With this plugin you can add any potion effect, which is available on your server version, onto any item.
- /itemeffects help
- /itemeffects add <effect> <amplifier> <hide>
- /itemeffects remove <effect_line> <hidden>
- /itemeffects clear <hidden>
- /itemeffects reload
- /itemeffects store [NAME]
- /itemeffects load [NAME] [PLAYER]
- /itemeffects list
- /itemeffects delete [NAME]
- /itemeffects info
- /itemeffects hiddenEffects
- /itemeffects permission ...
- /itemeffects transfer <effect> <amplifier> <duration> <time_use>
- /itemeffects rename <name>
- /itemeffects modify <effect> <amplifier>
- /itemeffecter - Item Editor
- /itemeffecter armor - Armor Editor
- Change the plugin's prefix.
- Multiple languages.
- Enable/disable the plugin for armor,main/off-hand slots.
- The effect-names are translated too! (v1.0.6+)
- Hide effects on an item. (v1.0.9+)
- Mobs are able to get the effects too. (v1.0.9+)
- Rename the item (v1.1.0+)
- "Permissions" for the effects (v1.1.0+)
- Armor-Editor GUI (v1.1.0+)
- Transfer Effects onto other players (v1.1.0+)
- NBTAPI by tr7zw [Link]
- You do not have to install the dependency it is included in our plugin.
Videos made by
[v1.0.7 - v1.0.8-*]
Join our
discord server if you...
- need help
- have a bug
- have ideas
Thanks to all
donators, who are
supporting our plugins:
- Yuuna aka treelamb (20$)
- You are not allowed to upload/sell this plugin!
- You are not allowed to use the code for another plugin!
- You are not allowed to claim that you are the author of this plugin!