home set <name>') and teleport back to them ('/home <name>')
  • TPA
    Enter '/tpa <player>' to request to teleport to another player.
  • Back
    Enter '/back' to go back to the last location you teleported from. (using Homes, Spawn, or TPA)

  • Custom Villager Shops
    Allows you to easily setup Villager Trades in creative using chests.
  • Spawning Spheres
    Allows you to view the spawnable area around a center point through the use of glowing spheres. Useful for proofing farms
  • Spectator Night Vision
    Easily toggle night vision when in spectator.
  • Spectator Conduit Power
    Easily toggle conduit power when in spectator.
  • Item Averages
    Adds a marker that tracks items flowing past it for 2 minutes, then calculates how many of each item will run through per hour
  • Kill Empty Boats
    Adds an admin command to kill all boats without passengers.

  • Treasure Gems
    Adds the chance for treasure gems to spawn inside loot chests. Used to trade with Gem Villagers.
  • Wandering Trades
    Adds Mini Blocks & (Customizable) Player Heads to the Wandering Trader's trades.
  • Tag
    Adds the Hermitcraft Tag game directly into your world! '/tag'
  • Thunder Shrine
    A shrine that allows you to create a thunder storm when offered a Nether Star

  • XP Management
    Right-Click an enchanting table with an empty bottle to fill it with some of your XP.
  • Chunk Loaders
    Drop a Nether Star above a Lodestone to create a chunk loader (AKA a Loadstone) which keeps the chunk it's in loaded until it is broken.
  • Confetti Creepers
    There is a chance each creeper will explode into confetti and do no damage to blocks.
  • Elevators
    Drop an ender pearl above a wool block to make it into an elevator.

Crafting Tweaks:

To Enable a crafting tweak, find it in the packs: section, and change enabled: false to enabled: true.
After marking the tweak as true, a server restart is required to reload the recipes. (remember to save the file!)

Note: If a tweak is disabled after being previously enabled, you may get an "Unknown Recipe" Error in the server console. Disregard this, it is just a side effect of modifying recipes.

  • Back To Blocks
    Allows you to craft full blocks from stairs and slabs.
  • Double Slabs
    Allows you to craft 2 slabs from a single block.
  • Dropper To Dispenser
    Allows you to convert a Dropper to a Dispenser using a Bow, or by using String and Sticks.
  • Rotten Flesh To Leather
    Allows you to smelt Rotten Flesh into Leather.
  • Charcoal to Black Dye
    Allows you to craft Charcoal into Black Dye.
  • Coal to Black Dye
    Allows you to craft Coal into Black Dye.
  • Sandstone Dyeing
    Allows you to craft Sandstone with Red Dye to get Red Sandstone
  • Universal Dyeing
    Allows you to dye any dyeable block to another color, no matter what color it is (does not include Concrete).
  • Straight to Shapeless
    Craft items such as Paper, Bread, and Shulker Boxes directly in your 2x2.
  • Blackstone Cobblestone
    Craft all items that require Cobblestone, using Blackstone.
  • Powder to Glass
    Smelt all colors of Concrete Powder into their respective Stained Glass color.

  • More Trapdoors
    Creates 12 Trapdoors instead of 3.
  • More Bark
    Creates 4 Bark instead of 3.
  • More Stairs
    Creates 8 Stairs instead of 4.
  • More Bricks
    Creates 4 Bricks instead of 1.

  • Craftable Gravel
    Allows you to craft Gravel from Flint.
  • Craftable Horse Armor
    Allows you to craft Horse Armor.
  • Craftable Coral Blocks (2x2)
    Allows you to craft Coral Blocks from their Coral Plant in a 2x2. Both Tubes and Fans may be used interchangably.
  • Craftable Coral Blocks (3x3)
    Allows you to craft Coral Blocks from their Coral Plant in a 3x3. Both Tubes and Fans may be used interchangably.
  • Craftable Enchanted Golden Apples
    Allows you to craft Enchanted Golden Apples.
  • Craftable Name Tags
    Allows you to craft Name Tags.
  • Craftable Bundles (Rabbit Hide)
    Allows you to craft 1.18's Bundles in 1.17.
  • Craftable Bundles (Leather)
    Allows you to craft 1.18's Bundles in 1.17, using Leather instead of Rabbit Hide.
  • Craftable Blackstone
    Allows you to craft Blackstone or Polished Blackstone using Basalt & Coal/Charcoal
  • Craftable Gilded Blackstone
    Allows you to craft Gilded Blackstone using Blackstone & Golden Nuggets
  • Craftable Spore Blossoms
    Allows you to craft Spore Blossoms using Lilacs, Azalea Leaves, and Honeycombs
  • Craftable Small Dripleafs
    Allows you to craft Small dripleaves from a large dripleaf.
  • Craftable Sculk Sensors
    Allows you to craft Sculk Sensors.

  • Unpackable Ice
    Allows you to break down Ice into 9 pieces. 1 Blue Ice to 9 Packed Ice to 81 Ice.
  • Unpackable Nether Wart
    Allows you to break down nether Wart Blocks into 9 Nether Wart.
  • Unpackable Wool
    llows you to break down Wool into 4 String.
  • Unpackable Quartz Blocks
    Allows you to break quartz blocks down into 4 quartz

  • Log Chests
    Allows you to craft Chests from Logs.
  • Smeltable Raw Ore Blocks
    Smelt Raw Ore Blocks to Ore Blocks.


All Plugin Development is by ( @teakivy)


For Plugin support, Join my discord ( https://discord.gg/wfP4SkZx6s) and ask for help in #❓︱support

Please do not leave issues/bugs in the reviews section, if you have an issue, either join my support server, or create a github issue.

NOTE: This is an unofficial Vanilla Tweaks Plugin, Please do NOT use the Vanilla Tweaks Discord Server for support!
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 13,707
First Release: Jul 7, 2021
Last Update: Jan 28, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Find more info at github.com...
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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