- Server version 1.8 to 1.20, other versions are not tested
- Registered on MCStatistics website and registered a server
Track Player Activity
MCStatistics is the ultimate server staff tool to monitor how players are playing your server.
Server Health
We track detailed server performance making it easier to find the problems and eventually before it happens
PlaceholderAPI Integration
With this you can track custom player data and show the details on our api and on our discord bot
Discord Integration
You can invite our MCStatistics bot to your discord server to allow your players to see a few player statistics.
Trigger webhooks on certain events like new player, daily report statistics it can all be sendt to discord aswell in a nice embed
Great API
With our API you can integrate your application to get the data from MCStatistics
Discord Bot: /player {username} {server}
Webhook: Daily Status Report on discord
More Webhooks:
NamelessMC Integration: