Version 1.9 supports legacy (<1.13) versions. Latest version was tested and works in newer versions only.
QuickSell provides an easy-to-use system, command, shop and boosters setups which are
100% customisable. The number of possibilities is infinite; as you're able configure any sellable item while tutorial and help is given. Recommend is however,
having at least a
mid-ranged Skript knowledge, due to the complex functions inside the skript.
What the Skript provides: - It lets you set up
any type of shops where
any types of items can be sold.
Expanding the amount of features is
- The Skript can be used on a
large scale.
System Requirements - Plugin is based on EssentialsX economy, furthermore needs to be hooked to target economy system through API plugin (Preferably using Vault). In the case of you using a different fork of Essentials, other plugins' economies or other independent economy systems, you must configure that into the code yourself. Skript documentation does mention this, and provides support. The Skript's evolution This resource is not being actively worked on. In case you're working with newer versions, we recommend you to use a full-scaled plugin for this task. (Examples: ShopGUI+, DeluxeeBazaar etc.)
Number #1 No Addon-required QuickSell Skript - A 5★Skript (Ignore the ratings, lol.)
• Clean and modern configuration. (Professional Build) • Possible in-game customization. (Multiple Possibilites) • Editable localisation. (Possibility of deeper Translations) • Booster/Multiplier system. (Custom Reward) • QuickSeller Item.(Inventory Expansion Support) • Simple Commands, organized plugin panel. (Easy Customisation) • Best implementation for an average QuickSell. (High Performance Resource) • Professional documentation in the file. (Support in Every Case)
• Simple build, easy to understand. • No need to extend the amount of files. • Economy and Hook support
Look into a part of the configuration!
Code (Text):
#Part of the configuration
# -------------------------
As you can see, the Skript is largely composed of variable/option texts, which means you can easily manage all the texts or even outputs/inputs in one place, at once.
# -------------------------
Prefix: &b&lQUICK&d&lSELL &8»
#|> To disable prefix set it to '&r'
#> Style
SellMessage: &b&lSELLER &8» &7You sold your blocks for &d%{_money}% &fdollars.
NothingToSell: &b&lSELLER &8» &cYou dont have anything to sell here!
FunctionDisabledMessage: &7This function is disabled.
#> Messages
The Skript
provides explanations and tips about the further development of the skript. You're allowed to either introduce new features or just expand the existing content.
QUICKSELL LEGACY v3 Remaster of version 1.0, the simpliest version of the skript.
Code (Text):
# QuickSell Legacy
# v1.0 Remaster - Version3
# The current simpliest version of this Skript
on rightclick on entity:
#Right click on the seller NPC / Entity (alternatively replace this section with a command)
if name of entity is "&6Sell your &eblocks&6!":
# If you use an entity, or multiple shops, either name your entity different each time or use Strings to have 1 command with more content
add 100 * number of iron ingot in player's inventory to {_value0}
add 200 * number of gold ingot in player's inventory to {_value0}
add 300 * number of diamond in player's inventory to {_value0}
add 400 * number of emerald in player's inventory to {_value0}
set {_amount} to number of iron ingot in player's inventory + number of gold ingot in player's inventory + number of diamond in player's inventory + number of emerald in player's inventory
remove all iron ingot, gold ingot, diamond and emerald from player's inventory
send "&6You sold &f%{_amount}% &6blocks for &e%{_value0}% &6dollars." to player
add {_value0} to balance of player
Code (t1 (Unknown Language)):
set {_BLOCK_superdiamond} to number of diamond named "&cSuper Diamond" with lore "&eWow!" in player's inventory
Code (t2 (Unknown Language)):
if {give-money} is true:
wait 1 ticks
execute console command "YourCommand Give %{_money}% %player%"
# otherwise you want to install a specific API and seek for Vault support!
You found an error? You need help? Contact us! We're sorry, but support is no longer available. We recommend you to seek help on SkUnity or other Skript-related forums.