ComplexTurrets | Defend Yourself using Turrets! [1.8-1.21.4] icon

ComplexTurrets | Defend Yourself using Turrets! [1.8-1.21.4] -----

Mechanic in which users can place and upgrade Turrets to defend themselves against enemies!

This plugin allows players on your server to place multiple types of defensive turrets to maintain their homes/territories secured while attacking monsters, animals or even other players. These turrets will constantly attack enemies and keep them away from your lands. On the other hand, you can place a healing turret, which will heal nearby allies.

What makes ComplexTurrets worth it, is that you can create YOUR OWN turrets and modify a lot of their configurations including: Structure, particle effects, sounds, damage, speed, actions and more. Turrets are upgradeable by using money or items so turrets will have better stats on higher levels. Finally, ComplexTurrets has support with different Clans/Guilds plugins so turrets won't shoot allies from the same clan.

ComplexTurrets is the premium version of my plugin DefensiveTurrets



- 4 Default turrets (Burst, Siege, Healing and Slowness)
- Turret inventories (Main, options, whitelist, ammunition)
- Completely configurable inventory
- Blacklisted worlds
- Per turret permissions
- Turret limit permissions
- Min distance between own turrets and other turrets
- Enable turrets only when owner is online
- Default max ammo
- Damage turrets (Explosions or bows)
- Player armor reduce durability system when shot by turret
- Multiple pages for ammunition inventory
- Infinite ammunition option
- Command to verify for errors in the plugin

- Migrate player data from DefensiveTurrets

Turrets Properties:

- Alias name
- Structure (Blocks and height)
- Shoot type (Instant or Parabolic)
- Target (Enemies or Allies)
- Enable require ammunition
- Turret health recovery
- Turret activation delay
- Min attack distance
- Hologram vertical offset
- Entity targets
(Players, Monsters, Animals, Others)
- Attack priority (Closest or Health)
- Fully configurable Shoot and Impact effects (Particles and sounds)
- Configurable items (Block, ammunition, upgrade, last upgrade)
- Configurable Holograms (Information hologram, hit hologram, critical hit hologram)
- Player Whitelist per Turret
- Ammunition

Turrets Upgrade Properties:
- Speed
- Range
- Min-Max damage
- Min-Max heal
- Turret health
- Splash radius
- Max targets
- Accuracy
- Critical hit
- Damage reduction formula
- Shield reduction
- Max ammunition
- Money cost
- Items cost
- Action on hit entities (potion effects, set on fire, knockback)
- Custom upgrade items
- Custom block item

- Vault + Economy plugin (To upgrade turrets using money)
- WorldGuard (To prevent players place turrets outside their regions)
- Works in 1.8+

Holograms Compatibility
- Holographic Displays
- Decent Holograms

Ally Protection Compatibility:
(to prevent ally damage from turrets)
- Towny
- Lands
- Better Teams
- Gangs+
- Simple Clans
- Saber Factions
- FactionsUUID
- Ultimate Clans
- Kingdoms
- Medieval Factions

- Konquest
- Residence
- ClansLite

Region Compatibility:
(to allow players place turrets only on their regions/lands)
- WorldGuard
- Towny
- Lands
- Kingdoms

1. Spigot or Paper (not craftbukkit)
2. NBTAPI (To create items,
3. Vault + Economy plugin (Optional, to upgrade turrets using money,
4. HolographicDisplays (Optional, to use hit and information holograms,, CMI ( or DecentHolograms (

To install the plugin on your server place the plugins ComplexTurrets, and NBTAPI inside your plugins folder and start your server. Examples turret files will be generated in the turrets folder, you can use them as a reference or delete them.

1. Use the /ct give <turret> <player> command to receive a Turret Block. You can use the command from the console. Remember to use a valid turret name. If there is a file called Burst.yml, then the turret name is just "Burst".

2. Place the Turret Block on the ground and right click it. A settings inventory will be opened associated with this turret. Here you can upgrade the turret to have better stats, add whitelisted players, enable or disable attacking entities and add ammunition.

3. Default turrets require ammunition to shoot so you must access the Ammunition inventory on the turret and enable the Infinite Ammo option (This item will only appear if you are an administrator or have the required permission). You can also give you ammunition by using the following command: /ct giveammo <turret> <player> <amount> Ammunition items are placed on the same inventory like the image below.

4. Now you need to enable the turret in the previous inventory. If you want to add ammunition again, you have to disable the turret.

5. You can create your own turrets or modify the default ones, here is an example of a turret config file.

To a proper understanding of the plugin check the wiki below. Here you will find the whole plugin explained in detail.


English by @SoulStriker_

Spanish by me


Spanish [Click Here]
Spanish by SrPlugin [Click Here]

Alias (/turrets and /turret)
/ct give <turret> <player> Gives a turret to the player. Use the name of the turret file without the ".yml".
/ct giveammo <turret> <player> <amount> Gives ammo to the player.
/ct reload Reloads the config.
/ct verify Checks the plugin for errors.
/ct list Lists all of your turrets.
/ct migrate Migrates data from DefensiveTurrets.
/ct help Shows plugin help.
/ct setdamage <min_damage> <max_damage> Sets a custom turret damage to bow or crossbow items. For example, you can use /ct setdamage 20 30 with a bow in your hand and this bow will now do from 20 to 30 damage to turrets. You can save this item using other plugins, then give it to players. If you don't use the command on a bow, it will use the default damage values in the config. Use /ct setdamage 0 0 to remove the custom damage.

complexturrets.admin (Access to all funtionalities of the plugin. ) (Allows to open other people's turrets.)
(Allow players to activate the infinite ammo item on turrets)
complexturrets.use.<turret> (Used when per_turret_permissions option is enabled in the config.)
complexturrets.limit.<x> (Used when turret_limit_permissions is enabled on the config. For example, groups with the permission complexturrets.limit.5 will be able to place a maximum of 5 turrets. If a group doesn't have a limit permission the default limit will be used.)
complexturrets.destroynotfullhealth (Allow players to destroy their turrets even with no full health)
complexturrets.command.list (Give access to /ct list command)



Please avoid posting bad ratings before asking. If you have problems or bugs with the plugin contact with me or post on the plugin discussion and I will take a look at it.

Terms & Conditions
By purchasing ComplexTurrets you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:
1) You can't resell/redistribute this plugin.
2) There are no refunds.
3) You can't decompile this plugin.
4) You can't claim this plugin as your own.
5) Only use this plugin on your server/network.
6) I can change the price of this plugin anytime.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 466
First Release: Jul 9, 2021
Last Update: Feb 8, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
43 ratings
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