Installation: 1. Put MapSync, inventory sharing plugin in Spigot plugin directory.
2. Create a section called "server-name" in and give your server a unique name. 3. Fill the database.yml in MapSync directory.
4. Restart the server.
Permission: mapsync.use - Able to create sync maps on cartography table.
Usage: Lock (Map + Glass pane) a normal map on a cartography table, it will be automatically converted to a sync map.
Code (YAML):
# # # Configuration of Mapsync # # MapSync - Created by Mr.Coco, 2021 # hooks: # Only the players with the build permission can create maps. griefprevention: false
lore: # The lore of map you want to add after sync. -
"" - "&7UUID: %UUID%" - "&7Author: %AUTHOR%" message:
already-sync: "&6[MapSync] &7This map is already synchronized." success-sync: "&6[MapSync] &aThis map is successfully synchronized!" no-permission: "&6[MapSync] &cYou need grant permission in this claim to open a new map."