[1.17.x-1.21.x] MultiWorld icon

[1.17.x-1.21.x] MultiWorld -----

World Mangement for Minecraft

This project will no longer receive updates on SpigotMC. If you want to stay up to date then visit https://hangar.papermc.io/Dev7ex/MultiWorld

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1. Custom Generator Support:
Multiworld supports custom world generators, allowing server administrators to create worlds with unique landscapes, structures, or biome configurations, beyond the default Minecraft generation.

2. Flags:
Multiworld allows the configuration of specific flags to customize each world:

    • AUTO_LOAD: Automatically loads the world on server startup.
    • AUTO_UNLOAD: Automatically unloads the world when no players are present.
    • DIFFICULTY: Sets the difficulty level for the world (e.g., peaceful, easy, normal, hard).
    • END_PORTAL_ACCESSIBLE: Controls whether the End portal is accessible in the world.
    • GAME_MODE: Sets the default game mode for players entering the world (e.g., survival, creative).
    • HUNGER_ENABLED: Determines whether hunger mechanics are enabled in the world.
    • KEEP_SPAWN_IN_MEMORY: Keeps the spawn chunks loaded in memory for faster access.
    • NETHER_PORTAL_ACCESSIBLE: Controls whether Nether portals are accessible in the world.
    • PVP_ENABLED: Toggles whether Player vs. Player (PvP) combat is enabled.
    • RECEIVE_ACHIEVEMENTS: Allows or disallows players to receive achievements in the world.
    • REDSTONE_ENABLED: Controls whether redstone mechanisms function in the world.
    • SPAWN_ANIMALS: Controls whether passive animals spawn naturally in the world.
    • SPAWN_ENTITIES: Controls the spawning of all entities, including custom entities.
    • SPAWN_MONSTERS: Controls whether hostile monsters spawn naturally in the world.
    • WEATHER_ENABLED: Toggles weather effects, such as rain or snow, in the world.
3. Link Worlds Together:
Multiworld allows multiple worlds to be connected, enabling seamless travel between them. This can be configured to create a network of interconnected worlds, enhancing the multiplayer experience.

4. Per World PVP:
Multiworld allows PvP (Player vs. Player) combat to be enabled or disabled on a per-world basis, giving more control over the gameplay experience in each world.

5. Portal Control:
Provides control over how portals function, including the ability to define where portals lead. This can include linking portals to different worlds or specific locations within a world.

6. World Whitelist:
This feature restricts access to specific worlds by maintaining a whitelist of players who are allowed to enter. This is useful for creating private or VIP worlds.


1. /world back
Permission: multiworld.command.world.back
Explanation: Returns the player to the last world they were in.
Usage Example:
/world back

2. /world backup <Name>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.backup
Explanation: Creates a backup of the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world backup MyWorld

3. /world create <Name> <Environment> <-g, -s, -t> <Generator | Seed | Type>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.create
Explanation: Creates a new world with the specified name and environment.
- `<Environment>` specifies the type of environment (e.g., NORMAL, NETHER, END).
- `-g <Generator>` specifies a custom world generator.
- `-s <Seed>` specifies a custom seed for world generation.
- `-t <Type>` specifies a world type (e.g., THE_END, NETHER, NORMAL).

/world create SeedWorld NORMAL -s 5011934898247180076
/world create TerraWorld NORMAL -g TerraformGenerator
/world create TheEndWorld THE_END -t THE_END

4. /world delete <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.delete
Explanation: Deletes the specified world from the server.
Usage Example:
/world delete OldWorld

5. /world flag <World> <Property> <Value>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.flag
Explanation: Sets a flag for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world flag SeedWorld PVP_ENABLED false

6. /world gamerule <World> <Gamerule> <Value>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.gamerule
Explanation: Changes a gamerule for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world gamerule SeedWorld doDaylightCycle false

7. /world help
Permission: multiworld.command.world.help
Explanation: Displays a list of available Multiworld commands.
Usage Example:
/world help

8. /world import <Name> <Environment> <-g, -t> <Generator | WorldType>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.import
Explanation: Imports an existing world with the specified type and environment.
- `<Environment>` specifies the type of environment (e.g., NORMAL, NETHER, END).
- `-g <Generator>` specifies a custom world generator.
- `-t <WorldType>` specifies a world type (e.g., FLAT, DEFAULT).

Usage Example:
/world import CustomWorld NORMAL -t NORMAL
/world import TerraWorld NORMAL -g TerraformGenerator

9. /world info <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.info
Explanation: Displays information about the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world info MyWorld

10. /world link <World> <End | Nether> <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.link
Explanation: Links two worlds, often used for Nether/End connections.
Usage Example:
/world link Overworld NetherWorld Nether

11. /world list
Permission: multiworld.command.world.list
Explanation: Lists all worlds currently loaded on the server.
Usage Example:
/world list

12. /world load <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.load
Explanation: Loads the specified world onto the server.
Usage Example:
/world load AdventureWorld

13. /world reload
Permission: multiworld.command.world.reload
Explanation: Reloads the Multiworld plugin configuration.
Usage Example:
/world reload

14. /world teleport <Player> <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.teleport
Explanation: Teleports a player to the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world teleport Steve AdventureWorld

15. /world unload <World>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.unload
Explanation: Unloads the specified world from the server.
Usage Example:
/world unload OldWorld

16. /world whitelist <World> <Enable | Disable | Add | Remove | List> <Name>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist
Explanation: Manages the whitelist for a specific world.


a. /world whitelist <World> Enable
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist.enable
Explanation: Enables the whitelist for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world whitelist MyWorld Enable

b. /world whitelist <World> Disable
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist.disable
Explanation: Disables the whitelist for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world whitelist MyWorld Disable

c. /world whitelist <World> Add <Name>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist.add
Explanation: Adds a player to the whitelist for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world whitelist MyWorld Add Steve

d. /world whitelist <World> Remove <Name>
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist.remove
Explanation: Removes a player from the whitelist for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world whitelist MyWorld Remove Steve

e. /world whitelist <World> List
Permission: multiworld.command.world.whitelist.list
Explanation: Lists all players on the whitelist for the specified world.
Usage Example:
/world whitelist MyWorld List

17. /world version
Permission: multiworld.command.world.version
Explanation: Displays the version of the Multiworld plugin.
Usage Example:
/world version

  • Download the latest Jar File
    Go to the SpigotMC Resource Page to download the needed version of the FacilisCommon plugin.
  • Put both plugins in your "plugins" folder
    Ensure both the MultiWorld and FacilisCommon plugins are placed in your server's plugins folder.
  • Restart the Server
    Restart your Minecraft server to load the plugins and apply the changes.
  • Enjoy!
    You're all set to use MultiWorld! Enjoy managing multiple worlds on your serve


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Resource Information
Total Downloads: 50,096
First Release: May 20, 2021
Last Update: Jan 20, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
39 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings