Weighted Dripleaves icon

Weighted Dripleaves -----

Turn dripleaves into weighted ones

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Weighted Dripleaves allows you to adjust dripleaves on your server to only tilt if the weight of player(s) standing on them is greater than the default weight trigger value.

You can adjust all the things plugin offers like either to include armor/equipment in weight calculation, calculate weight of all players standing on the dripleaf block, default weight trigger value or weight of items.


- Weighted dripleaves - since 1.0.0
- Weight calculation modes - since 1.1.0

Useful links


If you found a bug or issue, have an idea that you would love to be implemented, or have a problem while using the plugin, create an issue on the project's issue tracker. Be sure to report everything you consider relevant when reporting bugs and issues.

There is a chance that a version fixing your particular bug or issue was already released so make sure you are running the latest version of Weighted Dripleaves before seeking support.

For server operators

Download Weighted Dripleaves from the link above. After that you should take a look at the configuration file and adjust it to your liking.


- Server version 1.17+.
- Java 16+ prior to 1.1.0, Java 21+ since 1.1.0.
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 242
First Release: Jun 13, 2021
Last Update: Nov 2, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
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Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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