Code (YAML):
# Kiwi's Guns Settings
# Minecraft-Version: 3811-Spigot-c62f4bd-85b89c3 (MC: 1.20.1)
# Plugin-Version: 1.3.5
# Author: [KiwiLetsPlay]
# Java-Version: 1.17
# Description: Adds realistic weapons of all kinds to the game with realistic behavior and 3D textures
# Website:
# Commands: {guns.ak={}, guns.ak.bullet={}, guns={}, guns.remington={}, guns.remington.bullet={},{},{}, guns.mp7={}, guns.mp7.bullet={}, utils.zoom.fix={}, guns.glock17={}, guns.glock17.bullet={}, explosiv.mk2={}, explosiv.pma2={}, explosiv.smoke={}, FileUpdate={aliases=fu}, guns.famasf1={}, guns.famasf1.bullet={}, guns.rg6={}, guns.rg6.bullet={}, guns.vis100={}, guns.vis100.bullet={}, devmode={}, devgun={}, bookwiki={}, kiwis.tex={}}
# Libraries: []
# Contributors: [Timkru, Minimigamer]
# Textures: 2D: KiwiLetsPlay - - - - - - - - 3D: grindedgears(Fiverr)