Typhon Plugin is a plugin that aims to implement real-life volcanoes and geologic activities in the "restriction of vanilla Minecraft" (e.g. without adding new blocks) as much as possible.
This software is still in early alpha stages and considered as a experimental software.
This plugin utilizes a lot of particles, BlockDisplay and FallingBlock, which could significantly impact on your bandwidth usage and to your Disk I/O.
This plugin updates tons of blocks while running. Use PaperMC fork if possible (recommended).
Lag is inevitable.
Watch Demonstration video on YouTube
How to use
Due to heavy development going on, There are lots of syntax changes going on the command side. Therefore, I haven't wrote a new documentation that match with new command syntax.
For up-to-date information: Please check
/typhon help and
/volcano [name] help in in-game command for more information.
For those who wants to recreate diwaly's volcano system, run
/typhon create [name] hawaiian and run
/volcano [name] mainvent style crater. Use command
/vol [name] start to start the eruption.
For more information (might be outdated):
Check file on GitHub Repository
This is a fork of
Diwaly's Volcano plugin and follows
the license of the plugin (GNU General Public License Version 3)
Source Code and Contributions
For more information, Please refer to
GitHub Repository.
Nightly builds are also available at:
GitHub Actions (GitHub Sign in Required)
Disclaimer: This software is in early stages and should be considered as a beta software. Use at your own risk.