BlueMapSkinSupport icon

BlueMapSkinSupport -----

Adds support to BlueMap for skins from custom skin provider plugins and offline-mode servers.

Adds support to BlueMap for acquiring skins from custom skin provider plugins, as well as offline-mode servers.
Table of Contents
What is this?
BlueMapSkinSupport is a plugin that allows BlueMap to be able to acquire and display player heads for Minecraft servers (in both online-mode or offline-mode) that are using custom skin provider plugins for custom player-defined skins, as well as offline-mode Minecraft servers that have no custom skin provider plugins installed.

Player heads are generated in the exact same way as BlueMap's native player heads.

Supported custom skin provider plugins
※ The use of these plugins is not required — BlueMapSkinSupport will work even without them, if you have some reason to want to do so.

How do I install this on my Minecraft server?
  • Paper (※ recommended) / Spigot / CraftBukkit for Minecraft 1.8 or higher
    • This should also work with any other Minecraft server software capable of loading Bukkit plugins.
    • If you are using Waterfall / BungeeCord, you will need to install this plugin on each individual backend Minecraft server.
  • BlueMap 3.8 or higher (※ BlueMapAPI 2.3.0 or higher)
    • Support technically exists for versions all the way down to BlueMap 2.1 (API 2.0.0) if you have some reason you want to use such an old version of BlueMap. A minor source code modification (documented in the code itself) is required to facilitate this.
  • Optionally, one of the supported custom skin provider plugins listed above
  1. Completely shut down your Minecraft server using /stop.
  2. Download the latest *.jar file from the GitHub releases page.
  3. Copy the *.jar file to your /plugins/ directory.
  4. If you want, you can change how BlueMapSkinSupport behaves by modifying its configuration file located at /plugins/BlueMapSkinSupport/config.yml. (※ For reference, here are the default contents of config.yml.)
  5. Edit BlueMap's plugin.conf file and disable its built-in skin downloader to prevent it from overwriting BMSS-generated skins.
  6. Start your server and enjoy having the correct player heads appear on BlueMap's web UI!
How do I build/compile this?
  • IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition is free!)
  • If you're experienced enough with the CLI, you can just simply use the Maven CLI directly
    • brew install maven on macOS (requires Homebrew to be installed)
    • sudo apt install maven on Debian-based Linux distributions
    • Follow the instructions here if you use Windows. (Honestly, I'd recommend just using IntelliJ IDEA if you're on Windows.)
  • Adoptium Temurin 8 LTS OpenJDK + HotSpot JVM (newer JDK versions also work, but I targeted JDK 8 here for compatibility reasons)
    • Adoptium is the new name for AdoptOpenJDK.
Building (IntelliJ IDEA)
  1. Clone the Git repository by running git clone in a Terminal instance, or use a Git frontend like SourceTree.
  2. Open the cloned project directory in IntelliJ IDEA.
  3. Click on the Maven panel on the right side and go to "Lifecycle", then double-click on package.
  4. You will find your newly-built JAR in the /target/ folder.
Building (CLI)
git clone
cd BlueMapSkinSupport
mvn package
You will then find your newly-built JAR in the /target/ folder.

Licensed under the MIT License.

Adds proper offline skin acquisition support to BlueMap's web UI.

MIT license
7 stars
1 watching
3 forks
Releases 5
3.0 (for SkinsRestorerX 15.x) and 2.0 (for SkinsRestorerX 14.x)Latest
24 minutes ago

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First Release: Apr 19, 2021
Last Update: May 25, 2024
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